![]() AthenaA Chapter by TinyWriter *FlashBack* "Ma'm." He bowed as he gave Athena a nasty look and walked out, shutting the door behind him. "You leave too Lily, I must talk to Athena. Alone." "Yes mother." She said before giving Athena a small playful nudge and walking out. "You are thirteen Athena, you shouldn't be fighting." "I think this is exactly what I should be doing. I need to be prepared for anything." "Do not talk back to me." "I'm not part of the family, don't talk to me like you're my mother." "I could always treat you like a peasant and give the punishment that comes with fighting in my kingdom." "If you can even catch me." Athena said before starting for the door. "Wait." Christina said exasperated. The girl stopped at the door. "You've been asking me to train you in combat for a few years. I'll strike you a deal." "I'm listening." "I'll give you proper training with the knights and the Commanding officer. If..." "I knew there would be a catch." "If, you let me train you how to run a kingdom." "I have no interest in being a queen." "Don't give yourself so much credit child. Look, You can even practice your magic. All I ask is that you let me train you with speech as well. You will be perfect and ready for any situation." "Fine. As long as I learn how to fight." "Alright, now we have a deal. Go clean yourself up. You look filthy." Athena smiled before walking out of the door. ***Six Years Later*** Athena was checking inventory of the spears when she heard footsteps inching towards her. She didn't look, just waited. As soon as the person was in reach, she turned around and grabbed the mans arm, using both of their momentum to flip him with his back hitting the ground. She noticed who it was. "Chris! What did I tell you about sneaking up on me." She said annoyed. "What is going on here." The Commander asked as he witnessed what happened." Chris got up and ran his hand through his slick brown locks. "Just keeping Athena here on her toes Sir." "Something you have to learn from what I've seen Chris. Go train with Amanda, she could teach you a few things." He huffed and stormed off. "Athena, I know I've taught you to always be on guard, but I'm confident you can tell the difference in footstep patterns. If he was an attacker, I'm sure he wouldn't be giggling." "I know sir, I just like putting him in his place." "You young folk, I will never understand." He said as he rubbed his temples. "You are my star pupil Athena, stay focused on the prize. Maybe someday you can take my place. I came here to tell you that Christina was looking for you. Some assignment for you to do." Athena nodded before placing her right hand that formed a fist on the left side of her chest. "Sir." She smiled before looking over at Chris one last time. He's cute. She thought before running off towards the Queen's chambers. "You called for me ma'am?" Athena had grown a lot of respect for Christina over the years after she took her under her wing. "There have been reports of raiders near the city of Hayland. I need you to take care of the situations. Check on the outposts and make sure the numbers add up." "If you do not mind me asking, why is Hayland more important than all our other allies?" "Hayland is not an ally, merely a promise I made someone years ago to protect." "Who?" "I'll tell you when you a older, now is not the time. And speaking of time, you must go. We need Hayland safe again." "Shall I bring a group of soldiers?" "No. Go alone. And try to use your words instead of a sword. Our goal is peace." Athena nodded before putting her brown hair up in a bun and walking out. She reached the outpost outside of the city and noticed a fairly large statue in the distance, one of two woman. One that had to be a queen and the other, some kind of protector. Something about it gave her the chills but she chose to ignore it. She walked up to a lady with black hair. "My name is Athena Delgado Bu from the Anderfell kingdom. Are you the one in charge?" The woman gulped at the name. "Delgado Bu?" She asked before bowing. "There is no need for that. Stand up." She ordered, a little confused on why her name was so important. "Are you the commanding officer of this squad." "I am her second." "Where is your leader?" "Out patrolling the area. After the reports of the raiders, she's taken extra precaution on who we can trust." "Yet you trust so easy?" "Well considering who your mothers were, I would be a fool not too." "You speak of them as if you were close friends." "Everyone knows about them. They were legends." "Were?" "You do not know?" The woman asked. "What were their names?" "Krea and Alexandra. They are the two from the statue looking over Hayland." Athena took a mental note before changing the subject and focusing