Do you think I don't know what sound is?
In your world each sound is the same for everyone. In my world I am my own artist. I decide what the sound is A bubbling brook?, laughing children, an orchestra playing or what the words, I love you, sound like. In my world... I close my eyes, I smell the moss on the rocks. I look, I see water rushing quickly downstream. I feel the wet rush of coolness between my fingers. I know what sound is. I close my eyes, I smell Popsicles and baby lotion. I look I see rosy cheeks and a big smile. I feel little arms wrap around me. I know what sound is. I close my eyes I smell freshly showered skin. I look, I see trust and honor in your eyes . I feel the warm breath of a whisper in my ear. I know what sound is. I close my eyes, I smell metal and tailored, laundered suits. I look, I see arms moving in rhythm of a generals lead. I feel the base beneath my feet. I know what sound is. I smell, I look, I feel , I create in my DEAF world My own SOUND. © 2016 TNAULREY |