' Bunny '

' Bunny '

A Poem by Tom

Yesterday was a very sad day in our house and to be honest, the pain is just as bad today...

That morning began like any other, I suppose, 
up early, let out the dogs, 
feed the chickens, 
just how it normally goes. 

The evening before, gently, I'd taken hold, 
of his cute, furry frame 
as early Spring nights, 
surprisingly, are still rather cold.  

And placed him within his safe wooden hutch 
or at least so I thought, 
unknown to me, that never again 
would I feel his warm, svelte touch. 

You see, a dog is a loyal, canine friend 
but powerful jaws, distinguish not, 
betwixt vermin or defenceless pet 
and a beloved lop-eared rabbit, met a pitiful end. 

Sasha's not to blame, it was over in a blink, 
as when that burly Rottweiler previously, 
had chased fox or dispatched rat, 
she was petted and praised, for following instinct. 

Why ' Bunny ' was outside his hutch, I cannot say, 
carelessly, had I forgotten to fasten a latch 
and inquisitive by nature, he'd jumped out to play? 
Well, if that is the case ? "God forgive me," I earnestly pray !

© 2015 Tom

Author's Note

I cannot forgive myself

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Oh, what a very emotional write on such a very sad occasion, Tom. So very sorry to read about "Bunny", bless her. A devastating scene to wake up to in the morning. Your dog thought she was doing you a great service, not realising the truth! I hope you have learned to forgive yourself now and that you are fully healed, dear friend. It was a learning lesson for you, but sad that a life has been lost in the process. A healing hug your way! Thank you for sharing, Tom...

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Months Ago

Thank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words .. read more

7 Months Ago

Most welcome always, dear Tom. Have a very nice day and a lovely lonhg weekend too...


AW, please forgive yourself. I think Bunny is smiling at you right now!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you Great Aunt Astri !
As one who had many chickens, carelessly left out of the hut one night- I know the pain of guilt from such an act. All eaten but one by a fox in the night. It is the forces of nature and unfortunately mistakes happen at our hands in which we allow nature to swoop in to it's rightful place. Sad though it is. I really like this poem, and how you got the reader in touch with this small delightful animal before unfolding the chain of events that followed. Made it personally sad for the animal loving reader.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Yes, all animals are deserving of our respect, due care and attention and thank you for visiting and.. read more
I really was able to imagine the scene play out. Your way with words is wonderful. I feel so sorry for Bunny. I normally bear a grudge to people who let animals die, but this is a different case. Don't hate yourself for this, just imagine Bunny going to a better place than the jaws of Sasha.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you Momo Beans for your caring and compassionate words !
This makes me sad...but it's still a good poem!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you D.T.
a guilt ridden ride for sure Tom.....

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Yes indeed Dr Wood it was for sure, and great to see you dropping by !
So sad for you here Tom. I had a similiar experience. My female rabbit had a litter and I didn't realize how cold it was that night and the whole litter perished. My children took it very hard. Accidents do happen and we must remember we are only human. Your poem is very touching.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Dara for your sincere and comforting words and indeed, we all still miss him !
I know the feeling , Tom - we had a Jack Russell that would lick the rabbit's ears, but a neighbour's spaniel leapt up at the wire pen and the rabbit died of fright.
Loved the feeling in the poem, though.


Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you indeed Norman for your kind and consoling words !
owwww... :( Sad is a lame word to describe what i feel for you.There is no need to punish yourself with guilty thoughts.You must miss your pet ,i know. i lost my pup early when i was a kid.It died in cold . It was my fault . But if you continue blaming yourself it will take you nowhere.Remember its forgiving oneself that is harder than forgiving others. *Takecare friend*.Glad to see you back. :)


Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Hi Sophy, hope you're well and thanks for your consoling, comforting words !
Oh no, the poor little dear probably died of fright. I know your pain, for the very same thing happened to me as a child...our family dog got ahold of my sweet little bunny. I guess we don't give much thought to how incredibly vulnerable they are...we just see ears, and softness, and so much to love!

It's a hard thing to forgive ourselves for...so sorry, Tom!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you Kelly for your kind & understanding words of support !

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32 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2015
Last Updated on March 22, 2015



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