![]() Ch. 2 Finally HomeA Chapter by Bri![]() Torrid's emotions do something strange to her. Something painful.. Not only is she the only girl on Earth with her emotions, but she has a price to pay for them. Every. Single. Time.![]()
I walk through the front door and slowly close it behind myself. My father, Dr. Leonard Graye, emerges from the kitchen. His face is blank and emotionless. "How was your day dear?", he says in a bleak voice that mirrors his expression. His simple question brings a rush of emotions through my head, and soon putting my nerves on edge. The feeling of electricity racks through my chest and spreads throughout my body. My knees give out beneath me and I crumple to the ground. Father takes a fast step forward, catching me just before I touch the floor. And the world goes black.
I bite into Father's steamed broccoli, savoring the rich taste. The only thing I've eaten all day is thick, tasteless oatmeal, being gross and unappetizing. "Don't hog all the broccoli, Torrid.", Stevens sneers with a grin. I grin back, "Like your any different! Where did all the meatloaf go?" He pushes out his lower lip in mock sadness, "It's in a better place now.", he says sadly, rubbing his stomach. Father and I laugh.
"So, how you liking school?", Stevens, my uncle, asks casually with a grin. We burst out laughing at our dark joke. We had given up on looking forward to school after the Informatory began running random emotion tests.
I look over at my quiet father. Stevens notices his silence.
"What's up with him?", he signs through his eyes, worried.
"I dunno, I passed out when I got home. Something at work, maybe?"
"Hmmm, Maybe. What happened after you got home?"
"Same as always."
Stevens' eyes darken, knowing my meaning. The jolts of pain that spread throughout my body that come with my emotions. We think it might be some disease but, we have no means of finding out what it is.
"I know you guys are eyeing me. I am fine, quit your fuss, both of you.", Father says, annoyed. "Father, you know we're just worried about you.", I say innocently. He ruffles my hair roughly. "Whatever kid, I am supposed to be the one worried about you."
I hope this isn't about me.
I observe Father quietly as Stevens starts ranting on and on about underwater discoveries. Father looks intently at Stevens as he goes into detail of the many whales that were in the sea at one time. His deep blue eyes have a heavy, dark look to them, his forehead threatening to form worry lines. His thick, bushy eyebrows hanging low. His dark-tanned skin once young and tight, now hangs like a thin coat. His long straight nose and thin set of lips wilting sadly. Father's once thick brown hair, now thin and graying.
I hope he's okay.
Must awaken. .
Maybe a couple more seconds. .
Fine, I'll count to 30.
1-Unit, 2-Units, 3-Units. . .
27-Units, 28-Units, 29-Units, 30-Units. . .
Come along now child, you musn't be late for your fate.
I grin against my pillow at the sweet childhood saying Hezelta and I have been using as motivation to awaken on dreary monday mornings. I let out a deep sigh and the strange feeling that overtakes my body. I can't put a name on the despair I feel.
The pain comes with the emptiness. Filling the hollow parts of my heart with burning sadness. I flip over onto my back and reach for the covers. There aren't any. The Government decided that able for humans to be alert at all times, blankets or covers of any kind musn't be used during sleep. In other words: when we do home checks, we'll see who is shivering in their beds.
The pain sudsides as my thoughts darken at the mentioning of the nation's government. I begin getting dressed in my EP uniform. Pulling it out of my closet. It's an ugly, dirty yellow colored shirt made of itchy material with long sleeves that reach past my fingers. Along with my dark orange skirt that scratches at my ankles.
I brush out the knots in my hair with my fingers, pulling out a few strands of hair in the process. Leaving soft, frizzy curls.
I finish getting ready and walk downstairs slowly, making sure to watch my step carefully. I find it very difficult to walk down stairs without falling face-first into the carpet. The image of myself face-down on the floor, all bruised, gives me the chills and puts my nerves on edge. I have a phobia of falling down stairs.
That would be dreadful.
I would hate having to explain the rug-burns to the instructors at the Informatory.
I reach the bottom of the steps safely, releasing a gulp of air that I didn't know I was holding. I walk into the kitchen and look around. A long kitchen counter on the other side of the room, along with a large stove built into the wall. All the same blue color as the walls. Our bleak black-and-gray tiles, gray colored cabinets, all dropping my mood down a couple levels. A doorway to my right, leading to the living room and front door, a small kitchen table only used in the mornings in the center of the room, a Washing-and-Dryer-o-Matic tucked away in the corner, and a large window above a small green plant on the west side of the room.
