Ch. 2 Rebels

Ch. 2 Rebels

A Chapter by Bri

Care to find out more about Shadow? Here's a sneakpeek: He's a leader of something, he wears a mask, he carries a sword, and did I mention he's a clever robinhood?


Ch. 2 Rebels


I drive into a parking space directly in front of the main entrance of the Brotherhood Center. I look around, taking in all my surroundings before I enter the building.


Cemented sidewalks, only affordable by government buildings and the rich neighborhoods. The building is tall, going up about four stories, the faint shimmer of laser sensors runnng along the edges of the windows. The building is made of a sleek, glass-like material that shows my warped reflection along with a pool of light brown hovering above my head.


I can see your face much clearer now.

You appear to be rather blurry.

Are you a girl? Guy?

I kinda wish you could respond but alas, bridges across dimensions are like one-way glass.

You can talk to one side but, you won't get an answer.


I make my face appear strong and capable, straightening my back and keeping my arms firmly to my side, making my jaw taut. It only takes a few seconds to make myself look like a disciplined Brother, the prefect delivery boy into a dangerous Genre.

I take a step out of my sleek black jeep and put my bow and arrows into my satchel, throwing it over my shoulder. The air feels cool and I can smell rain coming on.

I take a step onto the cement of the sidewalk, walking towards the double glass doors in front of me. I avoid hesitating to observe the odd glass handle of the door, which I really want to steal. It looks like I could get about three hundred coins, maybe four for it.

I open the doors and stroll in, noting all of my surroundings from the corner of my eyes.

Large front desk in front of me, hallway to my left leading to Brotherhood offices, a staircase to the right of the hallway and another hallway leading to the infirmary. On the right side of the room is a large waiting room and another hallway is to the right of the receptionist.

"May I help you?", the receptionist asks in a high voice. She doesn't look up to me, just keeps typing on her computer. She pushes back a red curl behind her ear and scrunches her nose to fix her glasses without actual effort.

"Yes, I have been asked to deliver some medicines to Horror and I was told to come here for further information.", I say in a strong, capable voice.

She finally steals her eyes away from the computer and raises her eyebrows. She has dark brown eyes that go well with her tanned skin, giving me a compliment to flatter her into giving up money.

"You want to go to Horror? That is one of the most dangerous genres there is. Why would you want to deliberately go there?", she asks, disbelief on her face. Her shoulders tense and her neck muscles go deeper, a sign of discomfort and suspicion

"Yes, I was told that there would be a reward.", I say sternly. She nods slowly, still in her daze of surprise.

"Go down the hall and go to the first door on your left, tell Brother Hanestein what you want and he'll give you what you need. Good luck.", she says, pointing to the hall on her right.

I nod once and head down the hallway, stopping in front of the door I was to enter.


I hope the guy let's me do the delivery.

I hope he gives me the cash prize now.

Dang it, how come you had to be here hanging over my shoulder?

I'm probably going to get problems because of you.


I knock on the door softly, not wanting to piss off any old dudes inside, by slamming my fist on the door like I want to.

"Come in.", I hear a young voice say. I take the door knob and turn it slowly, making sure not to let it squeek irritatingly. I open the door a little.


"Hello, Brother Hanestein?", I ask in my deep, official voice. I open the door completely and find myself in a small office with a young-looking man sitting at a large desk in the center of the room. His office is neat and tidy with not as much of a pencil out of place. His desk is a smooth steel with a small pile of papers and a cup of coffee. The office is hardly decorated with bland gray walls and a small photo on his desk as the only sign of decoration.

"Yes?", he says, looking up at me with a raised eyebrow, his hazel eyes calculating. He has light blond hair brushed back to bring more attention to his large hazel eyes and thick eyebrows. He's a ladiesman, judging by the way he puckers his lips to make them appear bigger, as if he's advertising himself. His chin is shaved but sideburns are edging down his face, threatening to spread to his chin.

"I have been told to come here for the medicine for Horror.", I say, making myself look strong and bold.

His eyes scrutinize my face, calculating. He stands up and folds his arms across his chest. He's intimidated by me. He doesn't like the fact that someone younger than him would volunteer for such a task. I can see it in his eyes. He's a coward.

"Alright, you think you're up for the job?", he asks, his raspy voice soming out shaky and frail.

"Got anyone else that wants to do it?", I ask, folding my arms across my chest in fake annoyance. He's caught off guard. He was hoping I would chicken out like a little whimp.

