A Story by Tina Kline

A vampire story.



  They were hungry. Very hungry. It seemed as if they had always been hungry. Ever since they woke in this dark damp old crumbling place of many rooms and floors they had felt that way. It was dark but wasn’t dark in the literal sense. The place had such a somber, suffocating atmosphere to them it was just like being dark. When they woke they wandered the rooms and halls on the different floors. And they had arrived in this somber place, one right after the other.

    The first one woke and was alone as she wandered through the rooms, terrified and on fire with her hunger. She heard the second one wake and went to get her so she wouldn’t have to be alone. They wandered the building crying and in pain, looking for what they were hungry for. Then the third woke and they went to get her. Together for some time they wandered from room to room, down long empty halls on each floor, hunting but never finding. Their hunger burned in them until it started to consume them, eating at their insides.

    They were mad and insane with their hunger. But they had banded together so they didn’t even consider turning on each other. No, instead they clung together, wept together, howled together and went mad in each other’s arms.

    Until a lucid moment happened for the first one. In a moment of clarity that felt alien to her she realized that she and the other two were going to die if they didn’t get a grip on themselves. And she would see to it that they did.

    “Come my sisters.” She spoke softly to the other two. “Come. Let’s sit by the window.” She took each of them by the hand and led them into a dusty room and they sat just below the window. Moonlight somehow managed to get through the dust caked on the window. She stared at her two starving sisters as they wept without tears. They were dried out on the inside as well as the outside. They were all suffering terribly. “Sisters. Sisters. Listen to me. I have my mind back. You both can too. I am Sandy.” She looked hard at her two sisters.

    At the sound of her voice they stopped their crying. They both seemed startled to even hear a voice. They all had only wailed, cried or howled since they had found themselves trapped in this place. “I am Sandy. What are your names?”

    “I am Becca.” The dark haired one said.

    “I am Jessica.” The red haired answered.

    “Where are we? What has happened?” Becca asked. Her voice, as were the others, was dried and raspy sounding. They all looked rather shriveled with dehydration.

    “I think we were all victims. But why were we brought here and abandoned, I don’t know.” said Sandy.

   “I’m so hungry.” said Jessica.

    “So am I.” said Becca. “And I feel like my mind is on fire…with madness.”

    “Don’t give in to it.” said Sandy. “We must stay sane or we won’t get out of this place. It’s our prison.”

   “Why? Who put us in here?” Becca asked.

    A cold angry look came over Sandy’s face. “He did. I’m remembering a little. Calvin. I thought I loved him. He did this.” She looked at Becca and Jessica. “What do you two remember?”

    They stared hard into space, trying to resurrect their memories. Jessica’s face scrunched up as she fought for her memories. “Yes!” she suddenly cried. “Yes! Calvin! Could he be the same one as your Calvin?” She asked, looking at Sandy.

    Sandy quickly described him. “Yes! He is the same!” cried Jessica. “But why would he do this to us?”

    Sandy was watching Becca, waiting for her to remember. Jessica looked at her too. Their wait was short.

    “Calvin. I remember him just as you two both described him. I thought I loved him too. Why did he bring us here?” Becca asked the same question Jessica had asked.

    “I don’t know. But he did something to us. He made us different.” said Sandy.

    “Yes. I don’t feel like me anymore. I’m different, that’s for sure.” said Becca.

    “He bit me a lot. Then he made me drink his blood. Said it was his fetish.” said Sandy.

    Jessica gasped.

    “He did that to me too. Told me the same thing.” said Becca in a cold voice. “He’s a cheater!”

    “He’s more than that.” said Sandy and she pulled back her lips.

    Jessica and Becca stared at her with horrified eyes. Not because they were horrified of her but because they saw the truth of themselves in her.

    “A vampire! That b*****d’s a vampire!” yelled Jessica. “We’re starving for blood and going mad from the lack of it!”

    “B*****d.” hissed Becca.

    “He’s left us in here to starve to death.” growled Sandy. “But I bet we can’t starve to death. I bet we would just suffer endlessly.”

    “How do we get out?” asked Jessica.

    “We have to force ourselves to stay sane. Only that way can we figure out how to escape.” said Sandy.  She stood and went to look out the window. They were on the second floor of a large abandoned office building in a desolate run down part of the city.

    “Surely we aren’t really trapped in here. We’re vampires. Aren’t vampires supposed to be really strong?” said Jessica getting up and joining her. Becca did the same.

    “We are vampires that have never fed. Because of that we are weak. We’ve been in here a long time.” said Sandy. “We need to feed to get our strength. We need to lure several humans here so we can feed on them.”

    “Then what?” asked Jessica.

    Sandy turned her head to look at Jessica. “Then we track down Calvin and kill him.”

    “He’s a vampire. An immortal.” said Jessica. “How can we kill him?”

    Sandy smiled a grim smile. “We’ll figure something out but I think decapitation and fire are good ways to start trying.”

