All New To Me

All New To Me

A Chapter by torri.caesar

This Chapter says How it all Starts


It was October 10th, 2013 and I was at home getting ready for school in this boring town called Red Bright. It was strange here yet calm, no one ever spoke that much because everyone had secrets. Everyone was more distant from each other than close. I only had one best friend by the name of Rebecca.

I walked into that horrifying school and as I looked around people stared at me like I had something on my face. I ignored them and walked over to Rebecca.

“Hey Rebecca!” I said not knowing how loud I shouted her name.

“Shush you’re too loud and hi Camil.” Rebecca said while getting her books out of her locker.

“Anyways why is everybody so quiet today?”

“Aren’t they always? Anyways did you hear a new kid came today?”

“New kid we haven’t had one of those in a while!”

“I know right well I hope we have that person for homeroom. Let’s go before the bell rings and were stuck in traffic.”

I giggled and walked off with Rebecca to homeroom. Our homeroom teacher Miss Cole had the worst attitude I have ever seen. She was worse than a snake trying to bite you! I walked in and of course I was the first one she was to bully. “Camil what are you wearing it isn’t Halloween yet!” I cracked a smile and rolled my eyes, I took my seat.

Miss Cole wrote on the board and it said Class we have a new student! I looked at Rebecca and she smiled at me. The student walked in and it was a boy. He had black hair that was kind of short and he had a pale skin color along with gorgeous green eyes and a nose piercing and he was wearing black skinny’s and a black top with vampire teeth as the logo.

Everyone began to whisper and Rebecca quickly ran over to sit by me. “Isn’t he cute!?” I rolled my eyes and said “Dating isn’t my style and not really.” Rebecca frowned at me and ran back to her seat.

Miss Cole told him to sit beside me and I felt chills. “Class his name is Jake.” It wasn’t a bad name I kind of liked it. He looked at me and smiled and I could have sworn I saw two sharp teeth. I just forgot about it and went back to listening to the teacher. After class Rebecca ran up to me and pushed me against the looker. “Omg he was so checking you out!” I got off the lockers and brushed myself off. “Ouch! You didn’t have to push me and stop making a scene!” Rebecca rolled her eyes and dragged me over to the new kid as I like to call him.

I walked over to him and looked him in the eye and it was like he was pulling me in, controlling me. I snapped out of it and Rebecca slapped my shoulder. “Hi Jake right? This is my friend Camil, you two have fun bye!” Rebecca said while running to her next class. I smiled and said “Hey sorry about her she is just crazy.” Jake giggled and said “Don’t worry I’m used to crazy.” I smiled and started to giggle. He locked his new locker and said “Um who do you have next?” I thought for a second and said “Mr. Ash.” Jake giggled and said he had the same class too.

As we walked into the classroom people stared at us and started to talk. This school was filled with rumors; I still can’t believe I actually went here instead of Gate River High with all my type of people.

After class I skipped lunch and went outside to sit. I stared at the sun and it bothered me for some reason. It made me think why we have the sun but I know why because it’s gives us light blah, blah, blah whatever this stupid theory makes me want to puke! As I walked to the corner I saw Jake.

Jake was on the phone and I overheard his conversation. “Yeah this school has six of them I spotted them already and guess what I found that girl you wanted.” I felt scared and he seemed like he was up to no good. I listened more to check my facts. “By this week I promise she will know goodbye.” I quickly hid. He put his phone away and walked over and saw me. I smiled and quickly tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I rolled my eyes and shook my arm for him to let go then I sat on the bench.
“Did you hear me?” Jake said with a scary serious face.

“I didn’t I just got here.” I said while trying to hide my lies.

“Hmp fine I’ll take your word anyways what’s your name again, full name?!”

“Um Camil, Redson, Bela, Ameno.”

“I see aha alright then see you later.” Jake said while walking away happily.

Jake was definitely up to something but I had to find out what. After school I caught up with Rebecca to get her opinion on things. “You ditched me in lunch dumb ***!” I laughed and pulled her over to the side. Rebecca grabbed my hand and took it off of hers and had a look that says what! “I think Jake is up to no good!” Rebecca laughed and said “You’re a stalker you like him anyways my bus is here chow!” Rebecca said walking away.

