Your story is off the hook! (Somebody had to say it.) Six words for a story is ridiculous, but you've made it happen. The imagination can go wild with this.
lol In my head you just painted a scene out of ring3 I think. So unthinkable and scary is the phenomenon of anything pedestrian malfunctioning is to us, its almost ridiculous :P great work :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Exactly! Roshan, you have a very clear idea of how poems are weaved...I think it might be due to you.. read moreExactly! Roshan, you have a very clear idea of how poems are weaved...I think it might be due to your valuable music background:) As Shakespeare's Gratiano in The Merchant of Venice once said " A man without music in his ears is fit only for treason and murder" hahaha!
Simply clever! The best thing about stories with hanging plots is you can think of anything that should happen next. Kudos! :-)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you for kindly dropping by, Lavender:) always a pleasure to see your insightful, thought-provo.. read moreThank you for kindly dropping by, Lavender:) always a pleasure to see your insightful, thought-provoking reviews:) Still can't get the "Devil's wine" out of my head from your writing piece!
10 Years Ago
You're welcome Tks. :-) hahaha that devil's wine is quite remarkable per se. Anyway, glad you liked .. read moreYou're welcome Tks. :-) hahaha that devil's wine is quite remarkable per se. Anyway, glad you liked it. See you around!
Hi there, welcome to my humble abode!
*bows deeply*
My name is Tks, which are initials for my real name, which is too long, HAHAAHA.
(ok, it's Tejash Kumar Singh)
I absolutely love to live life.. more..