A Chapter by Tobias Bathory

There is always that sense of brevity in everything we see with our eyes. The only thing that comes close to lasting forever is, history, our manners are the first to go. From that same limited existence that growls from within ourselves, and at the best of times can go unnoticed, roars a fiery mane of fleeting thought. Ideas can be beautiful; ideas can be ugly, just as ideas can become reality. Reality can be beautiful; reality can be ugly, just as reality can become art...


As to how such a monster could ever have come into being as the one surrounding the following, interesting, events which I am about to pen astounds me; and daresay I the art world to this day. It was a wild summer of the year 1890, one not so easily forgotten. With great movement and even greater eagerness, a lively face bearing all the wonders and lost secrets of a well kept youth, bounded from the train the moment it had come to stop.  

"Ah, the roar of London" spoke the young man to himself, breathing in the familiar sensations once more. "How Iv'e missed the beast."

Wyatt Summner, as was his name and as such so shall we address him, smiled most becomingly, charming without intention, the attention of a troupe of young ladies as they passed him by.

"Hello Wyatt" greeted the amiable voice of his soon to be betrothed cousin, Ralph Fletcher.

"Ralph, right on time as always!" said Wyatt in embrace.

"Can't keep the guest of honour waiting now can I?"

In appearance the two men were at complete opposites, though their blood ran red just the same. Ralph, was a mildly corpulent young man, always rosey in nature and the face and without fail never left the house without donning something green, this day had happened to be a kneckcloth tied in a bow. Wyatt, on the other hand was a fairly trusting and thin creature, who held with the highest regard a passion. One in which far surpassed that of any of his struggling efforts as a writer, one which could completely consume him if he allowed it to, and that was art. 

"Well come on then, you know how Ethel gets when made to wait." Ralph spoke, turning back to Wyatt a moment later to see he hadn't moved.

"I appologise Ralph, I have some matters I'd very much like to get started on before I head on to see my sister" said Wyatt, with a vivid expression.

"Not more writing surely? I thought the newspaper were giving you a rest from it all after these eighteen months away from us, in which time you have been greatly missed I may add; though Ethel will never admit to it."

"No, not writing" chuckled Wyatt, brushing back curls of gold from his eyes.  

"What could be more important then? Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow, or the day after that I'm sure."

"Impossible; I must see her tonight" escaped the words from Wyatt's lips, with much faux pas.

Wyatt, couldn't help but fall prey to hidden laughter as a great deal of smugness closed in around his cousin's face. "You really should look into theatre you know, you would make for a fine villan, and if you were French you would be loved even the more."

"Her?" Ralph, asked slowly "this wouldn't have anything to do with a miss Adella Slade, now would it?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"I swear Wyatt, if given the fact you were'nt my favourite cousin-" Ralph sand tediously.

"Ralph, I'm your only cousin" Wyatt sang back and kissed his cousin on the forehead, "see you tonight!" he declared before dissapearing into a hansom



Subtle waves crashed silently upon the small town shores of Fawn, sending salt and wet sand high into the air. Here within the country side, crowned upon an impressive hilltop where a fair glaze of Jonquil shone from its windows; a small church stood virtuous surrounded by a cluster of prairie grass. Two figures ran out from its doors, and headed with great speed down the hill towards the shoreline.

"Emily!" laughed a young boy in a skeleton suit. 

"Did you say something Toby?" teased back Emily, her brown hair full of flowing dance.   

"Finally" remarked Toby as the two caught back their breath upon the sand.

"Do you fancy me Toby Slade?"

Not knowing how to answer the question, the boy simply stared; and stood motionless as if he were a garden statue until laughter broke through the silence.

"What's so funny?" Toby asked in an embarrassed way, knowing the answer to the girls sudden question showed all to well upon his face.

Toby's face only grew to a deeper hue of red as Emily's lips fell upon his own; then hand in hand the two continued down the shore, this time at a much slower pace.

In the distance, where the waves made their presence more known; a washed up log with various colour attached to it could be seen. However as the two approached, what was thought to be a log, was not a log at all, but rather the body of a man. Wasting no time, the two children rolled the man over from his prostrate condition and onto his side with all the force they could gather. For some moments Toby leaned his ear upon the man's drenched waistcoat listening for any sign of life, he had seen his older sister do this many times before.            

Emily stared upon the face of the stranger; the man looked to be around Twenty years her senior. His hair was long and dark, he bore a most brilliant pale complexion that was second only to the disheveled sleeves draped around his arms. Perhaps, if Emily had been more mature in her age; and more knowledgeable in the ways of lust, looking down upon the young man; she may have uttered the word 'beautiful,' lucky for Toby, she was not.

"Well?" stammered Emily as she knelt down beside Toby. "Is he alive?"

Before Toby could give a reply, he was thrown backwards as the colourful log sat up in a coughing fit.

"Are you alright sir?" Toby inquired after a while from a safe distance.          

