

A Poem by Travid

when your lover ignores you cause family friends came to visit and even though I'm away at work for weeks and miss her very much every time i send a message she barely reads it cause they're there

In the morning I wake
Your the first I think of
We always say
A good morning 
An I love you
And have a great day

Away for weeks I've been
so everyday, a call, a message
Brings me comfort and joy
You are what I look forward to
After a long day at work, away
Away from love and home

It's been weeks
Since last, I felt your soft caress
Your laughter, I heard
Your breath, I felt
Until this evening
Visitors arrive

I say hello
I say I miss you
I say "talk to you soon my lover"
I wait, I wait for response
But none come

I become saddened and upset
You, I rely on for support
Life is hard, being away
Life is lonely being away
Life is lifeless being away
I wait, still nothing

I fall deeper into shell
I say, I guess they are
Whats most important.
Still nothing, then you, 
Oblivious, doesn't hear
my cry for help

Still nothing, I say
I shall leave you be
For they must be more fun
Then mine own self
Again Nothing

Heart burdened
Confusion, unimportant, again alone
And then, a response
I'm sorry, my phone, you say
Hasn't been charged 
Since night before 

So forgot she did
That, this is our only way
To communicate 
Upset I am
Saddened i am

Why can I not be your number one, as you are mine
Why must I be ignored I am family
Why must our love be forgotten
Why must Visitors keep you from me
Why just Why 

© 2018 Travid

Author's Note

Poetry is written best with emotion, so as you read try to imagine the emotion i was feeling lol thanks for reading, hope its relatable

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Added on May 29, 2018
Last Updated on May 29, 2018



Ontario, Canada

I wish I could have found this site a lot sooner. I use to write often, years ago, when I was still surviving high school, haha, but I had stopped, and now I am attempting to give it another go more..
