![]() Just One Big Happy Family- PART 1A Screenplay by Blaez The Reaper![]() Kaitlyn, Ruberman, Gina, Jeff the Killer and Slenderman all share a house. Together they all make one hectic family!![]()
-8:13 PM at the Rodriguez family household.-
Kat: *molding onigiri on the kitchen counter* GINA! Gina: *from upstairs* Oy!? Kat: Can you come down here and help me make dinner!? Gina: ...Uhh... give me a sec!! Kat: .... *continues preparing onigiri* Rube: *comes through the kitchen door* Hello, love! *kisses kat's cheek* Kat: *blushes* Hi! Did you get the seaweed sheets? Rube: Right here! *puts grocery bag on the counter and starts to make the table* You know, the state of Florida is thinking about tearing down our forest. Kat: Oh my god, are you serious!? Rube: Uh-huh. They say it's for the "Special Care Package" the governor's trying to pass. I highly doubt it will, but if they tear down the forest, they'll tear down our house too. Kat: *grumbles* Biotches.. *pounds rice furiously* Gina: Stop beating up the rice!! *Hops on top of counter and starts eating a seaweed sheet* Rice is a part of a plant. Plants are living. Therefore it has feelings. Kat: *takes seaweed sheet from gina* That's disgusting why are you eating it plain?? Gina: I can taste the ocean! *makes a derp face and laughs* Rube: Love, where's our son? Kat: He's out in the forest playing with Jeff. *turns to gina* Your lover stole my knives. I had a hell of a time trying to cut up the fish, you know! I had to use a friggin' spoon!! Gina: NOT THE SPOONS! *pretends the cry, dramatically* Kat: It's not healthy eating them. Gina: I can stop whenever I want to. Kat: It's an addiction. Gina: You're addicted to Sherlock. Kat: Touche. Rube: ...... *continues setting the table* Jeff: *bursts through the door* We're back! Slender: *rushes to kat and hugs her from behind* Rube: Does daddy get a hug? *holds out arms* Slender: *unravels a long tendril and drops a dead possum into rube's palms* *strokes rube's cheek with the tendril* Rube: Oh...... I think I'll just..... dispose of this..... thank you, son. *walks out of house* Slender: *purrs into mother's back* Jeff: Hey, sexy! *slaps gina's butt* Gina: AHSDKJLHJK NOT IN THE KTICHEN. Jeff: Hmhm, alright but I'm counting on later *bury's face in gina's neck* Kat: *throws towel at jeff* OUT! NO SEXUAL CONTACT IN THE KITCHEN. Gina: He started it! Kat: I'M ENDING IT. Slender: *pushes gina and jeff out of the kitchen and shut the door* Kat: Ahahah, I love you Slendy! Slender: *purrrr* Rube: *comes back inside* Alright, I did the deed. Poor little thing. Where'd you get it Slendy? Slender: *points to forest* Rube: No more, okay? Slender: *purrrrrrrr* *strokes his dad's face with tendril* Kat: Bless your face! -10:46 After dinner- Kat: *rubs temples laying down on the couch* Uuugh I have a massive headache. Gina: I know what'll help that *grabs beer bottles from the fridge* Meet my two friends *hands kat beer bottle* Jack and Daniels! Kat: *eyes bottles* Won't this make it worse? Gina: Not if you get drunk enough to feel no pain!! *takes a swig* Kat: *drinks* Gina: *flops down on leather chair* So.... think of anymore kids yet? Kat: *takes spit take all over Gina's face* Gina: ........*shudder* Kat: No! We love Slender!! Besides I don't know if I wanna go through childbirth again. It's more painful then season 2 of Sherlock. Gina: Dat's painful! Kat: YOU DON'T EVEN KNOWWW. *takes another swig* Ruberman: *walks into the room* Gina: I imagine childbirth like shoving a basketball through an a*****e-- Ruberman: ..... Gina: ..... Kat:..... Ruberman: ...... *walks upstairs* Gina: Men. Hehe. Kat: We emotionally scarred him! *laughs and continues drinking* -11:58 PM- Gina: Welll. We'reeout of beeer. Eheh.. eheheheheh. *hiccups* Kat: I'm gonna.... go to ..... sleep ...here.... Gina: Alright.... I'll jus' go upzzstairs.. Niightt. Kat: Nighhttt.. Gina: *walks up three steps before falling down them completely* Kat: Youu okaaay?? Gina: Yeaa. Pff. I'm... Captain Plahanettt... I can doo. anythinggg... *walks upstairs* Kat: Whaz is wronggg with youuu.... Jeff: *from upstairs* Hey Gina! ... You don't look so good... hey what're you.... yes those are my pants....oh god. OH GOD YES!! WOOOOO!!! Kat: *pulls pillow over head* -1:12 AM- Ruberman: *walks downstairs* Ohh, my love. *pulls blanket over kat* Kat: *wakes up* What?? Where??? Ohhhh my head. Ruberman: Shhh. *lays down behind her form on the couch and wraps arms around her waist* You're hammered aren't you. Kat: You can tell? Ohhh.. it's like tiny little men are whacking away at my brain with picks singing cheesy disney songs. Ruberman: You goob. *kisses cheek* Try to sleep, okay? Kat: Mhmm. © 2012 Blaez The Reaper |
Added on July 25, 2012 Last Updated on July 27, 2012 Author![]() Blaez The ReaperAboutim an outgoing, misunderstood person who just wants to live life to the fullest. i love, the paranormal, pirates, werewolves, chocolate, rock music, rain, spoons and lots of other random stuff more.. |