"No, I'll get you the medicine and give you directions to the clinic you're supposed to go to.", he says, walking past me awkwardly and escaping through the door.

I quickly shut the door behind him and rush to his desk. The first drawer seems to consist of old toenail clippings. I close it in disgust and open the next drawer. It contains a small sacks of coins labeled 'TAXES', there are about forty of them just in this drawer alone.


He's not supposed to have these.

Only the Brotherhood Banks can carry these and this is the Brotherhood Center, a place only for a small hospital for the poor and a government headquarters.

NOT a place to keep taxes from the towns.

He stole this.

It's only right to steal it back and return it to the people of Fable.


I quickly take all of the sacks of coins and check the rest of the drawers for more. The most the other drawers contain is a small wallet, which I empty into my satchel and replace just the way it was.

I hear faint footsteps down the hall and I return to the other side of the room just in time for Brother Hanestein to return with stack of crates in his arms.


"Here you are Brother-," he waits for my name.

"Smith, Brother Smith.", I say as he sets the crates on the ground in front of me. He wipes a bit of sweat off os his brow and puckers his lips, a natural reflex. I try not to laugh aloud.

"Okay well, here are the directions to the hospital you will be going to and, good luck. Hope to see you return and recieve your reward.", he says, handing me a folded piece of paper.

"Thank you.", I say, saluting him before picking up the light crates of medicine.

He salutes me proudly, with conviction and seriousness. He looks at me with an expression of pity as I walk out of his small office.

"Oh, and before I forget to inform you, a small boy came into your office while you were gone and came into your office for some taxes that had been reported to be in this room. He said the Brotherhood leaders wouldn't report you as long as it never happened again.", I say, pausing halfway out his door. I close the door behind me and bite down on my lip to keep myself from howling with laughter.

I walk out of the Washington Brotherhood Center and walk towards my old GTI, unlocking it with my ID carded key. I pack all of the medicine into my car and jump in.

My radio is the only thing inside the car that is of this century, besides the medicine. My seats are a dark black, the same color as my sleek paint job, which was waxed yesterday.

I place my key in the ignition and the engine starts with a loud rumble and a strong vibration.


Well, I got the medicine.

Now I just have to give these taxes back then I can be on my way.


I pull out of my parking space and back out, aware of all of my surroundings. I avoid running over a small jay-walker and head towards the taxed parts of the town.

After about fifteen minutes or driving, I stop at the inner walls of Fable and wait in the long line of cars leading up to the toll booth.

I finally reach the booth and roll down my window. The person in the booth is an old man, maybe late fifties or early sixties judging by his deep set wrinkles, hunched shoulders and thin line of lips with a web of soft wrinkles surrounding them, leading up to his eyebrows and stopping at his chin.

"Hello young man. Are you lost?", he asks in a soft voice.

"No, not lost. Just delivering some packages to the poor parts.", I say, nodding my head with confidence.

"Well, since you're not lost, I'm going to let you in.", he says, pressing a button with a sticker on it that says 'NO CHARGE'


They only charge the poor to move from one social class to another.

Leaving me, a wealthy person, the freedom to go anywhere I want, anytime I want.

When it's the poor that shouldn't have to pay money.

They're the ones who can't afford to be paying to go to their jobs when the rich have more than enough.


I nod to him and keep driving, heading to a neighborhood that is all too familiar. The streets are full of trash and filthy people. The few cars that are parked down the street are either vandalized or brand-new with a guard standing in front.

A few people notice me and a look of rememberance flashes across their face. They nod as I drive slowly down 'E' Street. I nod back and try my best to ignore all of the sad children looking up at my ancient car.

I park my car several blacks away from my destination. I make sure to pull off the cover that hides the symbol of the Rebels, that I have painted onto my door. An image of a dark cloud with a rippled image of a man, cupped in large hands.


This image tells everyone that sees it that I'm against the Brotherhood.

Protecting me against all thugs and bandits.

They don't attack me because they know I'm on their side.

Why attack a friend?


Once I have the cover off, I slip my disquise onto my face. A simple black mask with the lips painted white and white tears painted under my eyes along with my favorite black fadora. I feel very mysterious with my disquise, announcing that I am the leader of the Rebels.

I created the group, the Rebels, to save all of the poor Characters from the Brotherhood's evil grasp.

The group started out with about a hundred teenagers.

All unexperienced and stupid. Only wanting trouble. Even a few spies from the Brotherhood.

