Chapter 29

Chapter 29

A Chapter by Tina Kline

    Shasta stared up at Quetzal, wishing for a moment she had treated him a little better. No one was showing up to help her and she was now at the Wolf People’s mercy.

    She wondered if she could beg Quetzal to let her live.

    “Sure, Quetzal, I wanted you to leave but I couldn’t keep you there, not then, not with Kyle, Mandie and Joshie there as well.”

    “Why not? Your Kyle has kidnapped Miss Feather, remember her and your Joshie and Mandie chased after Armand, all the way back to his Village.”

    Shasta made a hissing sound then she looked away. “Well…what are you going to do with me?”

    “I don’t know.” Quetzal thought he’d easily be able to kill Shasta. But standing over her, being the one with the power and control, he wasn’t so sure. His feelings for her were rapidly resurfacing.

    His hands fisted at his side and he closed his eyes. He wanted to keep her, take her, make her his. He fought his instincts; it couldn’t be Magic affecting me now! he thought with desperation.

    The Wolf People guarding her watched him and waited.

    Shasta waited, but she was looking into the forest, not at him.

    Quetzal growled. “Make sure her hands are tied tightly, tight enough that you cut off most of her circulation. I’m taking her back with me and will deal with her.” He said to the Wolf People guards.

    None of the guards questioned him about his decision. It was a war and none of the Pack Leaders had given them any orders about captives, not even whether they should even take captives, let alone what to do with them once they had taken Other captives. They were glad to be rid of her and to return to the fighting.

    One of them tied her hands a couple times over then stepped back to let Quetzal drag Shasta to her feet.

    “Want a couple of us to go with you…just to make sure everything goes okay?” one of the Wolf  People guards asked Quetzal.

    “Sure. I would appreciate it if as many of you that can come along do so. There’s a battle happening, I could use your help.”

     Feeling frightened and excited at the same time Shasta went along with Quetzal without resisting. She ignored the pain in her tightly bound wrists. She’d caught a look in Quetzal’s eyes, just for a second, she was certain she’d seen desire.

    Shasta made a small smile. Perhaps there was still hope for her, if Quetzal wanted her and she still wanted him. Perhaps they’d both be getting what they wanted.



    The battle was slowing down. The Others were slipping from the forest, their towns being abandoned. The Wolf People were busy tearing them down and creating huge fires to burn all evidence of the Others.

     The forest would quickly grow back where the towns had been; removing any sign they had ever been there at all.

    In all, 5 Other towns had been found and the work to destroy them would take a while.

    And it was discovered that the Others were leaving the Wolf People’s World by crossing through the misty Grey Veil and entering into the Human World.

     “Let them go.” Mr. Black said. “We will set up patrols with members from all willing Packs to make sure they do not slip back into our World.”

    Mr. Redwood, Mr. Whitewater and Mr. Stonevalley quickly agreed. So did the Pack Leaders from the other Packs who had joined them in the fight against the Others.

    Once the fires were burning hot enough the dead Others bodies were tossed into the flames. No one wanted to show them respect by returning them to the earth.

     Armand was devastated. Miss Feather had not been found. He stood alone, watching the last discovered Others town being torn down and the pieces being tossed into two large fires, fighting a rising sob that threatened to help send him over the edge.

    His body trembled as he fought the hope that was trying to take over that perhaps there still was another town that they hadn’t found yet, that perhaps Miss Feather was there.

    But he didn’t want to have that hope. Wolf People were swarming the shadowy Douglas Fir and Broadleaf Maple Forest, they knew the signs of Magic to look for and no more towns had been found for quite some time.

    Miss Feather! He thought. Then suddenly he was screaming, “Miss Feather! Miss Feather! Miss Feather!”

    Mr. Black was only a few feet away and was at his Wolf Son’s side in an instant, pulling him into his arms. He held his Armand tight as his Wolf Son surrendered to his all consuming despair.

    Mr. Thunder and Miss Fern went to them and put their arms around Mr. Black and Armand, giving Armand their support.

    The other Wolf People watched and shook their heads sadly or hung them; they all felt bad for the Leader of the Pack’s Son. Some took off to hunt for more Others, hoping to have the chance to get more revenge on them.

      All of them wanted to get a hold of the Other Kyle, the one who had taken Armand’s soon to be Wolf Mate but he hadn’t been found, him or Miss Feather.

    “Let’s go home Armand.” Mr. Black said. “Let’s go home and all of us grieve together for Miss Feather.”

    Armand collapsed in his Wolf Father’s arms. Mr. Black kept him on his feet for a moment then scooped him up in his arms and with a grim face he started for home.

    Michar appeared at his side, blood and gore smeared, an angry dark look in his eyes. “Shall I send word ahead so his Wolf Siblings and Wolf Mother will be waiting?”

    “Yes, please Michar. I’d be grateful.” said Mr. Black.

     “You got it.” Michar shape shifted and set off; relaying the message to others as he went, as a result the message fanned out rapidly, traveling much faster than one Wolf Person could travel.  

     Miss Fern held Armand’s hand as they headed through the Douglas Fir and Broadleaf Maple forest where clean up was the main event now.

    The battle was all but over. The Wolf People had won. The remaining Others who had fought and survived and those who fled were all now in the Human World.

     Miss Feather had not been found and slowly it was being discovered that several other female Wolf People were missing as well.

    “It’s over Armand. It’s over. You must now go on.” Mr. Black said but he realized Armand wasn’t listening; he was too far gone in his grief. He wasn’t aware of anything right now.

    Mr. Black growled. He was glad so many of the Others had died.

    A grief stricken Louise was waiting at the door of their house when he got there with Armand. Miss Starfire and Mr. Hunter were there too, along with Miss Snow and Michar, Pine and Mr. Stalker and Mr. Brown and Maple.

    They all were overwhelmed with their grief at the loss of Miss Feather and how it was destroying Armand. They would all support each other during this time of grieving.

© 2010 Tina Kline

My Review

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Armand is suffering his worse pain but with Miss Fern hanging around him just waiting for her chance, well know she's found it. And as far as Quetzal and Shasta are concerned, no good will come of it. That's my guess.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I feel little for Armand, but I understand his grief. Brilliant write! sorry for my delay in reviewing. XP

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

How tragic, Miss Feather is gone from their lives. I felt sorry for Armand who is lost in grief, and poor Miss Feather. I wonder what happens in the next chapter, these are created so well.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ah, this hurts! I'm crying too!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I cried.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Such an amazing chapter Tina,
Such imagery and wonderful deatil.
I liked this chapter alot.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on May 25, 2010
Last Updated on May 25, 2010


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


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