Oh, what a very emotional write on such a very sad occasion, Tom. So very sorry to read about "Bunny", bless her. A devastating scene to wake up to in the morning. Your dog thought she was doing you a great service, not realising the truth! I hope you have learned to forgive yourself now and that you are fully healed, dear friend. It was a learning lesson for you, but sad that a life has been lost in the process. A healing hug your way! Thank you for sharing, Tom...
Posted 7 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
Thank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words .. read moreThank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words do help to relieve the guilt I still feel, thanks again my friend!!
7 Months Ago
Most welcome always, dear Tom. Have a very nice day and a lovely lonhg weekend too...
Oh Tom How I can feel your pain and sorrow my friend! But please don't beat yourself up over this. Animals are very clever and little Bunny may have found a way to open that cage. Your writing is done so elloquently and I am terribly sorry for your loss. ~Sharon
Posted 9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Than you very much Sharon for your comforting, caring words !!
dear Tom... All creatures love to play...
I had a beautiful pet duck that loved
me dearly... and met the same end.
Her name was Sweetie heart.
I share your pain. truly... Pat
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you so much Pat, it is comforting to know I'm not alone with such misfortunes !
Tom... It is comforting to know that a dog
who loves you could save your life... but a bunny.. read moreTom... It is comforting to know that a dog
who loves you could save your life... but a bunny
or a duck has such a gentle love... they could
save your soul. Have a blessed Easter and Spring.
truly... Pat
9 Years Ago
And you too Pat..Lovely to see a bit of Spring weather at long last !
9 Years Ago
Yes, we are desperate for Spring in Virginia.
The buds are bursting forth on tree limbs. <.. read moreYes, we are desperate for Spring in Virginia.
The buds are bursting forth on tree limbs.
Redbud trees are my favorite. They are a
purple hue in the woods. The birdsong will
heal and nourish our heart. truly... Pat
Well, these things happen. You were good to Bunny while you had him. Perhaps the latch slipped or broke by itself. A dog must follow its own nature, and that is the law of life.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
I suppose they do Marie, sad though it is & thanks for tour supportive comment !
Oh...I am so sorry Tom. Please know it is not your fault. These slip-ups happen in life and inadvertent, sad things happen sometimes. But my heart goes out to the little Bunny, especially since the way you expressed your feelings here. So moving and so touching. Thank you for sharing your grief.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you Divya for your always welcome visit and compassionate, comforting words of support!
I can imagine the anquish; can only say that when such unfortunate things happen and it it impossible not to feel guilt, even though you are not to blame anymore than your dog is.
Over thirty years ago my sister and I lost a pet hamster in quite awful circumstances. He'd escaped his cage and taken refuge behind the piano, in the gap between the back of the instrument and the skirting board. My sister and I tried all ways to coax him out, then eventually and with a great struggle, the two of us started moving the piano, which was when disaster struck, as poor hamster darted underneath the piano just as it proved to heavy for us and we had to set it back down.
We cried for days, and though time has healed, the memory is still there.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Thank you Beccy, it is consoling to know that I'm not the only one to have suffered similar misfortu.. read moreThank you Beccy, it is consoling to know that I'm not the only one to have suffered similar misfortunes !
Hey good friend, I agree with Lydi and such things happen far more than one might imagine. I suspect these words may not be as reassuring as they are intended but give it time....A very touching write Tom
Posted 9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Thank you Neville and au contraire, your understanding words are indeed a reassuring comfort my frie.. read moreThank you Neville and au contraire, your understanding words are indeed a reassuring comfort my friend !
Oh my Tom, how attached we do get to our pets, and I know I should be telling you to forgive yourself, which you will in time, but at this moment I would be feeling the same, and asking the same questions as you as this dear pet was a part of your life, and it is at a time of loss that we look back, and go over, and over what me might have done to prevent it from happening!
It does help to write of it, as I too admit, but the heartache of the event is so overwhelming at the time that one often is just not ready to be forgiven. From my experience, I can offer that it gets easier, and memory of the pet stays with us in a positive way to help us heal. As you point out, it was not your dog's fault as she was only doing what she knows to do, what is a part of her so to scold her would have been pointless, and in some ways cruel.
But alas, your dear bunny is gone! My heartfelt feeling of sympathy is with you, and your family as you move on - with a vacant place in your hearts!!
Thank you for sharing your sorrow and dismay with us! We are here for you!!
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you my dear friend, your compassionate words are indeed of great consoling comfort, he was 'ju.. read moreThank you my dear friend, your compassionate words are indeed of great consoling comfort, he was 'just' a little bunny rabbit but we had him form an infant for 5 years and he loved life so much and we all truly loved him !!!
You must stop blaming yourself, Tom. We are not perfect beings. You loved your "Bunny" ....your cherished pet. Obviously if you did leave the latch undone, it was not intentional. I can feel your pain in every line. So sorry you are going through this. I hope writing helped a bit. Lydi**
Posted 10 Years Ago
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10 Years Ago
Yes indeed Lydia, writing about the whole unpleasant experience did help and as you wisely say, word.. read moreYes indeed Lydia, writing about the whole unpleasant experience did help and as you wisely say, words are a good form of release and outlet, and thank you my friend for your supportive thoughts !!