The now conscious stranger took no interest in the two; instead after having turned all his pockets inside out, limped with maddening speed in all directions, turning up the surroundings.   

 "What do you think he's doing?" Emily asked, gaining back her courage and Toby's hand.

"Some sort of dance I think," Toby replied; then noticed something protruding from the sand, reached down to free a small velvet bag.

"What is it?" whispered Emily. 

Toby began to unwound the binding thread around the bag that sat itself comfortably in his hand, allowing curiosity to take control. A moment later with a mighty outcry, the bag was snatched out ot Toby's preying hands; and dissapeared into the stranger's waistcoat pocket.

"Haven't your parents ever told you it's rude, very rude indeed! to go through ones belongings?" cried the man bearing down upon the boy.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to-"

"Tell me young- I do apologize; I believe introductions are in order."

"Yes sir; I'm Toby sir, and this is-"

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Emily don't" whispered Toby. "I'm sorry sir Emily means not what she says." 

"Like hell I don't!"

"Ah! how the fire of a woman burns within her" spoke the stranger, very amused by her outburst, which only enraged Emily more. "I'd keep this one close to you; I'm sure if provoked she could set the very rain on fire. Yet the girl is right; I apologize, please tell me where I am?" 



"Yes sir, a half day's travel from London."

"Don't tell him anything Toby! we don't know who this b*****d is!" Emily demanded.

It happened so suddenly, neither Toby nor Emily could have seen it; yet there's no denying it that Emily sure felt it; the pain that boiled across her face as she was struck down in the evening sun.

"Ah, where are my manners today? perhaps drifting upon the open sea? that is, if that's how I came to be here? interesting, I can't recall" the man spoke, his voice tiring of amusement. "Please Toby there's no need to address me as sir, formalities like that by the young, only make one feel that much older."

And with a bow before passing out, the man gave his name. "Please call me Zachary, Zachary Hayes."



Evening was upon the land when Wyatt Summner arrived at Fawn. After thanking the Jarvey for his services like a don, he remained for some time gazing upon the dainty house before him he remembered so well. Then after adjusting his attire to charming perfection he made his way to the door where splendid sounds from within greeted him. For some moment's he leaned his ear, before watching on through one of the windows slowly beginning to dissapear from view by the fair Laburnuam pouring up from the Earth below it.

"Brilliant isn't she?" came a voice from behind Wyatt.

"Indeed" he replied, then jumped from his skin a moment later in a chill of fright.

"Chastity!" he gawped at the blue eyed and flowing red young haired maiden standing before him.

"I'm having trouble trying to decide whether you're coming or going Mr Summner? or perfaps you've come to clean the windows?" she spoke sweetly, smiling from beneath her bonnet.

"I was - that is -" Wyatt stammered, quite lost for words.

"Hello Wyatt, Adella's inside" Chastity laughed as she passed him."That is of course, if you are indeed coming."

"Yes, thank you Chastity" Wyatt beamed, and with a prerogative air followed her inside. The aroma of notations filled the house, and seemed to drape themeselves perfectly over the roof above, down the walls, to the newly hatched flames in the fireplace; and there in the corner where the world seemed that much brighter to any man of a lonely heart, sat Adella.

"Sis, I found a gentlemen outside here to see you. He looks quite the lost lamb" Chastitiy spoke, turning in her bonnet for the day. The music of the piano continued without interruption to make love to the air, enthralling the ears of Wyatt; then without glancing up even for a moment, Adella spoke.

"Oh Chastity really, you make for an excellent sister, but a terrible liar" she laughed. "Why, the very notion of it is absurd."

"I suppose you are right. I'm really sorry Mr Summner, my dear sis doubts your existence here," and with that began to usher him out the door.

Adella rose, producing such a discordant change in tone, that if there had been any animals present they would have surely fled the house and the town entirely.

"Wyatt! Mr Summner" she spoke dropping to a curtsey.

"Ms Slade," Wyatt bowed, returning the manner.

In accomplishing making matters no less comfortable, Chastity added "well then, I shall leave you two, to it" before dissapearing with great mirth to her room.

"That was quite the extraordinary" Wyatt spoke. "You play with such candour, and to quote from an interesting story I came across in Lippincott's magazine whilst my stay in Pennsylvania, 'a romance of art one might call it.' "

"I see you have'nt forgotten how to charm, since you've been away Mr Summer" Adella spoke, turning a most becoming colour. "How do you do? It's been quite a while."

"Far too long."

Many pleasent moments of silence passed on by, before Adella came to from the tender gaze of Mr Summner. "Please sit, i'll make us some tea."

"I sha'n't stay long. Ethel is expecting my return."

"Then you are here to stay, I trust?"

"For a while" Wyatt smiled, "How is your brother? I see your sister is as wicked as ever."