I kept myself undercover in a black mask, never actually showing my face to anyone.

Except for Naira.


I sigh at the memory of myself falling head over heels with the daughter of the King of the Dimension as I climb an apartment building and run across the rooftops.


Naira was like something I'd never seen before and I lost her. She was beautiful. Big violet eyes, framed by long lashes. Her strawberry-blond curls going gracefully down to her waist. Light freckles across the bridge of her nose, set above her full rosy lips. Those deep dimples that just gave you the shivers.

She was bright, beautiful, and untouchable. Naira was the first person I'd ever loved besides my little brother. She wasn't easily swayed by my charm, and that made me want her even more. She had this way of speaking that just made her sound so clever and sharp, my perfect match.

"Shadow?", a familiar voice asks. I look down to see the tax collector, Mr. Kass, walking out of his place of business with his briefcase. His deep brown eyes have a concerned look, framed by his knitted eyebrows. His thin lips set in a tight line. I can tell that he's been here all day because his suit is ruffled and his balding hair is frizzy and sticking out in places where he's ran his fingers through it.

I jump down from the roof and bow while still keeping my eyes on Mr. Kass. I straighten myself out and trail the brim of my hat with my finger. Mr. Kass takes a step back as I ease my hand into my pocket, pulling back the side of my cloak. I reveal my long sword, old fashioned but quite effective. It's my favorite weapon.

"How may I help you today, Shadow?", Mr. Kass asks clamly, knowing what I'm here for. "I wish to make a request.", I say, pulling the sacks of taxes, along with Elizabeth's money for 'gas'. He nods and taxes the money, dropping them in his briefcase.

"Where to this time?"


"Same as always. To the-," he cuts me off, "To the poorest houses and homeless shelters, I know Shadow. I can't keep doing this. I'm losing money Shadow.", he sighs.

"I know Mr. Kass, I left a nice sack in there just for you. It's the only sack in there without the writing on it. Feed your kids and buy your wife a new dress.", I say. He smiles and nods.

"Thank you Shadow, my son really looks up to you."

"I know. Oh, here.", I rummage through my satchel and fish out a small bow and a quiver of arrows with delicate feathers. I hand them to Mr. Kass who is smiling brightly.

"I heard that Scotty is excellant with a bow. Tell him that my boys will be checking on him, and that if he ever needs more arrows, they'll give him more.", I say, turning.

"Thank you Shadow.", he says softly. I tip my hat at him and jump onto the ledge of a window, reaching the roof within seconds. I run across the rooftop and jump to the next building, grabbing onto a window and hoisting myself up. I soon reach were my car is parked and drive to the Safehaven, the Rebel's hideout.

© 2014 Bri

Author's Note

Please, do tell me what you think!

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Excellent as Always Bri. I feel so lame reviewing you because you cant just describe perfection. Its great!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you! Haven't been on for a while, just barely got to your awesome review! I always look forwar.. read more
The conversations are strong as well as the story. I like the smiles, nods, tipping a hat...all the descriptions of movement too. This was well done. Your writing keeps improving, did you notice that? It's getting stronger in how you are giving life to the characters. You should pat yourself on the back. Good job.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! I've been trying to be more descriptive.
Sue Hart

11 Years Ago

It shows. In a month, re-read it out loud and make sure you don't repeat anything in the same way. .. read more
Wonderful chapter 2! I agree with Gracie's assessment. "There were a few typos, and some of your sentences were a little repetitive." other than that, Wunderbar! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

I was so excited when I saw there's a second chapter now! Great continuation to the first part. Shadow's character has been expanded, and I like the whole Robin Hood thing you're doing with him. On the other hand, I think you leave some of the other characters a little flat. It seemed like Brother Hanestein could have been described a bit better. Maybe when Shadow tells him about the money being taken from his desk, you could mention his facial expression before Shadow slams the door. There were a few typos, and some of your sentences were a little repetitive. Otherwise, lovely job, can't wait to read more!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Im really enjoying this so far; well done! :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 25, 2014
Last Updated on January 25, 2014
Tags: shadow, love, beautiful, amazing, interesting, sneakpeek, robinhood, romance, clever, mastermind, thief, danger, leader, rebels, savior, taxes, hot, cute, bombastic, robber, friendy, scotty, Jack



Writer's City , CA

I try to go through all of my read requests once a week, so, please be patient with me!!! I'm an artist of all sorts. I've been writing stories since I could first hold a pe.. more..

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