I got home and threw my sweater on the couch and went in the kitchen for some fruit punch. My mother walked through the door and she put her purse up. “Hey darling anything new?” I smiled and went over to give her a hug. “Um just a new kid.” my mother smiled and walked upstairs.

My father is a whole different story he doesn’t show up here much so my mother does all the work. I went up to my room and my little sister Kayla came in and said “I want to watch TV!” She said while stomping her feet. She is only five and she thinks she must get everything. I put the television on Kids Network and I went into her room instead. It was getting late so I put Kayla in bed and I fell right asleep.

The next morning I got ready for school and I headed out in my mom’s Lexus since she didn’t work today. When I arrived I saw this girl looking dead at me and it looks like she was examining me. I rolled my eyes and started to walk inside but she stopped me.

“I’m Rose nice to meet you.” she said while putting her hand out in a friendly greeting.

“Hi… my name is Camil, Camil Ameno.” I said while shaking her hand and giving her a warm smile.

“So noticed anything lately?” Rose said acting almost as suspicious as Jake.

“No just you well bye.”

“Now listen here Miss Ameno you’re in for a lot.” she said while almost scratching me with her nails.

I went into my homeroom class feeling scared of that Rose girl. After class Rebecca came running to me. “I heard Jake on the phone and he said I’m going to have Camil by tomorrow!” I rolled my eyes and thought now she gets it. “Ugh this Jake boy! You know what after school I’m talking to him.” Rebecca looked scared and she walked away.

After school after everyone left Jake and Rose was still here. I saw four other people and they were just standing around Jake. “So no one touch Camil I want to taste her first!” Jake said with a smile. I felt so weird out.

I stepped on a piece of paper and they heard me and Jake saw me and walked over to me and Rose and this other girl grabbed me. “Let me go!” I yelled. Jake laughed and said “Bring her to the lair.” I felt really scared I had no clue what I was up for. We arrived at this lair place and he threw me in a cell. He walked in and closed it; “Tell the boss I have her.” Rose nodded and walked away.

“Hello Camil.”

“What do you want from me?!”

“I want your blood.”

“My what, what are you!?”

“Aha you’re so stupid considering your one of us too.”

“What explain this to me I don’t understand!”

“Uh your annoying alright you’re a vampire and I’m a vampire get it?!”

“That’s nonsense you’re, you‘re dumb!”

“Aha want me to prove it and anyways I can’t hold back any longer!”

Jake grabbed my hand and slinked his teeth right through my veins. My body felt all tingly inside and I felt so scared. I screamed from the top of my lungs but no one seemed to care. I just stood there feeling horrid pain. He finally let go and my hand was bleeding and his mouth had blood everywhere. I started to feel dizzy and I fainted.

I woke up and found myself chained up to a chair. “Who, What is this!?” they all smiled and looked at me. The lights in the room dimed and someone came out from the curtains. It was a girl with Long Brown hair with purple highlights and her eyes were red. She walked up to me and looked me up and down. “I see your Camil and your blood smells magnificent!” I didn’t say anything and I just sat there listening to her words. “You look so lost sweetheart, listen I’m head of all these vampires here and your one too so you follow my rules!” I sighed and said “I don’t have to do anything!” The lady looked at me and slapped me right across my face so hard it left a mark.

I started to feel like I was being punished for something I did. “My name is Ester and my minions take her away from me.” they untied me and grabbed me up. I started to scream but they didn’t listen and they threw me back into that cold cell. I wonder what my mom’s doing; she is probably crying and worrying.

When I was about to fall asleep Jake came in. “Hey sorry about Ester she can be mean” I started to tear up and I quickly turned around. When did this town become vampire town!? Jake opened the cell and locked it behind him. “I beg you not worry I was you once but then I went through the transformation.” I didn’t understand clearly but at the same time I think I did. Was I a vampire!

While he was talking to me I tried to break free and I did and I held him by the shirt and said “Get me out of here now!” he threw me.

He walked over to me and picked me up. “Did you forget? I’m a vampire you idiot I’m ten times stronger than you!” I struggled to breath and he put me down. I got up and I said “Please my mother will worry, I want to go home!” Jake shook his head and he sat down. “She isn’t your mother so shut up about her!” I wanted to choke him but he would kill me.