"Hey girl, hey.", Father says with a grin. "Hello Father.", I reply as I pour myself a cup of caffeinated tea."How did you sleep?" "Okay I suppose. Was painting until midnight." I look up at him in time to see his face darken. The lines in his face going deeper where they've ever gone.
Here it comes.
"Painting? You be careful with that. You could get caught if they saw your bedroom light on late at night. Imagine if they pulled up the floorboards to find your paintings," Father's voice gets louder and louder as his anger grows, " How many times have I told you to turn off your light early? Do you want us to get killed? How would that make you feel, huh, Torrid? To see me brain-dead and emotionless? How stupid are you? You make it hard enough, now you want to stay up late making your stupid artwork? It's bad enough when I have to deal with your weird pain spurts! You're such a freak!" I can feel the pain coming on as I grow angrier and angrier.
Do not allow him to anger you before school.
He does not mean it.
I despise him.
No you don't Torrid, he is just being an imbecile.
It's not my fault that I am like this!
I cannot believe he would dare say something like that!
The pain throbs in my shoulders, spreading down my arms and my chest. My breathing gets heavier and Father gives a sly grin that brings my blood to a boil. Seeing my pain and taking joy upon it.
He will not win
Not this time.
I can hear my heart beating in my ears. My pulse slowing and the pain numbing through my head.
Calm down Torrid.
What dire things to say!
No, don't think about what he's said.
"I can't even believe you right now!", he keeps going, "Ya know, you can be so stupid! Your just like your mother. She was-"
"Just stop it, I don't need to hear this right now! Don't you dare speak of my mother. It's bad enough I lost her and I am stuck with you. I turned off my light at 8 o'clock and worked in the basement with the door locked behind me. What the heavens is wrong with you? I am so angry you! Maybe I should just go to the hospital so you can give me a Pinh shot. Since it would make things so much easier for you, yes, Father? Would that please you for once, Father?", I say calmly, not allowing him to affect my emotional stability.
The pain numbs but does not leave. Quite the opposite. I swallow the pain and allow it to spread, refusing to lose consciousness and the arguement without honor.
My body sways and my stomach flips. My thoughts clearing as an EP'less teenager passes by me, giving a nod in acknowledgement. I nod back and force my legs to move forward, the pain throbbing in my legs.
I continue walking when I hear the teenager's footsteps stop. Still only 3 feet behind me. An action that is very peculiar. The EP'less don't just stop walking in the middle of the sidewalk. I look over my shoulder in time to see his head turning away from me. The right side of his face still visible, watching me from the corner of his eye. He stays in that position for a few more seconds before turning his head forward and walking away in the opposite direction. I feel sickened at the sight of him.
Well that was odd.
Who was that?
He looked familiar. . .
Kid from the Informatory perhaps?
I think so.
I walk down the sidewalk, preparing myself for the six mile walk to school. Since other humans are painless, they have no problem walking for days due to the fact that all feeling in their feet disappeared a long time ago.
What was I thinking about again?
Oh, yeah.
I can't believe what an imbecile Father is.
I detest him.
Great, now Stevens is going to give me a huge lecture when I get to school.
I blow the hair out of my face and continue walking, all emotion draining painfully from my body.
"Unit 18 is powerful and strong, we live freely in the safety of the Unit 18 walls. I, being a humble citizen of this perfect place, and I solemnly swear to remain in Unit 18 for the rest of my days. I will never enter Unit 9, bringing shame to this Unit."
Units are like countries, correct?
Yes, I think so. .
How many are there again?
Like 20 I think?
Better pay more attention in Stevens' class. . .
"Please pull out your unit 6 text books and open to page 189. We will be discussing the many forms of plants in other galaxies that have been discovered in the past few years.", Stevens says in a deep, robotic voice. He glances at me and nods slightly. Our signal.
What does he want to talk about?
Am I slouching?
No. . .
Oh, wait.
"I heard about what happened..", he signs lightly.
Here it comes.
"How?", I ask, pretending not to know.
"Your Father called me and told me to keep an eye on you, said you were pretty steamed when you left.", he signs, curiosity in his eyes.
