Blessed Are Those Whose Transgressions Are Pardoned

Blessed Are Those Whose Transgressions Are Pardoned

A Poem by Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel and King George, who pardoned him for cowardice, and then made him part of the Royal Court for Astronomy, inspiring the poem below.


"Blessed Are Those Whose Transgressions Are Pardoned"



 Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel  and King George, who pardoned him for cowardice, and then made him part of the Royal Court for Astronomy, inspiring the poem below (the webpost from the online group is also there...


A boy in the army served

Oath of loyalty he swore

To King and Country and to Flag

And uniform he proudly wore

And thought of adventure

And the glory of the war

But was unprepared for the reality

The bloodshed and the glar.

And when the shells were falling

And the bulletts flying

He looked in fear around him

As he saw his comrades dying

And as he saw the dangers

As to death the wounded bled

This boys nerves deserted him

And he turned, and in the confusion, fled.


He now was a deserter

He now was on the run

Should he be captured

He now would face a gun

That would be loaded

Among a rank and file of umpteen more

And he would be dead in an instant

He who was brave before


But this man had brains and that was known

And his king sent out the call

This man was needed in his court

But he could not come at all

An envelope to him was handed

And with fear he opened it wide

It was from the King himself

His pardon was inside

And so the Coward who fled in fear

For his life was scared

As his King he needed him

His life, once condemned, was spared


And God he is that King

And we are the soldier in the fire of life

Who deserts the ranks of Gods Army

When faced with the crossfire of strife

To spend oour lives in hiding

Dreading as death draws near

Knowing judgement in ineitable

And of it having fear

But God loves and needs every one

When he sees that man is Good

Though desert he did in times of trial

God knew that he would

For som men are born soldiers

Fight and die in glory by the score

And some are just good on parade

Proud the uniform to have wore.

Those are the churchgoers who wear the uniform

Who often fail in the fight

But God shall judge both brave and cowardly

And Savation awaits those that He deems Right.
Are you going to Tullamore... be sure not to get puke into your hair...
And if your drinking a pint or playing music... whose to know.. we may meet each other there!!!
I AM the poet!!!

--- On Sun, 13/7/08, Kandycares <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Kandycares <[email protected]>
Subject: [MyChickenSoup] Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Psalm 32:1
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, 13 July, 2008, 9:10 PM

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Psalm 32:1

   In England a sensitive boy joined the British army, but when the shot and shell began to fly, he deserted. In time he became a great astonomer and discovered a new planet. He was sent for by King George, but the man realized that his life was forfeit to the king for his desertion. The king knew him too; what would he do? Before the king would see him, the man was requested to open an envelope. It was his royal pardon. The king brought him in and said, " Now we can talk, and you shall come up and live at Windsor Castle." He was Sir William Herschel.
   William Herschel was guilty and did not deny it! But King George had mercy upon him and made him a member of the royal household. That is what God promises to do for us. "And He will have mercy upon him. . . for He will abundantly pardon." To all of us poor, lost, wanton, sinners the Bible says, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved."
   The "Prince of Preachers," Charles Hadden Spurgeon, says of this verse:
   God, who cannot lie-----God, who cannot err---tells us what it is to be blessed. Here He declares that "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." This is an oracle not to be disputed. Forgiven sin is better than accumulated wealth. The remission of sin is infinitely to be preferred before all the glitter and the glare of this world's prosperity. The gratification of creature passions and earthly desires is illusive---a shadow and a fiction; but the blessedness of the justified, the blessedness of the man to whom God imputeth righteousness is substantial and true.
   In Psalm 32:2 David sums it up for me when he says, "Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no decit" (NIV). I'm sure Sir William Herschel would say Amen! to that.
   My prayer: Our Father and our God, Author of love, I throw myself upon Your holy grace. Only You, O Lord, can pardon my offenses against You, for it is Your law that I transgress. Thank You for Your undeserved mercy, forgiveness, and love. Thank You for Jesus, who died to redeem me. Amen.
   We ARE ALL just sinners forgiven by the grace of God. When we try to start to judge whose transgression is worse than another's we start to try to become as God. He is the only pure and  righteous judge. Reminds me of a song: Don't judge your neighbor, Dont judge your neighbor. You're not the one to say he's wrong. Clean out your own house, sweep out your own house. There'll come a great judgement day after all. That's so true. It's hard enough to keep ourselves in line with God. Try to help others along the way  WITH LOVE, but never try to judge them. It will only turn them farther away.


© 2008 Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Author's Note

Tom&aacute;s &Oacute; C&aacute;rthaigh
This poem was written in response to a posting on a Yahoo group

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Featured Review

I enjoyed your trip into history Tomas. As you point out not all men can sustain their courage on the field of battle.Many are more afraid of being adjudged cowardly than of being killed or maimed. But my friend you do not do yourself justice posting without a spell check and a final re edit. Your work is worthy of both ivor

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


You learn something new every day. Even though I was well aware of Herschel, after whom Uranus was initially named,
I knew nothing of this desertion and subsequent pardon. A fascinating subject.
However Tomas, Poeticpiers is right. You need to slow down and check your work for typo's and spelling before
launching it onto the world. "Glar, bulletts, oour, in ineitable (is inevitable), som men, savation, are all glaring typo's).

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a clever way to write a message about God. The poetic quality was awesome in this poem....rhyme, flow and metaphor. Superb write!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

.....a toast to cowards and heroes alike ..indeed a tightrope of perspective....they reside within us if life and the fates were not complicated enough but timing and history will chime in with their two cents as well........arrrgh do the best with what God gave ya and let the cards lay. A very interesting write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I enjoyed your trip into history Tomas. As you point out not all men can sustain their courage on the field of battle.Many are more afraid of being adjudged cowardly than of being killed or maimed. But my friend you do not do yourself justice posting without a spell check and a final re edit. Your work is worthy of both ivor

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on July 13, 2008


Tom&aacute;s &Oacute; C&aacute;rthaigh
Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Renmore, Galway, Ireland, An Roinne Mór, Gallaimh, Eire, Ireland

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