“She is my mom and I love her!” I said with rage.

“You might want to check again, your mom is back in our world and she is a vampire. Your mother’s name is Blossom and she is Ester’s Cousin.”

“I don’t get this you’re a liar!”

“I’m not Camil alright don’t kid yourself.”

“But we look alike and she loves me and I love her and my little sister!”

“They don’t love you as their own.”

“You *****!” I said while running up to him with my fist.

I tried to punch him but he grabbed my arm and bit it again. I felt so dizzy and my hand was hurting like hell. “Uh stop!” I fell to the ground and started to breath heavily. “Go to sleep Camil.” Jake ordered while opening the cell. “Jake I beg you please let me go home, please!” Jake sighed and looked at me. He looked angry and he grabbed me, we walked outside through the back and he said “Go run and don’t look back.” I smiled and thanked him then I ran home.

When I got home my mother was on the couch with her head down and when she held her head up she had tears down her checks and her nose was all snotty. “Oh baby your home!” I gave her a big hug and she hugged me back. “Where were you, I was worried sick!” I smiled and started to tear up then I sat her on the couch. “Mom did you adopt me!?”

My mother eyes opened wide. “Where did you hear that?!” I started to feel uneasy and I shouted “That’s not what I asked answer my question!” my mother started to cry and she wiped her tears and said “You are I found you on the street and these people were chasing you but you were so young and I wanted to help. A few months later I got a note from your birth mom Blossom and it said please don’t tell my daughter Camil she is adopted keep her as your own I do not want her to know the real her. I started to cry and I ran up to my room.

The next morning I didn’t even bother to go to school because I was just so depressed. I heard a knock on my door and I really didn’t want to see my mom right now but I told her to come in. “Hey baby feeling better?” I looked the other way and said “I’m not your baby” my mother put her head down and looked back at me. “I may not be your damn mother but let me tell you something I work my damn *** off to provide for you! I took you in because I feel in love when I meet you for god sake I take care of you more than I do your sister!” I started to cry and I gave my mom a hug. “Mommy I’m sorry you’ll always be my mother!” She said she loved me and she went to work.

My mom didn’t know about the vampire part but I’m guessing my birth mother doesn’t want her to know. I was all home alone because my mom was at work, my sister was in daycare, and my father was on a business trip in New York.

I walked outside and looked in the sky it seemed so bright and so beautiful. I looked down my block and I saw one of the girls from that vampire cult and I ran back inside. I ran upstairs into my room.

I looked out the window and she looked right into my eyes. “Hey why don’t you come down? You scared!?” I locked my window and called Rebecca. “Hello what the hell I’m in school jit!” Rebecca said in a low kind of voice. “Ditch school I need you!” Rebecca sighed and said “No I’m about to take a test!” I rolled my eyes and said “Fine tell Jake to come to my house now!” Rebecca said “Okay bye!” She hung up and I did too. Jake was over my house in less than ten minutes.

Jake came inside and he held me up. “Are you alright?” he said calmly. “Um this Blondie was here!” Jake giggled and said “Oh that was Kim she probably came after you as an order from Ester. “Jake I want to get out of this.” Jake hugged me and said “I’ll help you but you have to come to my world alright?” I smiled and nodded.

The next day was a Saturday and Rebecca came over. “Rebecca I need you to cover for me in school.” Rebecca looked confused and she said “What for?” I sighed and said “I’m a vampire and I’m looking for my birth mother” Rebecca didn’t bother to ask anything and she said “Okay see you when you get back!” I laughed and I gave her a big hug.

I headed off into the portal with Jake. As we entered the world it seemed all dark. We started to walk the road of this place called Blood Trails. I looked around and saw all different kinds of vampires and they were all surrounding me. “Jake you shouldn’t have!” a guy shouted. Jake made an angry face and he hissed and said “No one touches her!” everyone backed off and he held my hand.

We arrived at this huge castle and he pointed inside and said “After you.” I looked around and walked in. He told me to keep walking forward and I did and I saw two doors. “Which one I asked?” he told me to pick the right door. I walked into the door on the right and I was led into this big room.

