Ch. 6 Shut Up Shadow

Ch. 6 Shut Up Shadow

A Chapter by Bri

Shadow has found himself in an odd situation, especially for him. Care to find out what it's about? Something about Violet is just so irritating and yet...


Ch. 5 Shut Up Shadow


Where were you?", Violet demands after a long silence.

We left the hotel over an hour ago, it is now eight and the moon can be seen faintly in the distance as the sun rises.


"It is none of your business.", I say calmly. The memory of my pale hands and the dragon rushes into my mind. I reach my free hand into my satchel, feeling for the scales.


It was real.


The scales feel rough, with small spikes.


These will make great shields.


"Hey, Aimes, you know how to make weapons, right?", I glance behind my seat, trying to catch a glimpse of Aimes.


"Um, it depends on what I have to work with.", he replies in his deep, serious voice.


"Okay, you think you can make something useful out of this?", I ask, handing him only one scale, in case Aimes can't do anything with them. He takes the scale from my hand.

The scale is twice the size of his large hand. He examines it for a moment, feeling the rough spikes and silvery violet grooves.


"I could make a shield out of this if I had some more. Since this is the only one, it won't be much protection.", he says calmly, handing the scale back to me. "I have about twenty more where that came from. You think you can make a couple shields for us on the drive to Horror?", I ask.


"Uh, yeah but, I'm going to need something to make a handle for each shield.", he says cautiously.


"No problem, look under your seat. You'll find some supplies there. Take whatever you need.", I say, handing him the pouch that I had placed the scales in. Although the pouch is large, it weighs almost nothing.


"Wow, this is really light. Are you sure they can provide protection?", Aimes asks, weighing the sack in his hands.


"Yes, they're nearly impenetrable."


"Are you sure? Becau-," I cut him off, "Yes Aimes, I'm sure."

He stays silent, reaching under his seat and pulling up a small red tool box.


"This it?"


"Yeah, it's got your basic materials. We'll be in Horror in about ten days, you have until then to finish the shields. make as many as you can and if you need anything else, we'll stop along the way."


He nods, not looking up from the shiny shields.


"Where did you get those?", Violet demands in a pinched voice. I ignore her and focus on driving. "Well?", she says impatiently.


"You don't need to know everything Violet.", I say calmly. "I know.", she mutters. "Of course you do.", I grin under my mask.


"Come on Shadow, just tell me. If you won't show me what you look like, at least tell me what happened and how you got these dragon scales."


"You're not my mother."


"Please Shadow. I'm dreadfully bored.", she whines, pouting.


"If I tell you, will you shut up?"




"Okay. So, I was walking in the parking lot when I heard a dragon screeching really loud. I followed the sound through the forest and found a slayed dragon in the middle of some princess story. I fixed his wounds, set him free, and he gave me a couple scales and here we are. Now shut your trap."


She sits in her seat with an irritated look, unsatisfied.


"How'd you fix the dragon?", Spades asks, finally speaking up. The question catches me off guard.


"I- I don't really know to be honest. I just put my hands on its neck, then the wounds just smoothed out.", I say quietly, glancing down at my hands. "Wow.", he breathes, awestruck.


"That's not possible. You don't have powers like other Characters. Do you?", Violet asks suspiciously.


"I don't think so. Not unless you count exceptionally handsome as one of my powers, then no."


"I wouldn't know."


"That's a first."


I am freaking hilarious!


I should be in one of those comedy books.


"So, why is that Watcher on your shoulder?", she asks, trying to change the subject. "It's not a Watcher, it's a Writer. It's making a story on us.", I lie. "Are we going to have to do this story over and over again?", she whines. "Let's hope not."


I would hate to have to deal with her everyday.


Since I'm writing this story, I don't think I'm going to have to redo it over and over once I break the bond between our dimensions.


"Me too, this is so boring.", she says loudly. "I'd hate to have to spend time with you over and over again.", I mutter.




"Oh nothing."


Spades and Aimes snicker.


The next few days pass by slowly. Violet grows even more irritating by the second and I try to remember why I had wanted her on my team. Aimes is almost done with the shields while Spades has been unusually quiet lately.


It's our fourth day of travel and we have six more days before we deliver meds to Horror.


"Hey, why are we getting off the freeway?", Violet asks nervously. She stirs in her seat, awakening from her deep sleep.


"There was an accident up ahead so I'm going to cut through town to save us some time.", I say, stopping at the gateway to Comedy.


"Uh, sir, I'm going to need to see your face to verify your ID.", she says in a nasal voice.

"Spades, you got ID?", I ask, looking over at Spades. He nods and pulls out his Character card. I take it from him and hand it to the hispanic woman. Her dark eyes glint with suspicion as she pushes her straight black hair out of her face. She verifies Spades' ID then sends us back on our way.


"So, what's the story with you and the mask? I've heard rumors but, I've never actually heard you say anything about it.", Spades says casually. I glance at him to see a look of curiosity in his eyes.


He really wants to know.


He's not being nosey like Violet.


I look back to see that Violet has passed out again due to the fact that it's two in the morning. Her head is resting on Aimes' shoulder who is leaning his face into the car window.


"What have you heard?", I ask calmly. He shrugs, "Eh, random stuff. Some people say your face is completely disfigured and that anyone that sees it turn to stone. Others say your face is so very handsome that anyone that sees it goes blind.", he laughs. I chuckle half-heartedly.




"So, what?"


"So, you going to tell me why you wear a mask?"