"Hmmm. He tell you why?"
"No, just that you were pretty mad about your guys' argument."
"He was yelling at me for painting. Telling me I was stupid and hard to deal with."
"Well, he's just stressed about things is all. He didn't mean anything."
"You don't understand. He saw that I was in pain and he enjoyed it. He wanted me to feel pain. To suffer. What kind of father wishes that much despair upon his child?"
"You know there's nothing I can do about that. Your father is ill. He has his own problems too."
"That gives him no right to ever treat me like that."
"Of course not, but you haven't exactly made it any easier for him.", he signs pointedly.
"So that makes everything okay? That means I must allow anything to pass? He's not insane, Stevens, he can make his own decisions."
I turn away from Steven's empty eyes. The conversation is over whether he likes it or not. I am done trying to prove myself all of the time.
I feel someone's eyes boring into the back of my head. I look over my shoulder blankly and see the new student in the Informatory watching me intently. . again. The same emerald green eyes from this morning staring back at me.
Oh no, I hope he's not trying to catch me for a wife. . .
I would hate to be stuck with an EP'less husband. .
That would be dreadful.
He has short, blond hair and strong emerald eyes. Wide, soft, lips below a wide, perfect nose. He has a deeply dimpled chin and a strong jaw. Broad shoulders and strong arms. I continue observing the him. He nods slightly and I hold back a flinch difficultly.
Oh my- is he trying to speak to me?
I nod once in reply, watching his eyes carefully.
"Hello?", I sign, unsure. "Hi, Torrid right?"
"Oh my, you can understand me! How many of there are you?"
"I am the only one. How many of there are you?"
"It's me, Stevens, and my Father. There was another family but, you saw Hezeilta the other day.. How did you know I was normal?"
"Saw you and Stevens speaking and at first I thought it was just my imagination but, I am not crazy after all!" His eyes glow with excitement while the rest of his face remains emotionless. He has an odd slang that I pick up on quickly, adopting the smooth rhythm.
"Well, I am glad I am not the only teenage human after all."
"How did you get here?"
"I ran away from my Unit a while back, mom sent me here when they found out she had her EP's. I am here with my aunt, she's EP'less but she doesn't know about my mom or anything."
"Sorry about your mom, lost mine too."
"It's okay, I got Father and Stevens. And so do you. You're going to like Stevens, he's really funny."
"Okay, sounds good."
"Hang on, let me to introduce you to Stevens."
I look over at Stevens and tap my desk twice. He looks up from his lesson while still speaking about the history of the Kako Ateri Units. I nod once and he nods back.
"What?", he signs impatiently. Still going on about his lesson while casually looking over at me. Looking as if he's making sure I am paying attention.
"You know that new guy over there?"
"Who, Mark Keys?"
"Yes, him."
"What about him?"
"He has his EP's!", I sign excitedly.
Stevens looks over at Mark who nods once.
"Hello Mr. Stevens.", Mark signs with respect.
"Hi kid, just Stevens. Nice to meet you man," Stevens signs excitedly, "welcome to the family, we're glad to have you. Has
"Yes, she's informed me about her father and yourself."
"Well, tonight your gonna come on over and have dinner with us. Torrid will show you the way to her house. We eat there every night and I expect to see you there until you get sick of us."
"I assure you sir, that won't ever happen.", Mark signs to Stevens, although looking over at me."
I feel a chill go down my spine. I hold back a grin, trying to be aware of my surroundings: a class full of EP'less that can report me for showing any sign of the happiness I feel.
Pain crawls into my eyes and shoots through my nerves. I muffle a soft yelp by biting the middle of my finger where it bends.
Stevens looks at me. Along with the other instructors, giving uncomfortable looks.
"Hmmm. I see,", he signs while looking over at me, "Well, I gotta get back to my lesson before my students notice me staring at you guys like a rapist."
"He's cool, I like him.", Mark signs as Stevens turns back to his lesson.
"Yes, he's pretty funny. Don't let his wrinkles fool you, he's a nothin' but trouble. Aged to perfection he always says."
He squints and his shoulders shudder slightly. To any outsider it would appear as if he merely got the chills; in reality, the gesture means he's laughing.
Mark has a smile his eyes, "Your pretty, Torrid. I mean you're pretty funny, pretty funny."
