Chapter 29

Chapter 29

A Chapter by Tina Kline

Life is changing in a big way for Louise.


    I was a werewolf from the inside out now. My humanity was all but gone. But all that meant was I was no longer a human being, I was a Wolf Person and that didn’t mean I was a cruel blood thirsty beast, not capable of love, compassion or mercy.


    But it did mean I no longer viewed human beings in the same way. They were prey. Nothing more. Nothing less. I viewed them in the same way as human beings viewed their food animals.


   A couple weeks went by since Miss Rose was banished. And those two weeks were peaceful ones for me.


    Mr. Black and I spent a lot of quality time together. And we spent a lot of quality time with our son.


    I grew bigger very quickly in these two weeks. I knew my second Wolf Child would soon be here.


    The moments of daylight were lasting much longer and it was warm now. The leaves on the Broadleaf Maple trees had unfurled and were a fresh gentle green. Flowers were blooming through the forest and the Wolf People Village.


    This day I took Armand outside to enjoy the warmth and sunlight.


    I sat on my favorite rock and set Armand on the dried dusty ground. He laughed and patted small blades of new grown grass.


    I gazed up at the pale blue sky and noticed one of those huge predator birds circling above the village. I growled and moved from the boulder and sat beside Armand.


    With my big belly it was a struggle to sit beside him on the ground but I managed it.


    I didn’t like those huge birds that I was sure would gladly swoop down, grasp a Wolf Child in its talons and sail aloft with its caught meal.


    Armand picked up small colorful pebbles and showed them to me.


    “Pretty.” I said.


    I glanced up at the circling winged predator. Its head was turned. I could see its brown eye scanning below, its long feathers of various shades of brown fluttering in the upper winds where it circled.


    I shivered. I wished it would leave. What did it expect to find to kill in a Wolf People village but Wolf Children?


    Why didn’t Wolf People have bows and arrows at least to shoot threats like that?


    I knew the answer. Wolf People killed their prey as wolves would. They didn’t hunt like humans. Using weapons, like swords, were only used in extreme measures. But using a weapon on a wing predator circling in the sky seemed like an extreme measure.


    “Louise!” I heard Mr. Black’s pleased voice calling me.


    I looked up and smiled at him as he approached, returning from some business or something with the Pack Leader.


    I didn’t really care for the Pack Leader and was glad I didn’t have to go. He might have been willing to let Mr. Black have me as his mate but he made it obvious he didn’t like me. His mate made it clear she didn’t like me either.


    I wondered why.


    I tried to stand up; I was having a real hard time trying to get up when Mr. Black rushed to help me.


    He came behind me and put his hands under my arms and pulled me to my feet. I was breathless and trying to laugh as well. I felt embarrassed and foolish by how big and awkward I now was.


    “Thanks.” I said to Mr. Black.


    Armand was watching us and laughing in his unusual bell like laugh.


    “My pleasure, my sweet plaything.” Mr. Black grinned, showing his canines. He put an arm around my waist to help steady me.


    I noticed the winged predator was still circling above the village. I pointed to it.


    “Why are those things allowed to fly over the village and hunt? Why isn’t anyone concerned? Why doesn’t anyone shoot them out of the sky with something? Surely you have bows and arrows?” I asked.


    Mr. Black looked to where I was pointing. “Those are not predators. They’re scavengers.”


    “Scavengers? Like vultures?”


    “They eat off dead things. They hope to find left over scraps from hunts. There haven’t been any hunts for a while but they don’t realize it.”


    I looked at the circling bird again and found it hard to accept it wasn’t hunting Wolf Children.


    A cool breeze rustled the leaves of the Broadleaf Maples and smaller shrubs, creating a soothing sound. The perfume from several blooms swirled heavily on the warm breezy air.


    I sniffed deeply. It was a pleasing scent.


    I rather wished the daylight would last but already I noticed darkness closing in around the edges of the light.


    The predator bird still circled overhead. Go away, I thought at it. There is nothing dead for you to eat here today.


    Armand, holding on to the black pants I was wearing, attempted to pull himself to his feet.


    “Hey!” I laughed down to him in surprise.


    “Our son is trying to stand!” Exclaimed Mr. Black.


    Several Wolf People going about the village doing there own thing turned to watch Armand.


    I saw smiles on their faces and heard their soft laughter as they waited to see if Armand would manage to pull himself up to stand.


    Then I felt a tight pulling in my swollen abdomen.


    I gasped. I knew what that feeling meant! I looked at Mr. Black with wide frightened eyes.


    “What is it?” He asked, alarm in his voice.


    The tugging came again. It was strong, very strong.


    “The Wolf Baby is coming. I need to get inside.” I whispered.


    He tightened his arm around me, obviously preparing to help.


    “I can do this. Get Armand please!”


    “Right.” He said. I could see Mr. Black was excited and flustered at the same time.


    I knew I could make it into the house and I knew I could not carry Armand at the moment.


    I didn’t think about what the group of watching Wolf People would be thinking or doing at this moment. I was only concerned about getting myself and Armand in the house.


    As soon as Mr. Black removed Armand’s tiny hands from my pant leg I walked as fast as I could the short distance to the house, made it up the stairs and through the door before I felt another powerful tugging.


    I hurried into the bedroom, Mr. Black with Armand in his arms right behind me.


    I lay on the bed panting. “Take Armand’s bed out of here please.”


    “Of course. I’ll get help.” Mr. Black placed Armand in his bed and easily picked it up and carried it out the front room with Armand in it.


    Armand laughed, obviously delighted at getting this ride.


    Mr. Black left the house but was back very quickly.


    Maple, Miss Snow and Pine were with him. They must have already been on their way.


    The watching Wolf People must have alerted them.


    Maple stayed with Armand and Miss Snow and Pine helped me deliver. And with their assistance I easily and quickly gave birth to two more Wolf Children.


    I hadn’t been expecting that. Twins! A Wolf Boy and Wolf Girl!








© 2009 Tina Kline

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Yeah, surprise! Twins. Who saw that one coming?

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Twins! Cool!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I wasn't expecting twins but obviously she wasn't either. Her family is growing and now she is not the only girl in the house. Very exciting you really know how to keep the readers attention.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Twins Wow! Awesome and a most amazing chapter I enjoyed this one full of imagery and detail. Very enjoyable read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on December 6, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


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