I sigh.


"Once the girl wakes up, I am not going to say another word. Understand?", I look over at him with a stern look that he can't see under my mask. He nods, I have his full attention.


"I can honestly say that my face is not disfigured. I can tell you right now that I am not ugly but not handsome enough to blind you, thank you very, much."


"If you're not ugly, then why do you wear it?", he asks, bewildered. I sigh, choosing my words carefully.


"My Father once told me that to be a hero, you need to give yourself up. Forget who you are. If you don't, you might just get caught up in the fame. Then you'll mean more than everyone else. And, I don't want to do that. When people can't see my face, they can't give credit to anyone. I'm just Shadow. A faceless nobody with the power to save lives.", I shrug, focusing on my driving.


He stays silent for a few minutes. I glance at him to see a look of understanding on his face.


"So, you just told Violet that you couldn't trust us to get her to shut up?", he asks, wheels turning in his head.


"Ha, yes. I knew that if I told her my story, then she would really want me to take off my mask. I trust you guys. Well, at least you and Aimes. I thought I was sure about Violet but, it was a mistake to bring her.", I shake my head.


"No, don't say that. She has some serious skills.", he tries unsuccessfully to defend her. "No, don't get me wrong, she's talented, but man, she's got a mouth on her.", I mutter.

 "Can't argue with you there.", he yawns.


"Get some sleep. There aren't any inns for about a hundred miles. I'll stop at an inn when I can.", I say, brushing my curls out of my eyes. He nods, yawning again.


His breathing slows in a matter of seconds. I pull over on the side of the road and ease the car door open. I hop out, taking my satchel with me. The gravel crunches under my feet.


Any minute now..


I walk towards a nearby tree and climb up. Hanging my legs over a thick branch. I turn my back to the jeep, where my team sleeps, and unlace my mask, pulling my fedora over my eyes. My communicator buzzes, just on time.


"Hello Jack.", I say, pulling the communicator to my ear.


"You okay? Are you in Horror yet?", he asks urgently. I can hear the worry in his voice.


That's just like little Jack.


Always worrying.


"I'm fine and no, we're still six days or so from Horror. I'm in Comedy right now."


"Good. Good. How's the team?"


"They're alright. Violet is still really annoying; Spades is still funny; Aimes is, well, Aimes."


"That's good. Oh, hey, I just got my Character ID update. I'm , getting replaced sometime in the next few weeks or so, once I turn fourteen I'll be too old to play Jack so I'll get to start a new story. Isn't that great?", he sounds excited.


At least he's happy to take on work.


"That's awesome! Good job man, I'm proud of you! What kind of story do you want?", I ask, trying to be excited for his sake.


"Well, I was kinda hoping to be in an Action genre...", he trails off.

"No, absolutely not. You know how I feel about that.", I say sternly.


"But I never get to do anything exciting!", he whines.


"You run from giants and dodge gigantic forks falling from the sky, how is that not exciting?", I exclaim, my voice getting louder.


"I do it every single day!"


"Then it should get more exciting everyday."


"Shadow please. At least let me join the Rebels.", he whines again.


"Jack, you know the deal. I'll stay in Fable if you stay out of trouble.", I warn him.


"Yeah, yeah. At least could I be in some spy book?"


"That's not a Fable genre."


"I know but, at least give me some choices."


"Whatever, we'll talk about this later, get some sleep little brother."


"Okay, but only if you at least think about letting me take an exciting story."


"Okay, I'll think about it. Love ya man, stay out of trouble."


"Love you too, dude. Bye."




I hang up the communicator and shake my head.


Spy book?


What is this kid thinking?


The sound of one of the car door opening startles me. I quickly lace my mask back on

and pull my fedora over my eyes.


"Can I help you?", I call out. I hear the sound of gravel crunching beneath someone's



Judging by the sound of the gravel crunching, I'd say...


Small sound, small feet..


The gravel doesn't sound as if it's going deep when the person takes a step, obviously light weight.




"As a matter of fact, you can. I was just wondering why we stopped in the middle of nowhere? What happened to finding an inn?", Violet demands, her voice slightly faltered due to my back being turned towards her.


"We stopped because I wanted to stop. There are no inns for the next sixty miles in the opposite direction in which we're going.", I say calmly.


"Well, why didn't you tell us you stopped?", she demands.


I'm through with this.


I jump off of the tree and walk towards her. I stop when I'm just two feet away.


"I am the boss here. You go by my orders or you're out of the Rebels and this mission. Any more doubts or questions are to be about the mission only. Am I clear?", I whisper in a calm voice. She nods slowly.


"Yes sir, I understand. My apologies." She gives a short bow. She has a guarded look on her face. "Good. Now get some sleep." I tip my hat at her and she gives a slight smile.

"Yes Shadow."


She turns and jogs to the jeep and jumps in. Disappearing.


I grin under my mask.


She has the most beautiful eyes.


Bright violet with little fragments of blue.


Shut up, Shadow.

© 2014 Bri

Author's Note

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Added on February 17, 2014
Last Updated on February 17, 2014
Tags: Shadow, love, beautiful, amazing, interesting, sneakpeek, robinhood, romance, clever, mastermind, thief, danger, leader, rebels, savior, taxes, hot, cute, bombastic, robber, friendy, scotty, Jack



Writer's City , CA

I try to go through all of my read requests once a week, so, please be patient with me!!! I'm an artist of all sorts. I've been writing stories since I could first hold a pe.. more..

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