"Thanks.", I sign, I don't hide my discomfort. I want him to know I am not interested.
"So. . . Got any hobbies?", he signs awkwardly.
"I really like art."
"Cool, me too. What kind of tools do you use?"
"Well, Stevens finds old art supplies for me at abandoned art stores. I have different types of brushes, charcoal is hard to get but we were able to find some, I have a homemade easel, I make my own paints, and I found a whole bucket load of sketching paper last week."
"Wow really? I just have a couple pencils and an old sketch book that was my grandfather's.", he signs sadly.
"Alright well, tonight when you come over, after dinner we can go down to our basement and play with some of my art supplies."
His eyes light up, "Sounds awesome."
"Now, how about we pay attention to Stevens' lesson before we get caught by the EP'less? I'll talk to you at lunch."
"Yes, okay, sounds good.", he signs.
"How long have you been watching?", I sign carefully.
"Long enough," he signs with a grin in his eyes, "Oh, Mark, why don't you come over tonight and we can work together on our precious art? Maybe our hands will touch by accident and we will fall in love.", he signs mockingly.
"Don't count on it."
Stevens turns back to his lesson, "So, when the Kako Asteri's first began to evolve, the Vasilikos Asteri's were already making contact with Earth, speaking fluent English while the Kako Asteri's we're just barely becoming, how should I say this, humane.", His voice sounds deep and tired.
"How do you keep your face so serious all the time?", Mark signs curiously.
"I don't really know. I guess I am just so used to it, that its like an automatic thing," I sign back, "Isn't it like that for you?"
"Not really, it's kinda hard for me. In my old unit, kids were allowed to get home-schooled or a tutor. Mom home-schooled me so, I only had to put on a straight face in public."
"Hmmm, interesting," Stevens signs before I can, "So, your mom taught you to speak eye-language?", Stevens signs.
"Yes, she wanted me to be able to find other normal people.", Mark signs back.
To any other EP'less person watching us would only see three people sitting at a table, eating quietly and staring intently at each other.
I knew Mark and Stevens would get along just fine.
Why wouldn't they? Stevens is awesome.
I wonder if Father feels bad about are argument.
Hope he does.
"It's just around the corner.", I say in a emotionless voice. Mark nods, "Okay." We get to my house within seconds and head up the stairs. Mark opens the door for me and I step inside. "Thank you.", I say, twirling my hair.
Now he is going to think I am attracted to him or something.
"Nice place you got here.", Mark says in gentle voice. It's the first time I've heard his real voice. His accent is from the southern United Unit. "Thanks, Father should be here any seco-"
"Look sweetheart," Father starts, " I am really sorry about this morning, you were right I shouldn't do-", he stops when he sees Mark. Fear flashes across his face for a split second and all color leaves his face, before Father masks his emotions with an emotionless expression. "Hello, I am Dr. Leonard Graye, but you can call me Leo.", Father says in a robotic voice as he offers a handshake to Mark. I burst out laughing, "This is Mark, he isn't EP'less.", I say between laughs. Father relaxes, "Thank goodness, thought you got caught. Nice to meet you son.", Father says, turning towards Mark once again, offering a handshake. Mark takes it, "Nice to meet you Dr. Graye." "No no no none of that 'Dr. Graye' crap, I gotta be called that all day, you call me Leo.", Father says sternly. I smile. Father grins back.
I hear a knock on the door. "Probably Stevens.", I say as I walk towards the door and look through the peep-hole. I can see Stevens looking up at the peep-hole, knowing I was there. I open the door and greet him with a robotic-like voice and let him in. "Hey Charles.", Father greets Stevens and closes the door behind him.
Stevens walks in and pokes my father lightly in his ribs. "Hey man." "I see you've met Mark.", Stevens says, amused. "Yep, thought I gave up our cover when he walked in with Torrid", Father chuckles.
"No sir-ah Leo, I have my EP's, sorry for the scare.", Mark apologizes. I can feel Mark remove his arm from around my waist.
I DID NOT know his arm was there. GROSS! © 2014 BriAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() BriWriter's City , CAAboutI try to go through all of my read requests once a week, so, please be patient with me!!! I'm an artist of all sorts. I've been writing stories since I could first hold a pe.. more..Writing