In the twinkle of an eye..

In the twinkle of an eye..

A Poem by Tom

A perspective in size yet love greater still..

An insect stares through tiny compound lens
at a mouse, enormous so grotesque,
the beady eyes of that mouse, sees humans
as maurading, stampeding elephants

A human stands next to california redwood 
tree, dewarfed by its size imposing, 
yet viewed at altitude from a cruising plane
that mighty tree a mere filament of hair

Planet earth, lands, seas, a blue behemoth
could fit a million times inside the sun,
a brightly burning inferno, exudes warmth
like a pretty beachball in a galaxy immence

Our milkway spans thousands of light years
within, myraids of stars, shine bright,
itself one galaxy of trillions more in
the universe, size incomprehensible to traverse 

And yet such magnitudes pale by contrast
in the twinkling of a mother's loving eye
as she cradles new born babe in arms..
An unbreakable bond, stronger than the cosmos!

© 2024 Tom

Author's Note

Just thinking out loud here and wondering

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We are but specks of dust in comparison to the vastness of the universe...and yet....when a baby is born and handed to the mother, the mother becomes a giant capable of a love larger than the universe! I really enjoyed the comparisons here, Tom. Great write....and an ode to mothers everywhere. Lydi**

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Thank you Lydia, yes I like that analogy, ' mother becomes a giant capable of a love larger than the.. read more


Even though I needed a dictionary while reading, I felt the words settle into place and blossom in my heart. meaningful. too meaningful and fascinating. too fascinating. I absolutely loved it

Posted 7 Months Ago

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Having been raised, 1 of 7, by a single parent mother I know the lengths and depths a mother will go to so that her brood are clothed, fed and watered.
No greater love.
Enjoyed the read Tom

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Thanks muchly Gee!!
We are but specks of dust in comparison to the vastness of the universe...and yet....when a baby is born and handed to the mother, the mother becomes a giant capable of a love larger than the universe! I really enjoyed the comparisons here, Tom. Great write....and an ode to mothers everywhere. Lydi**

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Thank you Lydia, yes I like that analogy, ' mother becomes a giant capable of a love larger than the.. read more
It's all perspective. Great work.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Indeed it is, thank you Thomas!
You have created some wonderful imagery here in your stanzas. We are so insignificant in the overall picture, and yet your final stanza speaks so movingly of motherhood and holding your own baby for the first time. Unbreakable bonds. A magical read Tom.


Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Thank you Chis, excellent, thoughful summation!!
A sublime poem which imparts to the reader that the universe in all it's glory and many wonders pales in comparison with the love and bond which a mother feels when she holds her newborn baby and cuddles him/her for the first time. That bond grows throughout the years and reaches a point where it can never be broken, even in death. You capture this bond superbly in both word and imagery. Lovely work, Tom. Thank you for sharing...

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

And thank you Marie for your always welcome visit and valued interprets/reviews of my little poems, .. read more

8 Months Ago

Most welcome always, Tom. Have a very nice day and enjoy the sunshine...
Your words travel slowly, slowly and visually up the steps towards exquisite love, each step enhancing LOVE in stages of size and place in its meaning. A baby, a small being that fires the heart, enhances sight, glories in its place in your life.. absolutely everything. How beautifully you have laid and shared your words. Your poem truly means everything one could ever have in life, in any and everywhere. Tears and smiles combined.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

" Your words travel slowly, slowly and visually up the steps towards exquisite love " ... Wonderful .. read more
I believe that most mothers feel this way about their newborn and also adult children. My son is one of the people that I call my grounding force in life. Even though he is 24 now he is the strongest grounding forces in my life and that surrounds me. When we have a day together I feel as if all is right within the world and that it is no longer off balance.

I love the way you start with the insect and move on gradually to the larger animals, trees and the Universe ultimately.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Yes indeed I certainly see where your coming from here PB in relation to your fine sentiments regard.. read more
Poetic Beauty

8 Months Ago

You are welcome
I love all the cosmos, galaxies, seeing things from different perspectives, tiny, huge…the eclectic bond of the cosmos to the earth…such magnitude of these matters, but what is better and more sincere than the bond between a mother and her newborn…I love the comparisons and contrasts…very creative…
Warmly, B

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

So pleased we enjoy and appreciated themes Betty, thanks for your visit and relatable review!
Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

A pleasure my friend🌷
Warmly, B
Excellent vision. The poem is strong enough. Beautiful writing

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Months Ago

Thank you poet A.
Arundass TP

8 Months Ago

Welcome friend 😊

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11 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2024
Last Updated on June 10, 2024



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