"Naturally" Adella laughed, trying hard to resist ebullition traces of a dormant love from bounding into the room and knocking her over. "Toby is well, though has missed you terribly. We all have."

"For that I appologize; allow me to make it up to you over dinner tomorrow night? we have much to discuss."

"We shall be there," interrupted the snooping spectator, accepting the invitation from within a crack in the door.

"I look forward to it," Adella replied, walking with Wyatt to the door.

The next in events, would have over time quite a be-wailing blow upon the affections of all those whom merriment has now greatly ensnared. Into the Slade's sister's house thundered, the countenance of Emily.

"Would it hurt you to knock?" Adella asked with a touch of anger; after the door had nearly knocked Wyatt over on the way out.  

"Emily, you remember Mr Summner don't you? the one my sis fancies," teased Chastity.

"That mouth of your's is going to find you in all sorts of troubles one of these days, I dare say Chastity. You mark my words." Adella hissed as she went to her.

"Toby is with a man, I have come to say!" announced the girl violently above the sister's delirium; the two seemed quite taken back by her outburst.

"A man?" questioned Wyatt.

"Well who the devil is it then?" roared back Chastity.

"He said his name was - I cannot remember. We found him by the water's edge; my father is on his way here now with the man. Father told me to rush back to let you know."

Adella rushed away, returning a short time later with elixirs of sorts and other supplies that she had obtained only a few days prior from a travelling apothecary; which she kept in a box below her bed. Apart from a most fascinating nature she kept mostly to herself, Adella was praised for her vast knowledge and practises of materia medica.

Before we continue with what transpired next; It may be of interest to the reader to learn the Slade's parent's were once in partnership of an established medical profession in the heart of London city. The Doctor and his loving assistant, when not practicing from their residence in Fetter Lane, would spend many an hour at the end of bedsides across London; disposing remedies where needed.

One October to be remembered, their mother found herself to be in high spirits, a mirth that only a pregnant, English could could know. It is said that just as quickly as the world changes from day to night, so can our lives.

One night, during an ill hearted month of the year; the doctor awoke to which first began as whispers upon his dreams, thundered into a nightmare very much alive that would long after play upon his mind. It was with much grief, in witness to the trio of  small shadows hudled by the door; that the Doctor proclaimed the next addition to their warm hearted family to be no more.

Days passed, and weeks followed, and the Doctor could do very little as his wife's health and state of mind eroded from his grasp; the beautiful passion that had seen her dancing from day to day, now seemed completely destroyed as hysteria began to reveal it's hideous face. A family friend; Ms Nancy, was commissioned not long after into their services to take up matron over the Slade's mother for an unforeseen duration as their father continued to work the suburbs.

It may have been a good idea at the time, for the Doctor to have questioned the meaning of such an uncouth departure fom the carriage upon her arrival to their home; for how events transpired fom there, merely one week after her arrival would come to sting him deep in the heart in the most vociferous manner.

Shortly after the Doctor had left his wife in the care of Ms Nancy one bustling London morning; the old women roused herself with drink the moment he left the house, then absorbed herself in sleep. As if waiting for the right moment to stir into consciousness, the young lady did precisely that, taking flight from the house.

A violent roar soon pervaded the streets outside waking the old women, whom stared alarmingly upon the bed that lacked any trace of the sleeping defect. All the warmth of poor old Nancy's addiction could not fend of the clammy cold that rendered violently through her, as she darted from the house to the villainy for surely she was guilty of.

Upon the Doctor's return, Ms Nancy cast herself prostrate on the ground before his feet and bore all that had transpired in his absence. Immediately all ties of liberality were cut between them; and Nancy was expelled from her failed duties and the Slade's sights alltogether.  

It wasn't long after that the children were sent to stay with their maiden aunt in the town of Fawn; to which by now the reader has become somewhat accustomed to, while their father got his affairs together. A letter came into the children's possession after several weeks, that bore the penmanship they recognized to be of their father's.        


The ingrediant's of the message however, were of a harmful nature; the letter stated it would better both parties interests for the children to remain where they were and not to expect to hear from him again.

When their maiden aunt passed away, the children had to yet again adjust to new terrain and the transformation into independent creatures began.

Eventually came the day when the eldest of the trio, Adella, reached an age to legally acquire all that her aunt had left for them in her will; which apart from the house that now belonged to them and them alone, included a very handsome sum for each of the Slade's. Their father futhermore, was to have nothing, having been entirely expelled from their aunt's will.

Now that the reader has become cognizant of the Slade's dolesome past, it is only befitting we return to the scene in its last moments of pre-war, as in time shall be seen.




© 2011 Tobias Bathory

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I can't exactly understand it. Also, the grammar needs fixing. Please do not swear if you are honestly doing the "proper" era. Other than that, you have GREAT wording! You seem intelligent enough when you write, and your story flows well. Maybe explain the characters a bit more.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 1, 2011
Last Updated on March 7, 2011