![]() No Way Out- Chapter 3A Chapter by Trea Fowlkes
Haedyn gawks at me like I told him that I actually love the clown man for the first time in my life.
"Close your mouth. Just drive." He pulls out of the gravel drive way and onto the street in silence. I watch him, a hard expression on his face as he focuses on the road, though his mind is elsewhere. "What?" "I'm convinced you have officially lost your mind. You run away from him and now you are going straight to the source? With a bunch of hooligans none the less." "Haedyn, stop. We aren't going to do anything. They are going to go in there and start stealing stuff. Once they realize whose things they are stealing, it will be too late. Think of it as a departing gift to that b*****d. Okay?" "I hope it doesn't get us killed." "Geez, relax..." I look back into the rearview mirror, seeing the trailblazer behind us. Haedyn doesn't say anything as he drove. He hates my father with a passion. I get it, but these guys invaded our home. They called me princess! Just seeing them steal from my father is all the fun I need. I know what Haedyn is upset about though. These men were going to die. We are leading them right into the hands of death. While Haedyn is eating himself up inside, I don't feel anything about it. What was I supposed to feel? Remorse? For what? I don't know these guys. If we would have let them stay in the warehouse, who's to say that they wouldn't have hurt us in the end. Actually, that wouldn't happen, but still. Okay so, maybe I am being a little bit dramatic. We could have easily scared them off but it is too late now. Haedyn clears his throat as we approach the large apartment building. There isn't anyone else there, leaving plenty of work space for Joker and his henchmen. I look out the window. Home...Sweet...Torture. "Park in the alley. I will wave for them to go in front." I stick my hand out the window, telling them to pass us. Haedyn did as I asked before getting out of the car. He opens my door for me. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. It could get us all killed." "Why cant you just agree with this?" "Because you are killing these people! Maybe even yourself! Why would you want to do this?!" I blink at him raising his voice at me. That really never happens. "I need you here, Lena. You and your father both torture each other. Maybe you are more alike than you think you are." That hurt, a lot. He never compares me to Joker, ever. In the heat of the moment, he made this huge comparison, breaking my heart in the process. I glare at him. "You know what, go home! If you don't like what I am doing, then go home. I don't need you here. You'll just be in my way. Just go. I will find my own way back." "Lena, I didn't mean"" "For the son of the infamous Scarecrow, you really are a p***y. Just go. I will talk to you later." I walk around front to meet the boys, leaving Haedyn standing there dumbfounded. He irritates me sometimes. I know he wants to protect me but he has to realize that I can protect myself. Just because my father doesn't care about me, doesn't give him permission to act like one. The men were standing outside of their vehicle, looking at me. "It's about time you got here, Princess. Where's your man?" "He's not my man. He had to run some errands. Come on." I lead them up to the building, motioning for a way for them to get in the back. They file in first, leaving me to follow behind. Wise men. I motion for them to go up a few flight of stairs. The pent house is where Joker keeps his most valuable things--Plans to be pawned off on how to capture the victorious Batman and his crew, jewelry, money. Everything he values. Surprisingly, there are no men to be seen. Funny, he never leaves his place unattended, even if he is stepping out for a mere moment. The men make their way into the penthouse. "Holy s**t..." Afro-puff mutters. "Take anything you can carry. Looks of value, take it." The men spread out, stuffing their pockets and bags that I didn't even know they had. I watch them, sitting on the couch, legs crossed. I couldn't help but smile as they tear apart the place top to bottom, stealing everything they possibly could. This carries on for another fifteen minutes or so before a man clears his voice. I jump up off the couch. "What have we here?" Joker stands in the door way, a grin playing at his lips. He looks at me for a moment. "Lena, I didn't think you could have pulled it off. You pulled a trick on your old dad." He laughs loudly, placing his hands on his stomach. "Oh, pumpkin, you're more like me than you thought." He looks back at the thugs, who are frozen in fear. Their eyes wide, frightened no doubt. "J-Joker? You led us...." Afro-puff stammers before turning to me. "You led us to the Joker?! Why you little""He pulls out his gun but I am too quick for him. I kick the gun out of his hand, before dropping him to the ground, knocking him off of his feet. I grab the gun, standing over him, my foot on his chest, the gun cocked and aimed for his head. "What is it with