Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Tina Kline

    Mr. Black, Mr. Stonevalley, Louise and Cerise were concluding their discussion on how to proceed with dealing with the Others. More talk would follow which would include their two Packs and two Other neighboring Packs interested in dealing with these Others in their midst.

    Both Mr. Black and Mr. Stonevalley had hopes other Packs would join in but Packs that weren’t close to the area of concern would be harder to convince there was a problem.

    “Not if you parade Mandie and Joshie before them. Seeing what we are talking about will go a very long way to convincing them.” Cerise had pointed out.

    They all agreed with her. It was something they’d be doing in the very near future if it turned out they really needed help from more Packs in dealing with the Others.

    “We’ll send out lookouts to watch the area around where Shasta and Kyle live, see if they are still there or if they’d fled since the Other Twins haven’t returned.” Mr. Black said as Mr. Stonevalley and Cerise headed for the door. “We’ll send two each from our Packs. And if they’re still there, see what they’re up to, if any Others visit them, and if so, from what part of the forest do they come from.”

    “Be close enough to notice comings and goings but not close enough to be easily detected.” agreed Mr. Stonevalley.

    “We’ll talk more.” Louise said holding both of Cerise’s hands.

    Cerise squeezed her hands tightly in return and smiled. “We will. Our part focusing on Mandie and Joshie is vital. We want them to cooperate with us, see it as their best choice. It doesn’t matter if it’s their only choice as long as they think it’s a good one.”

    Louise laughed lightly. “It’s best if they think they’re being treated grandly.”

    Mr. Black and Mr. Stonevalley chuckled.

    “They will be treated grandly as long as they cooperate. We need a lot more information about their people.” Mr. Black said.

    “And we’ll get it from them.” Louise said.

    “Female persuasion.” said Mr. Stonevalley.

    “In this situation with children it is the best way to go if we can.” said Cerise.

    “So Cerise and I will do our best to succeed. That’s where Armand and his friends will come in handy.” said Louise.

    “And us too Mom.” said Mr. Hunter from the open door of his and Miss Starfire’s room.

    Louise looked at him and nodded her agreement. “I noticed they like you both as well and we’ll certainly want both of you to help.”

    Mr. Hunter smiled and turned his head to look back into his room. “We’re included.”

    “Great!” came Miss Starfire’s excited comment from inside the bedroom.

    “We’ve got a lot of help.” grinned Cerise. “I don’t see how we can fail to win the Other’s two children over if we haven’t already.”

    “Let’s go Cerise.” Mr. Stonevalley said. “We need to decide who will be placed as lookouts at the Other’s house.”

    Mr. Black and Louise stood at the door as Mr. Stonevalley and Cerise departed.

    Two of their Wolf People waited outside for them and went to their sides as soon as they reached the bottom of the steps.

    After their goodbyes were done Mr. Black and Louise shut the door.

    “Well, my sweet plaything.” Mr. Black said pulling her into his arms. “Our plans are progressing well. It won’t be long before we oust those intruders.” He lowered his head and kissed her on her waiting mouth.

    “Mmmm.” Louise moaned softly against his mouth.

    “How about we eat then spend some alone time together?” Mr. Black said against her mouth.

    “Sounds like what I want to do.” She said against his mouth.

    They heard the twin’s bedroom door shut loudly.

    Mr. Black lifted his mouth from Louise’s. “Sounds like we got rid of our audience.”

    Louise chuckled. “Let’s go take care of our stomach’s needs so we can take care of our bodies other needs.”

    They headed for the kitchen where Mr. Black proceeded to prepare the family’s meal.


    Armand and Miss Feather frolicked about in the shadowy forest, playing tag and catch me amongst the large ferns, saplings and huge boulders.

    They bit each other playfully, then nipped each other and bumped shoulders when ever they were close enough.

    Finally they came to a stop and both dropped down in a small clearing in the forest, tongues lolling out as they panted.

    Fun! Fun! That was fun! Miss Feather’s excited voice spoke in Armand’s mind.

    So much so I don’t really feel the need to chase any deer now.

    Oh! Why not! Sniff. I smell one close by.

    You’re teasing me! But Armand tilted his wolfish nose upward and tested the air currents swirling about them.

   It wasn’t hard at all to pick up that tantalizing scent of deer. He breathed it in deeply.    That scent makes the very air taste good!

    Hmm. Miss Feather breathed deeply of the air laced heavily with deer scent.

    Overhead an owl called. Another answered from further away. The warm night breeze gently rustled the myriads of tree and shrubbery leaves in the forest. The giant ferns swayed softly caught up in the breeze’s influence. It all created a very soothing and relaxing environment.

    Armand watched Miss Feather’s ears twitch as she took in all the sounds around her.

    I wish we could stay out here in the forest forever. She said telepathically. Then she looked at him out of her black wolf eyes.

    Right now I wish that too. Just you and me. We can just be our own little Pack. He stared at her as he said this, his dark brown wolf eyes seemed to shimmer with an inner light.

    Miss Feather wondered if he was thinking about them being a Wolf Pack that included Wolf Children.

    Armand was thinking of something like that but was keeping his thoughts well guarded.

    Miss Feather would make a fine Mate, Armand concluded as he continued to watch her.


© 2010 Tina Kline

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I sense ominous clouds coming. While Armand and Miss Feather are off having a good time together the Drums of War are happening.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Can't wait to see what happens with The Others. Armand and Miss Feather seem to be on the road to being mates. Cool chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Another near-perfect chapter! Looking forward to finding out what will become of the so called 'Others,' and if Armand will claim Miss Feather as his mate. Nice work!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Awesome chapter. Things are started to heat up as plans are made to go after the Others. Armand and Miss Feather are having a fun good time too.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on April 13, 2010
Last Updated on April 13, 2010


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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A Chapter by Tina Kline