Lord love a Duck !

Lord love a Duck !

A Poem by Tom

Wll laying and brimming over with Joie de vivre !

Gather round friends, time to make amends
and listen to my overt overture
no more prescriptions for pills, to chasten ills
prevention is preferable to cure

This may sound indiscreet, we are what we eat
not pretence or old wive's tale,
just as an apple a day, keeps the doctor at bay
likewise, a coy clue to the holy grail

A tasty yellow banana, is nutritious manna
fortified with ready energy,
consuming such food, after it is well chewed
creates positive, pulsating synergy

Eat plenty of tomatoes, salads and potatoes
for all are loaded with lycopene,
you can be confidant, absorbing antioxidant
neutralises, harmful cells in the spleen

But my piece de resistance, to salubrious sustenance
nothing more than a simple duck egg,
I hear, 'shock horror, golly gosh, what a load of tosh'
allow me to continue, I beg !

The domesticated duck, adheres to water and muck
and will totally become immersed,
to us what appears gloop, to a duck is sumptuous soup
which it consumes, to quench a vigorous thirst

Nutrients beneficial to well-being, are not easily seen
nor found in processed food,
insects, maggots and worms, make many squirm
but delicious to a duck and duly imbued

Don't be put off, by what a duck likes to scoff
or think me enigmatic and vague,
when ingested by this bird, such organisms are transferred
into pure protein, contained within its egg

So look after your health, for it is your wealth
don't deviate or become unstuck,
now here's my case, plain as the nose on your face..
"The Lord loves you and the Lord loves me, that's why he gave us the duck ! "

© 2015 Tom

Author's Note

noun: lycopene
a red carotenoid pigment present in tomatoes and many berries and fruits.

a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism.

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OMG Tom! Didn't know all that delicious ( ?) information about duck eggs, but makes perfect scientific sense! As to the rest- equally sound sense! And all contained in a clever and eloquent poem with great imagery, flow and rhyme. Love the duck & you !

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Yes indeed Annette, so glad you see the merits and value of the ' mighty duck' ! Would love to be ab.. read more


Just happened upon this terrific poem and now am going to have to look for a duck egg outlet
We have raised ducks which can be almost as loving and faithful as a dog but for some reason have never eaten duck egg

Posted 4 Years Ago

OMG Tom! Didn't know all that delicious ( ?) information about duck eggs, but makes perfect scientific sense! As to the rest- equally sound sense! And all contained in a clever and eloquent poem with great imagery, flow and rhyme. Love the duck & you !

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Yes indeed Annette, so glad you see the merits and value of the ' mighty duck' ! Would love to be ab.. read more
Ha Ha.... I Love It... Good Advice Set To Verse !!

You are the clever one indeed...

Did Enjoy...


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

J. J.  Nightingale

7 Years Ago

Ha... Have had many duck eggs, they make wonderfully rich Cakes !!....

7 Years Ago

Food of 'the Gods' lol..
J. J.  Nightingale

7 Years Ago

HA..TRUE ..........................
"Lord love a duck"
What fun and a positive, healthy message; no more prescriptions or pills..for ills."
"We are what we eat." Apples, banannas, tomatoes, salad and potatoes; your list is perfect.
As to your title, The duck egg and its explanation- well you have convinced me.
I am able to eat chicken eggs that my mother raises out at she and my dad's farm. They are so good!.
thanks for a healthy message.............Bless you.......Kathy

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you Kathy for your astute and appreciative comments!
Wow! Poetry full of nutrition. Recently I had a freedom and had been neglecting few nutritions body really needs!

Eye opener for people like me. Cheers for good health, may all people of the world be healthy and if at all even if they die it should be a bullet, bomb but not malnutrition :) Just kidding.

Thanks, Tom.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Live Long and Prosper tanmay !

8 Years Ago

Thanks Tom. Alarms set, schedule prepared, Friends informed, Groceries purchased, I am on! :)
Love! Love! Love! I love this message on so many levels. From a writing standpoint, the word choices are very fun & imaginative: "overt overture" . . . "salubrious sustenance" . . . "sumptuous soup" . . . plus, I couldn't be more in agreement, as all that dirt & gloop is full of nutrients we wouldn't get in our otherwise sanitized & processed world. I love that you start with nutrients in general, drilling down to the glorious duck egg as your central theme. So packed with original ideas, stated in original ways.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you kindly barley for your ever so gracious applause of my little duck ditty !!
I enjoyed this. A touch of Edward Lear? The poem flows along beautifully and ends with panache in the long last line!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you kindly Great Auntie A.
Enjoyed the playful tone here... Parts of this would make for a good children's lesson on nutrition!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Had that in mind myself Diana ...great minds think alike lol. And thanks for reading & reviewing !
Hahahahah...lol..cleverly written..i am officially quiting junk

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you Mary !

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24 Reviews
Added on May 22, 2015
Last Updated on September 20, 2015



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