you and guns?" Joker laughs wildly. "Where has this girl been?" He walks over to Nico. "I've been thinking about adding a few people to my crew. Someone who could take the heat. Keep up with the rest of us. You all must be crazy to come here. I like that. Very ballsy move." He paces around the room, hands behind his back. "Yet, my daughter led you here, most likely for some fun of her own, meaning that you nor your crew are brave enough to steal from me on your own. Such a shame. Not to mention that you are stealing from me!" He glares at them. He opens the front door, revealing his henchman, Michael. Michael is a bald, bulky, but dangerous looking man no doubt. He intimidates me at times. I've seen what he could do to a man with just his bare hands. It's scary but Joker scares me more. Granted Michael took care of me when I was little, becoming kind of like a father figure. His face is stern looking, as he glances at Joker. "Michael, show these gentleman to the guest room. I will be with them shortly." Michael ushers the thugs out of the room. I let afro-puff off the floor, keeping the gun pointed at him as he scrambles away. He is all too thrilled to get away from me. The man runs out quickly, dropping whatever he had in his hands on the floor. Joker closes the door behind them, turning to look at me, his face unreadable. I am still on the red leather couch with my feet now up on the glass coffee table. "Ah, Lena, it's been a while. How have you been? Would you like something to drink? I'd say make yourself at home but you aren't here enough." He walks over to me, pushing my feet off of the table. "Thank you for bringing me toys, it was starting to get a little dull around here." He picks up a little bit of the papers that were scattered on the floor from the thugs. "Don't flatter yourself. This was more for my enjoyment than yours." I look at my nails, pretending not to pay attention to him. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on in. Being in the same room with him is making my skin crawl. There is no way he could be this calm about me allowing people to steal from him. "And what were you getting out of this?" I narrow my eyes at him, smiling the way he always does, crazy like. "To see you lose what you care about, watching people steal your awful plans to capture your worst enemy. Watching thugs like them destroy what you call home, much like you have destroyed my hopes of having a decent one. It just warms my heart knowing that you could be brought down to your knees like everyone else. I really don't know why everyone seems to be so afraid of you. Well, unless they are afraid of clowns then that would make more sense." I try my best to keep my voice steady and strong. Who am I kidding? He is terrifying but no need to boost his ego right now. "Imagine if one of them would have gotten to your precious Harls. Oh, what they would have done to her. Especially if she was getting tired of you. How is she by the way? Still dealing with you?" His eyes are overcome with rage as he yanks me up by my arm so quickly. My shoulder feels like it is about to be ripped from its socket. "Look at how that worked out for you. Your friends are downstairs, awaiting their fate, while you're stuck up here with me. Such a pity. While I admire you actually had the guts to do this, I think I will enjoy choking you with them more." With his other hand, he reaches behind my head and yanks my pony tail back. There is a slight pop in my neck but it didn't hurt. "I think I am going to enjoy killing you more now. Just like them. Perhaps, I'll make it a slow, painful death for you." "Get your pasty paws off me!" I yank my arm away from him, ignoring the pain in my arm. "Too bad you won't have that satisfaction. Enjoy those losers. I am out of here." I head for the door, my hands balled up into fists. Joker moves swiftly, grabbing my arm once more along with my neck. He slams me against the wall, pinning me there. My ears ring from the impact, my vision slightly blurry. I look up at him with wide eyes as I try to pull his hand from my neck with my free one. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. When will you learn? I make the rules here. You can leave when I say you can. You wouldn't want to miss out on the fun of seeing what happens to your friends would you?" His eyes bore into mine, a wide grin on his face. Releasing me, he moves over to his desk to shuffle through some papers. "One day, Joker," His name drips from my lips like venom. "You will learn that I don't care. And they are not my friends." He laughs softly. "Well now. Pumpkin. You see....that will get you hurt." "Never call me that. Ever. I am not your pumpkin. I am not Lena to you. Only my friends call me that. You do not have that privilege. Children always defy their parents anyhow." I step away from the wall, scanning the room for some sort of weapon. I spot a knife sitting on an end table beside a lounge chair. I quietly make my way over to it, silently picking it up. It's nothing fancy. The blade