Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A Chapter by Tina Kline

A group hunt.


    Two sleep cycles had gone by when Mr. Black told me he felt it was okay for me to Shape Shift occasionally into my Wolf Form.


    One part of me was overjoyed I would be allowed to Shape Shift and another part was very annoyed that I had to have permission!


    But I was going to experience the joy and exhilaration of being Wolf with no one getting angry with me!


    “The hunt is on?” I asked Mr. Black.


    We were sitting at the kitchen table eating freshly killed cubed raw meat from a wooden bowl and drinking glasses of fresh cold water.


    Armand sat in my lap, completely content playing with my long hair.


    “It will be shortly.” He said, popping a cube of raw meat into his mouth and chewing it.


    I looked toward the kitchen window trying to conceal my excitement. I wasn’t doing a very good job, I knew.


    Mr. Black could easily sense how excited I was.


    Armand made some soft cooing sounds. I had one arm around him, my hand splayed against his side, while I occasionally picked up a cubed piece of meat to eat with my other hand.


    I bounced him a little. “My sweet sweet little boy.” I said, kissing the top of his dark hair covered head.


    Winter was fading. It was growing warmer. No more snow fell. I missed those huge giant snowflakes. The several feet of snow that had covered the ground and everything else was melting.


    And daylight was returning. It was brief but it was back.


    A silver blue moon hung huge in the dark sky. Stars glittered and almost seemed to spin in place all across the dark canopy above.


    In the distance I could hear a pair of coyotes singing. Closer I could hear an owl calling out into the night. Waiting for an answer perhaps? I listened. An answer that never came.


    Then I turned my attention back to Mr. Black. “Who all is going to be on this hunt?” I thought of Miss Rose.


    I did not want her on the hunt. I knew she’d try something. Again I felt that pain. It was betrayal. How could have Miss Rose turned out this way? What ever that way was.


    “You. Me. Mr. Stalker. Miss Snow, Pine and Miss Rose.” He looked hard at me when he said that last name.


    Watching me for my reaction I knew. And he wasn’t disappointed.


    His off white radiant eyes narrowed at me. “What is it Louise? Why the change in attitude toward Miss Rose?”


    I still didn’t want to answer. I felt too uncomfortable just thinking about that encounter with Miss Rose. I had to put this conversation off.


    “Can we talk about it later?” I asked Mr. Black, pleading, hoping.


    Mr. Black let out a sigh. “For now. But not for too long Louise.”


    I smiled, pleased. “Thanks.”




    We gathered outside our house for the hunt. Excitement zinged through the cold dark air, almost visible as sparkles of blue white lights.


    Everyone was here.


    I had put Armand to bed and a couple of Mr. Black’s friends would be in the house acting as babysitters. They were a mated pair and Mr. Black trusted them completely. Mr. Black had introduced them to me as Mr. Brown and Maple.


    So I would too.


    “Let the hunt begin!” Announced Mr. Black and everyone Shape Shifted.


     Miss Snow’s Wolf Form was of a silver white Wolf. Pine was a grizzly hued Wolf. Mr. Stalker was silver grey and Miss Rose was a black Wolf.


    Mr. Black was a very dark Wolf and I was an ash colored Wolf.


    We howled and sang to the night, making little excited high pitched cries. Our bushy tails whipped back and forth and we bumped up against each other in a friendly fashion. I made sure Miss Rose didn’t get a chance to get close to me.


    Then with a mighty lunge Mr. Black led the way into the dark shadowy Douglas Fir and leafless Broadleaf Maple forest.


    I ran beside Mr. Black, Miss Snow and Pine a little behind us and behind them ran Mr. Stalker and Miss Rose.


    I’d be doing everything I could to keep Miss Rose away from me.


    My heart was bursting with exhilaration and excitement at the thrill of running as Wolf! All my senses were open wide and heightened! I could see, smell and hear things I couldn’t in my human form.


    I loved the feel of the wind rushing through my wolf hair as I sped along, fast and ever so much faster! I could hear the rustle of the trees and bushes as I raced by! I could hear all the living beating hearts around me! I could hear all of life itself!


    It was as if I were on fire with life!


    In no time at all we came upon an elk herd. With loud howls we scattered the herd, going for the weak and sick.


    I was beside Mr. Black as he lunged for the nose and mouth of his chosen elk and I went in to hamstring her.


    The elk kicked out but didn’t have a chance. We brought her down easily, her cries of fear and pain a delight to hear.


    Mr. Black ripped her belly open as she slowly died with his sharp canines and we stuck our muzzles into the rip and started feasting.


    The others had brought down two more elk and were equally enjoying their feast of freshly killed meat with living blood still pumping through it.


    This was the best meat of all! Meat that was still alive without the taint of death upon it.


    I ate happily, my Wolf muzzle stained with blood and gore.


    I knew this would be my last hunt for awhile if I turned out to be really pregnant as Mr. Black believed me to be.


    I meant to enjoy this moment!


    And so far Miss Rose was keeping her distance.


    What a relief.


    After we ate our fill, and being in Wolf Form we ate a lot, we sought out a fresh spring to clean the blood and gore from our muzzles and Wolf hair.


    Then we had another Pack singing session, celebrating a successful hunt for all of us.


    I felt a Wolf brush up against me and realized it was Miss Rose! Her dark Wolf eyes gazed into my shocked ones! I hadn’t kept away from her so successfully after all!


    I saw a hunger in her eyes I didn’t want to acknowledge. Her pink tongue came out to lick my muzzle.


    A kiss!


    I jerked away from her and fled to Mr. Black’s side. He was still singing along with the others.


    I felt shaken.


    What was wrong with Miss Rose?


    After the singing was done we headed back to the village. I ran beside Mr. Black.


    Miss Rose stayed behind us.


    I was relieved when we reached the village and home.


    We Shape Shifted back into our human forms and said our goodbyes.


    Fearing another encounter made possible by Miss Rose I was quick with my goodbyes, saying that I had to get back to Armand.


    He was fine, of course.


    After checking Armand I had a quick shower to clean off properly and dressed in my nightshirt. Then I settled on the bed to nurse Armand. I was feeling really good after being in my Wolf Form and experiencing the thrill of the hunt and feast afterwards.


    Mr. Black visited with his friends, Mr. Brown and Maple, for a short while then thanked them for looking after Armand. After that he took his shower.


    “Enjoy the hunt?” Mr. Black asked as he settled on the bed beside Armand and me.


    “Yes I did.” And I meant it.


    “You know that will be your last hunt for a while.” He placed his open palm on my lower abdomen and I knew then the truth of his words.


    I put Armand in his baby bed and crawled into bed beside Mr. Black. He pulled me close to him.


    Another Wolf Child on the way. I could feel the Wolf Child in me now. I didn’t know what to think and feel about that.












© 2009 Tina Kline

My Review

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well it is both good and bad that she is pregnant but i hope she handles this one better, and she isn't as left out. i am courious to see what happens with Miss Rose it would be really bad if Mr. Black tried to kill her. great chaper, i love it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

At least Louise got some fun in!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Impressive. Like the suspense.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs. Rose is at it again. Wonder what is going to happen and how Mr. Black is going to handle the situation. He seems to take care of things permanently, but Mrs. Rose is his friend. Hmm. I guess we'll see.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I Like this chapter I found it to be sincere in places as well as action as well. This is a very well write here
When you add more I will read. I really am enjoying this story alot.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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