Oh, what a very emotional write on such a very sad occasion, Tom. So very sorry to read about "Bunny", bless her. A devastating scene to wake up to in the morning. Your dog thought she was doing you a great service, not realising the truth! I hope you have learned to forgive yourself now and that you are fully healed, dear friend. It was a learning lesson for you, but sad that a life has been lost in the process. A healing hug your way! Thank you for sharing, Tom...
Posted 8 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
Thank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words .. read moreThank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words do help to relieve the guilt I still feel, thanks again my friend!!
8 Months Ago
Most welcome always, dear Tom. Have a very nice day and a lovely lonhg weekend too...
S**t happens Tom...sadly.
Never kept rabbits as pets so do not fully understand the attachment, I'm a cocker spaniel man myself.
Enjoyed, if that the right word, reading this.
Oh, what a very emotional write on such a very sad occasion, Tom. So very sorry to read about "Bunny", bless her. A devastating scene to wake up to in the morning. Your dog thought she was doing you a great service, not realising the truth! I hope you have learned to forgive yourself now and that you are fully healed, dear friend. It was a learning lesson for you, but sad that a life has been lost in the process. A healing hug your way! Thank you for sharing, Tom...
Posted 8 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
Thank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words .. read moreThank you Marie, yes all those years ago and I often still think of ' Bunny' and your welcome words do help to relieve the guilt I still feel, thanks again my friend!!
8 Months Ago
Most welcome always, dear Tom. Have a very nice day and a lovely lonhg weekend too...
Your feelings eloquently come through the writing and evokes personal memories. Our pet rabbit appeared to have committed suicide and I blamed myself for not playing with him enough...not understanding then that it was in his nature to escape.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Yes you're so right my friend, a rabbit is not an ideal pet to remain closed up, say unlike a hamste.. read moreYes you're so right my friend, a rabbit is not an ideal pet to remain closed up, say unlike a hamster, pet mice etc. But if they recieve lots of attention and have enough room to do what rabbits do they'll be happy, unfortunately I forget to close him properly in his hutch that evening!
Dear Tom, I understand your emotions in this very beautiful, heart-breakingly sad poem. Same thing happened to me in childhood with so sweet pet guinea pig and beloved hound dog. I have terrible flashbacks and guilt to this day. What you so well describe is a tragic accident. You did not intend this to happen. All animals have instincts they cannot be blamed for. Our pets wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge, and they forgive because they are better than us. You have a good heart my friend. God bless and comfort you always
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Months Ago
Six years late I know ( forgive me Annette ) thank you so much for your review and compassionate und.. read moreSix years late I know ( forgive me Annette ) thank you so much for your review and compassionate understanding of my poem!
oh man! so sad ..very emotive write ..i feel for you my friend ..want to say all the things that a sense to say yet do nothing to help you in this struggle ...of course it was no animals' fault (including human)
we had a beautiful Samoyed named Sasha .. that got into our neighbors chickens ..it was the second killing that moved us to put her up for adoption where chickens don't live .. but that was a different story tho i am reminded of her ..so sorry for your lost pet sir! :(
Oh, the poor bunny! But I believe dog has lived upto expectation. Have seen such cases where they have waited for days and just one chance - Done. Not your fault... and if at all then yes, Like you prayed to God, May there be peace.
Having dogs & bunnies most of my life, I can relate to every well-expressed line. Your story is heart-wrenching & straightforward, understandable to those who haven't had the experience of these pets, becuz you include so many realistic everyday details to bring your vignette to vivid life. I'm sorry for this happening. I know how the visuals will haunt your mind for years to come.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you barley-girl for your understanding & sympathetic thoughts !