is rather short for my liking but I just need something that would distract him long enough for me to get out. "I think I will take you up on the offer of something to drink. If that still stands. Tea maybe?" Joker glances over at me, one eyebrow raised, smiling. He walks into the kitchen, sitting the kettle on the stove. "So friends only call you Lena, eh? How is Mr. Haedyn these days?" I clench my jaw at the mention of Haedyn's name slipping from between his scared lips. Of course, he knows who my friend is, my only friend. While Joker doesn't seem to be focused on Haedyn and his hatred for him, he still knows it exists. He probably feels an overwhelming amount of joy seeing that he is still the most hated man in all of Gotham, even by the young people. "Fine." "What no details? Surely, you should invite him to dinner sometime. It's been a while since we have seen each other face to face." The last time that happened, I ended up with Haedyn in the hospital for three days, sitting by his side the whole time. His injuries were too severe for me to deal with myself. He was only fifteen the first time he met Joker. Watching Joker hit me because I had said something that wasn't of his liking caused Haedyn to snap. Joker didn't use any weapons on him, but his hands weren't enough. The poor nurses were horrified when they saw Haedyn's swollen face. He honestly looked like his face was broken, at least his nose was. He was decorated in green, purple, and black bruises, each one telling the story of how hard he fought back. The tea kettle whistles loudly, steam shooting up to the ceiling. Joker pours us both a cup of tea. He walks back to me, handing over my mug. It was decorated with smiles and messy 'ha ha ha's. "Maybe you should invite over your other friends as well. I would love to see how they compare to that posy downstairs." He returns to his desk, leaning against it while watching me over the rim of his cup as he takes a sip. "Not gonna happen. Who I hang out with is none of your concern. You might be pretending to play the role of a "father" right now but that doesn't mean that I will listen to you. Kids are made to defy their parents. Right? We live and we learn." I take a long drink of the tea, pushing through the burning of my throat, before gently sitting it down. The knife still rests behind my back, ready to fight. "It's a rite of passage. Wouldn't you say so?" I launch the knife at him. Practicing at the warehouse is really starting to pay off. The Joker is quick. He moves out of the way with grace, watching wedge itself into the wall. "It just comes out of nowhere." "I like this Lena. She is more fun to play with." He snickers. "Not bad. You really have learned a lot from your mother. You might have gotten one of those thugs downstairs but no one important. No one that really counts." He walks around his desk to the knife. "If there is one thing you should have learned about a joke by now," He says as he pulls the knife from the wall. "Is that it all depends on the delivery. Timing, if you will." He turns back to me, playing with the knife in his hands, examining it. "You can have the best joke in the world, but if the delivery fails... you fail. Keeping the audience on their toes, now that's part of the fun." I watch him closely as he played with the knife, never taking my eyes off him for one moment. He slams the knife down into his desk with so much force that I jump, taking a step back. The knife sticks straight out of the mahogany wood. I watch the handle wobble slightly before coming to a stop. "You have to master the element of surprise." Suddenly, three small blades are thrown my way, each heading for a different angle. I duck away from one. Swerving to the right, I dodge the second one. I'm not fast enough for the third one. It leaves a small cut on my arm that would have been worst if I hadn't moved as fast. "Ow...s**t..." "You'll learn. Now, I have some new friends to attend to. HARLEY!" He screams as he leaves the room. I look at the small cut on my arm. Nothing bad. Just looks like a scratch. I make my way to his desk, looking at all the blue prints he has spread out everywhere. Each one more elaborate and interesting than the other. He is obsessed with messing with the Batman. Honestly, he probably has more love for the man than my mother and I combined. I rip the knife out of one of the papers. Well, now that I am "dismissed", I need to find Haedyn. Hopefully, he isn't still mad at me... I hear various amounts of screaming and groans of pain while I exit the building. They are dying in there, yet I don't care to help. Finding Haedyn is more important, though I couldn't get the pang of feeling guilty out of my heart. © 2016 Trea FowlkesAuthor's Note
Added on May 23, 2016 Last Updated on May 23, 2016 Author![]() Trea FowlkesOHAboutI have been writing for as long as I can remember but I had let my anxiety and depression take hold of me for a few years. Last year I started writing again. I might be a little rusty but I am proud t.. more..Writing