     They all giggled then that giggling grew into laughter. It was a dry raspy horrible sound because they were so dried out. Making their way to the ground floor they realized how weak they were when they couldn’t break open the locked front door. Not even the three of them together could break the lock nor could they shatter the thick glass that the double doors were made of. Jessica and Becca started crying at their failure, feeling the madness rapidly invading their minds again.

    “Stop! Stop!” Sandy said shaking them. “Look. Over there. Food!”

    At the word food Jessica and Becca managed to get control of themselves once again. Wild eyed they looked to where Sandy was pointing. Several homeless people were huddled in a group across the empty street from them. They were standing just inside the open doorway of another abandoned building.

    “How do we feed on them when we can’t get out?” asked Jessica.

    “We bang on the door and yell, getting their attention. I’m sure they’ll come over here. Okay?” Sandy said.

    Jessica and Becca started banging on the glass doors and screaming. Sandy quickly joined them. It took several long agonizing minutes but they finally got the attention of the homeless people. They were four men and these four men saw three women in what they thought were long night gowns in the building’s doorway across the street from them. The men stared at them for a moment or two. Seeing that the three women looked very upset they decided to investigate. With leering grins and chuckles at the possibility of the fun they soon could be having they went across the street and up to the door.

    “Can you open the door?” Sandy shouted through the glass.

    The four men nodded, smiling at each other at the fun that was soon to be there’s. They looked around for something to hit the glass with and spotted several large chunks of concrete. They picked them up and beat the chunks against the glass doors until they cracked then shattered. With a musical tinkling sound the glass scattered to the stone floor inside and the pavement outside.

    Jessica lunged forward and grabbed one of the men. Sandy and Becca did the same. They dragged them down to the ground and ripped out their throats. They were so quick the men didn’t have a chance to struggle or defend themselves. On their hands and knees the vampires lapped and sucked the blood that spilled from the men’s torn out throats with loud slurping and sucking sounds. The fourth man seeing his buddies being attacked by what he thought were three she-devils fled as fast as he was able to move.

    The three vampires continued to lap and suck the dying men’s blood. The second the men’s throats had been ripped out by their fangs they didn’t have a chance. Their life blood gave life to the three vampires. As they took the men’s blood into their bodies from their torn throats they felt their torment easing and eventually fading away.

     The men were drained to death and Jessica, Sandy and Becca felt alive and powerful. They were no longer dried out living husks and their minds were clear and sharp. The power in the blood sizzled along their nerve endings, giving them extraordinary strength, sight, sound and smell.

    “I bet we have other abilities we don’t know about yet my sisters.” Sandy said.

    They left their prison behind and walked out into the warm summer night.

    “We’ll just have to learn about our new abilities.” said Jessica. “We can force Calvin to teach us everything about being a vampire before we kill him.”

    Sandy looked at her then at Becca. She came to a halt in the middle of the crumbling streets. “Do we really want to waste our time on him? I’d rather we concentrate on us now, our new lives as vampires, not waste our time on him. What do you two say?”

    Jessica and Becca looked uncertain for a moment, a flash of disappointment crossed their faces then Jessica smiled. “I agree with Sandy. Let’s not waste our time on him.” She took Sandy’s hand in one of her hands and Becca’s in the other. “Let’s just worry about us. There’s always time for revenge later.”

    “Okay.” agreed Becca. “That sounds better to me too.”

    Hand in hand the three vampire sisters walked down the street heading for the alive part of the city.



© 2011 Tina Kline

My Review

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I really love this. It's a different sort of vampire tale. Maybe they'll go after this Calvin and discover why he even did this to them in the first place. There could be a whole book about these 3 vampires adventures of discovering their new reality and finding out why he did this to them and all that happens in between.

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Interesting story. Good job (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i am in awe of your imagination!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a different and unique vampire story. I'm kinda hoping they do eventually met up with this Calvin and at least learn why he abandoned them there to suffer. Awesome write, love it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

love the characters in this alot ... I thought you did great on the storyline and keeping it unique and rather interesting throughout the whole piece ... awesome job on this ... you have alot of short stories of vampires and werewolves that you could do a book with them .. i'd buy it :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This story grabbed my interest from the very beginning, it's written in such a way that I question what will happen to the sisters and feel concern for them. An awesome story, very well penned.

I agree with Black Cat Fever, this could be continued into an awesome book. There's much talent flowing into your pen.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I really love this. It's a different sort of vampire tale. Maybe they'll go after this Calvin and discover why he even did this to them in the first place. There could be a whole book about these 3 vampires adventures of discovering their new reality and finding out why he did this to them and all that happens in between.

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on September 21, 2010
Last Updated on July 6, 2011
Tags: vampire, vampires, immortal, undead


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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A Chapter by Tina Kline

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A Chapter by Tina Kline

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A Chapter by Tina Kline