Jake told me to take a seat and that he would be right back. I looked on the walls and saw a lady holding a baby and I wondered was that me and my birth mom?! Jake came back into the room and sat beside me. I turned around and saw a lady with long black hair, yellow eyes, and red lipstick on. She took a good look at me and sat on the chair in front of me.

Jake sighed and left the room and I felt lost. Who was this lady? What did she want with me? She took a good look at me and she started to laugh. “Um what is it?” She stopped laughing and caught her breath.

“You look so beautiful.” She said while smiling at me.

“Thanks but who are you?!” I said weirdly.

“I am your real mother Blossom.”

“My birth mom uh why did you give me up?!”

“I’m sorry it’s because I am a vampire as you can see but I didn’t want you to have that life so I used the last potion in the vampire world to turn you human.”

“You uh I don’t know whether to be mad at you or happy.”

“I’m really sorry but you should go back to your mother because you aren’t safe here.”

“Thanks for meeting me huh bye mom.”

I looked at her and saw how sad she was and I went up to her for a hug. She started tearing up and I left the castle with Jake. A vampire looked at me and walked up to Jake and I. “Well hello human uh Jake.” Jake looked at her and rolled his eyes. “Come on Camil let’s go.” I started to walk off with Jake but the girl followed us.

Jake started to feel irritated. He looked back and had this mad face and his eyes turned red and his fangs grew longer. “Get away from her she isn’t on the menu Trisha!” Trisha hissed at him and looked at me. “Aha wait until I go to the human world I’m going to tell Rose!” Jake turned back to normal and started running with me.

Finally we arrived back to the human world and Jake walked me home. “Don’t mind Trisha she is just stupid.” I smiled and hugged him. He had a weird face on. “Um sorry but thanks for today” Jake smiled and hugged me back. “Well night see you tomorrow” I smiled and waved bye.

The next day at school Rebecca ran up to me. “You’re at school hi!” she shouted. I laughed and walked over to my locker and Rebecca followed. “So what happened while you were gone?” I smiled and locked my locker. “I meet my birth mom.” I said with confidence. Rebecca looked surprised and she gave me a big hug. “Are you doing alright?” I giggled and said “I guess I mean I love them both.”

After school Rebecca said “Hey you did better than most kids would do if they found their birth mom” I smiled and hugged her. I waved bye to her and started to walk home. I ran into Rose and she looked at me angrily.

“Hmp it’s you!”

“Uh Rose leave me alone!”

“I don’t think so brat.”

“I said go away!”

“Aha I rather drink your blood instead!”

I started to run but she grabbed me and threw me against a tree. “I promise it won’t hurt aha” She put her teeth on my neck and I could feel it about to sink in. I wanted to scream but my whole body froze. Right when she was about to bite me Jake came and tackled her.

Jake got up and said “What are you doing you idiot!?” Rose got up and dusted herself off. “And you call yourself a vampire you’re such an idiot!” Jake hissed at her and looked at me. “Go home now!” I turned around and started to run but another vampire was there. “Aha hi I’m Kimi nice to meet you.” The vampire girl said as she held me tightly. Jake began to lose control and he shouted “You all are idiots leave her alone!” Rose started to laugh and she told Kimi to keep on holding me.

Rose walked up to Jake and kissed him! “Uh listen your mine don’t protect that idiot girl Camil she isn’t one of us!” I felt awkward and my chest was hurting. Jake calmed down a little and whispered to Rose. She suddenly left and Jake told me to go home as he left too.

I entered my home and sat on the couch. I felt relieved that I didn’t get bitten but somehow I felt unhappy. “Hey darling had fun at school today?” I got up to hug my mom and I said “Uh you can say that huh I’m going to my room.” I layed in my bed thinking what is making me so depressed I mean it couldn’t be that kiss. I forgot about it and just went to sleep.

The next day I went outside to walk to school. I saw Ester and she was staring at me. She walked up to me and said “Aha I will kill you!” and she did something that just made me faint.

I woke up in some cell again. All these vampires were around me and I was really scared. “You’re in for a treat well us I mean aha” Rose said. I stepped back and just hoped for a miracle.

© 2011 torri.caesar

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Added on December 28, 2011
Last Updated on December 28, 2011




I am 13 years Old and ever since I was five I have always been interested in stories. I have always had a creative mind and I am full of imagination. I decided to put those into words and it made me f.. more..