on the mission at hand. "I will need you to walk with me, what is your name?" "Brittania." "Alright Brittania, I'm going to have you watch my back. Are you good with a sword?" "I have experience." "Well, you wouldn't be the commanders second for nothing, follow me. I am relieving you of your duty for now." "On who's authority?" A woman with war paint intervened. "Queen Christina will be pleased of your cooperation ma'am." Athena said both threatening and respectful, considering who she was talking too. She could tell she was the one in charge and she was ranked higher than herself. "You are brave to speak to me like this, why do you need my second." "I will need someone to watch my back if I am to fix your raider problem. Brittania," She said the girls name as if she were royalty. It gained a smile from the raven haired girl. "Is my best bet at that. Surely you can understand." She gave out a puff of annoyance. "You are in good hands with Brittania, she is the best we have." "Thank you Commander. I will let you know when this issue is fixed." With that she left with Brittania happily following. It had been hours of interrogating people, checking numbers and repeating. "What exactly are we looking for?" Brittania asked as they were walking up a hill. "We are waiting for them to slip up." "What makes you think they will?" "I know how raiders work. I deal with them everyday trying to get into our kingdom. They always make a mistake. Eventually." They heard a lady scream that came a little higher up. "There's their mistake. Just follow my lead. Don't attack unless I do." Brittania nodded and continued to follow her. They made it to the top of the hill to see a woman and child on the ground with six men surrounding them. Raiders. Athena cleared her throat, catching the attention of the men. "Sorry to interrupt boys, but I am going to have to ask you to stop whatever you were going to do." They laughed. "And who are you?" One of them asked. "My name is Athena. Now that I have your attention, I have to ask. Why are you trying to attack these innocent people." "I don't know who you think you're talking to, but you need to leave, or you will be next little lady." "I'm simply asking that we handle this without violence. I just have a few questions." They all laughed again before one of them charged. Athena rolled her eyes and moved her right hand to a large rock that was on the edge of the mountain above them. With a simple flick of her wrist, it flew down and hit the man, sending him down the hill before being crushed. "My offer still stands. Answer my questions and the rest of you will be okay." "Kill that b***h!" The man she spoke with earlier shouted as they all charged at the two girls. Athena sighed before motioning for Brittania to help out. She wanted to see how well the girl could fight. She went after two men and held her own. Using her defense to her advantage to tire them out before she went in for the kill. Athena pivoted to the left to avoid being split in half and took out her great sword and swung it to cut her attacker in half from the hip. She placed the sword back on her back and took out her daggers that were the Dragon X. Jumping up and beheading both men that were still stunned at their friends form. She looked over to Brittania. "Keep that one alive." Brittania kicked the mans leg as he went down, Athena quickly above him. "Now I am only going to ask you once. Where is your camp?" Athena walked into Christina's war room where she was finishing up a meeting. She dismissed everyone at first sight of her. "Why are you covered in blood?" "Words did not work. We will not have a raider problem in Hayland again." "Good work Athena. I am proud." "I need to ask you something and you need to be honest. You owe me at least that much." "What is it?" "My parents. They aren't the sweet people I live with, are they." "I knew you'd find out as soon as you left, that's why I never let you leave the castle before. Sit down Athena, there is a lot you need to hear." ***Four years later*** "Commander!" Brittania shouted while running towards the brunette. "What is it." "The Queen is under attack!" She wasn't far so she ordered her group to follow her as she ran towards the castle. As soon as she made it, she used a wind spell to break the door down, that's when she saw all hell breaking loose. And the person she loved the most in a choke hold. "Let them go!" © 2017 TinyWriter |
Added on September 14, 2017 Last Updated on September 14, 2017 Author![]() TinyWriterCrestwood, MOAboutBorn at a very young age. A caffeine dependent life form that loves to write. I'm a writer of different genres. Nothing is outside my comfort zone, so my stories can go from very heartwarming to gory .. more..Writing