i can't remember exactly when it was that stopped believing....but i know i went pretty far with it..
good for another year...another year for michael to be a kid...we need longer youth years again...kids are having to grow up way too soon
these days.
Posted 8 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
"... I went pretty far with it... "
I can see you organizing the first chapter o.. read more"... I went pretty far with it... "
I can see you organizing the first chapter of the KABSS union - (Kids Against Being Sold Santa) J.
Thank you for your lovely review.
It's much appreciated my friend
I love the spirits of children, Christmas, and this poem!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
I love that you enthuse so much about all that and my poem especially Queenie.
Thank you so m.. read moreI love that you enthuse so much about all that and my poem especially Queenie.
Thank you so much.
Nice little snippet. One minor thing, and I feel silly pointing out such things on a poem that has 300+ views -- had stopped as opposed to had stop. I am sure you just read it as it was supposed to be.
KL you know, I actually think it was pointed out before and I didn't change it or I didnt save the c.. read moreKL you know, I actually think it was pointed out before and I didn't change it or I didnt save the changes but I'm very grateful for the catch.
Thank you again KL - I really appreciate your visit
8 Years Ago
No problem. I am loved and hated because of my grammatical leanings.:)
8 Years Ago
Oh I am in love with your grammatics. I'm usually such a stickler for spelling - punctuation not so .. read moreOh I am in love with your grammatics. I'm usually such a stickler for spelling - punctuation not so much lol
Both a funny and touching story. The belief of the man in the red suit may fade but the spirit and magic of Christmas lives on, and passes on to the next generation to experience. I like the ending with the sleigh bells bit, that's a great metaphor and way to bring the holiday itself into it. Thank you for sharing!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
My apologies Jack I overlooked your fine review here.
I havent admitted this until now but t.. read moreMy apologies Jack I overlooked your fine review here.
I havent admitted this until now but this was inspired - in style - by the writings of Papaya whom I consider to be a truly fine poet.
Thank you Jack. I appreciate your visit my friend.
8 Years Ago
I have heard the name but don't believe I have read anything by them, I'll have to give it a look so.. read moreI have heard the name but don't believe I have read anything by them, I'll have to give it a look soon. And you are very welcome!
Just read this' Late of course, as usual. And I've got to say I'm shocked and stunned, I tell ye; shocked and stunned!
How very dare you even suggest such a thing. Santa is not.... I can't even bring myself to say it. That you could think such a thing and then put in a wee poem thingy! And I noticed its not even adult viewing only. My gabber has never been so wotsit! I'm going for a lie down in a dark room the now.
I know it was only suggested with the 'another year saved'. From what I hasten to say. Wicked I tell ye, wicked! Suddenly I've turned intae Private Fraser, the now. but I claim diminshed responsibilty. Doomed I tell ye! Doomed!
Tell the wee laddie the truth mon! Tell him that the Santa chappie is now the way havin a wee restie with Missis Santa before it starts agin.
On a side note did ye know that the legend of reindeer flying came about from the fact that ye average reindeer herder liked the taste of fermented and hallusonogenic (sic) reindeer pee. Now ye didn't know ye didn't know that. Right am awa the now havin put ye straight on a few things ye poor man ye are. And ye can put those other wee looneys below straight about the facts of the matter as well
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Sorry I missed this classic review Ken.
Dont apologise for being tardy - I have only replied.. read moreSorry I missed this classic review Ken.
Dont apologise for being tardy - I have only replied 6 days later so we're evens !! lol
You could be Fraser's double lol - *ducks from swedging haggis roundhouse*
After your tale about chasing the haggis round the mountains I don't know whether to accost the next reindeer I see for a wee dram of his - or Oor Willie (see what I did there..haha)
Thank you for visiting - wipe your feet on the way out feller !!
Haha nice one when I read this I kind of felt it too really since when did I stop believing. I don't know about Santa but I do remember my mom ruining the tooth fairy story for me I caught her saying she was the one putting the coin under my pillow LOL .Anyway that's a nice style you have got there. Keep up the good work :)
I remember when some smart arse kid at school ruined my dreams that Santa's fake, after that women broke my dreams of happy ever after! lol
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
You need to keep them dreams closely guarded so nobody can steal them until you find someone whose d.. read moreYou need to keep them dreams closely guarded so nobody can steal them until you find someone whose dreams are better and bigger - THEN STEAL 'EM !! lol
Thanks for your visit A.M.
8 Years Ago
just returning your generosity Tony and in the process learning how poetry is properly written lol:(
8 Years Ago
I'm like you mate. I am learning, learning, learning. I guess it's a lifetime hobby.
You ste.. read moreI'm like you mate. I am learning, learning, learning. I guess it's a lifetime hobby.
You steer your own course. I admire that, bigtime.
8 Years Ago
It, behave you two, what's this some sort of homo erotic poetry appreciation love in. You wanna lear.. read moreIt, behave you two, what's this some sort of homo erotic poetry appreciation love in. You wanna learn, come to me, I ain't az fick as ewe fink. HAPPY NEW YEAR MEN
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Haha Gee I've asked the wifey and it's ok to send you a big kiss X lol Happy Few Years!
As soon as my back's turned Gee's in like Flynn (Errol).
Get a room you two!!.. read moreWhoa!!
As soon as my back's turned Gee's in like Flynn (Errol).
Get a room you two!! And all over my best duvet an all!!
This poem makes me remember when my grandmother pulled me to the side in fifth grade to tell me Santa wasn't real. I wasn't crushed becaause moments where I helped her bake cookies to leave out for the night, watched Christmas cartoons until I fell asleep, and gasped at the presents appearing like a magic trick at midnight. Oh great, you and someone else have made me want to write a Christmas poem lol. But, those were fun times because of the anticipation of a magical person in my house with goodies for little me.
Thank you for presenting a slice of life that those of us without kids would never even think of. I love that you define "the holidays" in terms of this one precious little myth, something that apparently most parents cling to as a marker to help them trust that their babes are not growing up too quickly. Your poem says all that, so much more than the actual words, which is the true brilliance of a short poem that taps into what already resides in the reader's mind. The final statement is perfectly simple & sensory.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
My word Barleygirl you have me at a loss for words for once.
I loved your 'marker' analogy -.. read moreMy word Barleygirl you have me at a loss for words for once.
I loved your 'marker' analogy - it made me think too.
I dont have kids but I do have dogs and I was struck once by a 'dog expert' who said we keep our dogs (pet dogs not working dogs that is) in a perpetual state of puppydom. Maybe we try that with the kids too.
Thank you for the in-depth and awesome review BG.
Or maybe some of us keep pets instead of kids BECUZ OF their perpetual childlike sense of wonder! *w.. read moreOr maybe some of us keep pets instead of kids BECUZ OF their perpetual childlike sense of wonder! *wink! wink!*
8 Years Ago
heh heh - not forgetting they wont be wanting the latest iPad every year
8 Years Ago
Since I've never even had a cell phone in my 60 years of life, I think any potential kids of mine wo.. read moreSince I've never even had a cell phone in my 60 years of life, I think any potential kids of mine would be supremely disappointed at my insistence on a more wholesome & organic way of life! *smile*
Just writing to get it out
My avatar is an actual slice of an onion that I cut up and I kept and froze - it reminds me of the saying - If you don't laugh, you cry. more..