Life In AlaskaA Chapter by Tina KlineA complete Ann The Vampire story.It was one day shy of a month since Ann had met Sara the vampire. They had agreed to meet one month later to see if there was the possibility of a friendship between their two vampire clans. Ann had thought about it quite a bit, going over and over again in her mind whether or not she wanted to be friends with Sara and her clan, questioning if it would be a good situation for Eddie and her two sons who were still mortal. After much debate in her mind Ann finally put the question to Eddie. They sat on their bed together one night gazing out the huge picture window that took up one wall onto the frozen, icy, snowy Alaskan woods that surrounded their home in Coldfoot, Alaska. After Ann told him of her encounter with Sara and their conversation she turned her body to face Eddie, waiting for his response. Eddie had been a vampire much longer than Ann and knew more about vampire politics and such things than she, herself, did. “Sara is right that vampires are spread out far and wide here in Alaska, even in the first decade of the 21st century. Forming an alliance with another clan would increase our strength. They’d help us if we needed it and we would do the same for them.” Here Eddie paused. Ann waited for him to continue. “We Alaskan Vampires are more independent than the vampires in the lower 48 and in a lot of other places around the world. Alaskan vampires are loners, we want to do things our own way, and not being obligated to others beck and call and all that. No power struggles please.” Ann sighed. But she wasn’t unhappy about his response. She hadn’t been all that happy about the thought of befriending another vampire clan right now. Tyler and Justin were still mortal. Befriending any other vampires could put them in danger. Ann took his hand, “I agree. Tyler and Justin would be at risk too, I think.” Eddie squeezed her hand. “We’re doing fine, just us, our family.” “Yes we are.” Ann agreed. “Good. I’m glad we agree. And I’m glad you told me all this.” “I just needed some time to think on it.” Ann told him. “Which is fine.” Eddie pulled Ann into a tight, loving embrace. “I’m hungry.” Ann said as she clung to him. “You need to hunt.” said Eddie. “We’ll go together.” “I’d like that.” Ann and Eddie didn’t always hunt together. Eddie, being so much older than Ann in vampire years, didn’t need to hunt as often. Sometimes he’d go hunting with her even when he didn’t need to feed. He'd go along just to be with her and keep her company. She smiled; pleased Eddie would be going with her. She liked having him along even if he wasn’t hunting himself. It was nice to have him as company. They both got up off the bed and headed downstairs. Tyler and Justin were out in the snowy yard with several huskies harnessed to two dog sleds. They were just getting ready to go out. Overhead the sky was dark and the Northern Lights flashed green, red, blue and purple in the sky, creating a soft hissing and crackling sound. The lights bathed the snowy landscape with their soft illuminating colors. “Hey! Tyler! Justin!” Ann called. The teenage boys turned to face her and Eddie. They were dressed to beat the cold. Their husky teams yapped and barked, eager to be off. “Be safe out there.” “We always are mom.” replied Tyler with a grin. “I know you are but I’m saying it anyway. I’m not all that comfortable about you two going out into the woods when it’s dark out as you both already know.” Ann said. “The aurora is creating enough light for us to see by and we aren’t going far.” Justin said. “Okay.” Ann went to Tyler and gave him a hug. Next she went to Justin. “You both be safe out there, be extra cautious. No life threatening accidents. I want you and your brother to be at least 18 before I turn you, like we all agreed on.” “We’ll be safe mom.” Justin said as he gave Ann a big hug. “We’re just going to check out one of our short trap lines, one close by. We’ll have no problem seeing with the aurora blazing overhead like it is.” “I know and you both just couldn’t resist this opportunity.” Ann said with a grin. “Get along then.” “Get on!” Both boys said to their dogs and that was the signal the lead dogs were waiting for. With excited barks the lead husky of each team lunged forward. Ann and Eddie stood beside each other holding hands as they watched the sleds with boys and dogs race off into the icy cold Alaskan night. “Now I hunt.” Ann said turning to face Eddie. “Where do you want to go?” Eddie asked, putting both his big hands on her waist. “Hmmm.” Ann gazed up to the Northern Lights flickering and hissing above them. “I think I’d like to just fly around until we find someone for me to feed upon.” Eddie smiled. “I like the sound of that. Kind of romantic. Let’s do it.” They unfurled their black feathery wings and launched themselves up into the icy night sky, holding hands. They then set off, flying above the snow covered landscape and below the shifting, hissing crackling Northern Lights. The air was freezing but it didn’t bother the two vampires. They were dressed properly for the icy temperatures. They spotted Tyler and Justin below on their dog sleds as they started their rounds of the trap line they had chosen. Trapping was an activity her sons enjoyed but Ann didn’t like much, especially when they decided to check a trap line by the light of the Aurora Borealis. Even as a vampire she had sympathy for the animals they killed for their fur and meat. Plus the fact Tyler and Justin were still mortal and could very easily get hurt. The meat came in handy. The two boys prepared it properly and fed it to their husky dogs and the fur was used in all clothes to help keep the two boys warm in the harsh Alaskan winters. But Ann had no plans to interfere in their trapping activities. The two teenage boys enjoyed it, they all used the pelts and the meat was very healthy for the dogs. Ann and Eddie flew away from where Tyler and Justin were busy and continued on into the Alaskan night. The landscape was cold, frozen and beautiful. Only the hardiest humans would be out. Ann thought a little bit about Sara. Would the vampire be waiting for her or would Sara’s clan decide friendship wasn’t in their clan’s best interest either? Ann decided not to dwell on that right now. After flying about for an hour she and Eddie came to a small cluster of homes and buildings. There were humans below. “Yum. I’m hungry.” Ann said. They circled down to one of the houses where only one human was within. Slipping inside Ann caught the human dozing in a chair. She slipped up to him and as she did she put the idea into his mind he was having a very erotic dream so he wouldn’t wake up as she fed. She lowered her face to his neck and sank her fangs in and started feeding. She drank her prey’s blood until she was satisfied but not too full. The human male would live. Ann withdrew her fangs and licked the wound to heal it. Vampire saliva had special enzymes in it that healed wounds very quickly. She turned to face Eddie who stood nearby to make sure Ann was safe while she fed. Ann didn’t need any such protection but she liked the fact Eddie wanted to protect her. Eddie smiled and took a few steps to her and kissed the blood from her lips, licking it away and nibbling at her moist lips. “Mmm. Tasty.” He whispered. With a soft moan of pleasure Ann whispered, “I feel better.” They quietly slipped out of the house and were back out in the freezing Alaskan night. The human male would be very weak when he woke but would have no idea what was wrong with him. Ann and Eddie unfurled their beautiful black feathery wings and sailed up into the night sky and headed for home hand in hand. When they got there Tyler and Justin were back and were busy putting their dogs to bed. Ann and Eddie went on into the house. An icy cold dawn wasn’t far away and they wanted to spend the time until dawn finishing up what they had started when they had shared their pleasurable blood kiss, loving and making love to each other.
© 2011 Tina KlineReviews
3 Reviews Added on January 25, 2011 Last Updated on January 25, 2011 AuthorTina KlineORAboutWhen Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..Writing