![]() Incels ..A Poem by Tom![]() Read all about it in today's news Word on the street, latest trends lovelorn single, straight men, now prefer to date A.I. girlfriends easy pickings, to find plethora of virtual beauties, go online, design perfect woman stunning looks, compliant mind No more naff, silly small talk, like " Hi, do you come here often?" Gone the risk of rejection, spluttering, red faced, stammering, stuttering, even shy, introverted, young bucks sure to score, grab themselves a winner heck, don't have to go out for dinner! Dosen't matter a jot nor a dang if you're Quasimodo's uglier brother, cause these computer generated beauties, love like a smitten mother, so obliging, inspire flagging confidence never call you a stupid jerk, always compliments, help with homework Yep, no doubting or backsliding get with the times or be forever lost in this crazy world, artificial intelligence rules, but what's the cost? Like the Wizard of Oz, hidden in plain sight, a human computer programmer sits laughing, mocking those so enamered Pray tell, why would someone be inclined feel it neccessary to create such software? Risk sanity of all humanity? Answer is easy, same sad old git, never grew a pair! © 2023 TomAuthor's Note
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26 Reviews Added on October 12, 2023 Last Updated on October 17, 2023 Author
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