Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Tina Kline

Louise returns to the Human World.


    I was doing it! I was escaping back to the Human World! Everyone was distracted. The other Wolf People weren't watching me any more. And the ones watching mentioned by Mr. Black weren't watching me; they were on the lookout for any of Dawn's Fan Club. I moved to the edge of the village and slipped into the shadowy Douglas Fir and skeletal Broadleaf Maple forest.


     The snow wasn't much of a difficulty around the village; it was always cleared away just as quickly as it fell.


    And once in the forest, I managed just fine. The canopy overhead created spaces where the snow wasn't so deep.


    "We're going home!" I said to Armand who was more asleep than awake.


    Yes, I thought to myself, I’m going home and the Human World will be my son's new home now as well.


    I kept moving through the shadowy forest. The clouds overhead had evaporated and silver blue moonlight splashed downward, lighting the way.


    I saw radiant eyes a few times in the forest but who ever they were did not approach me. Owls called back and forth in the tree limbs above.


     In the distance came the song of the coyote. Several joining together to their howling.


    I kept going. I was certain I would come to the misty grey veil. No way could there be only one place where the Wolf People's World and the Human World connected.


    While I never did have the chance to go exploring to locate another place where the two worlds came together I was certain there would be other places.


    This was my belief. This was my faith.


    So I kept going.


   "We'll find our way out of here soon." I said to Armand who was fully asleep now.


    I kept on going wishing now and then I could shape shift into my Wolf Form. That would have made this whole journey so much easier.


     But I did not resent my son. He gave me a whole new reason to keep going. To give him a better life!


    I kept to the snow that wasn't very deep which made all the difference.


    I heard more coyotes singing nearby in the shadowy forest. The scent of deer and elk was sometimes heavy on the chilly air.


    Occasionally one or two owls would wing over me, their passing loud to my Wolf Person ears.


   Then I noticed it. That drip drip drip sound. A sound that shouldn't exist at all in a freezing world.


    Then I noticed the temperature was not as cold! Actually it was warming up quite dramatically! As I kept moving forward the snow rapidly was no more! But was replaced by greyish mists, mists that hovered a few feet off the ground, mists that reached and coiled around tree trunks, shrubs and large boulders.


    Then ahead of me was the misty grey veil!


    I wanted to cheer! I made it! Here was the boundary between the Wolf People's world and the Human World.


    I laughed! I laughed with relief and I laughed with triumph!


    And I walked boldly into the misty grey veil to the other side with my son on my back!




    When I came out on the other side of the misty veil I was in a park and it was daylight! I hadn't seen daylight in a very long time. It dazzled me for a moment, temporarily blinding me!


    Stretching before me a green lawn with trees scattered about, park benches along the blacktop path that wound through the park. Yes, this was most definitely a park.


     It was cold and rainy. The sky overhead was a uniform grey. Half the trees had no leaves on them.


    It was winter. It was morning and it looked like it could be a park in my hometown. But then, it could be a park in any town!


    Armand was stirring now. I had to find us food and shelter. That was the first and most important thing.


    And I had a plan to accomplish this first task.


    At the edge of the park was a large field. Long dried grass and shrubs. Perfect.


    I hurried over to it. As I did I noticed a couple people walking in the park with little dogs.


    I smiled. They really were actually human beings! And not Wolf People! That was exciting to me!


    Once in the field I put my leather bag down, slipped the baby carrier from my back carefully. I took Armand out and settled him with our stuff.


    He was awake and looking up at me now out of his Wolf People eyes. I smiled at him and kissed his nose.


    "You be good and quiet. Mama is going to get us some money so we can get some yummys to eat and a place to stay for awhile."


    Armand didn't make any noise.


   "Good boy."


    I turned away from where I had him settled and shape shifted into my Wolf Form, feeling a surge of power and exhilaration at the prospect of the Hunt! I would now become the werewolf of human myth and legend.


    I trotted to the edge of the field where it met the park and crouched down, my senses open wide. I'd know if my Wolf Child was in danger before anyone or thing could get near him, and I waited, watching for my prey.


    My heart pounded with a predator's excitement! Here I was, in the Human World about to engage in my first hunt as a werewolf!


    I knew humans would be in the park even on this kind of wintry day. And sure enough a jogger was approaching along the path heading in the direction where I was hidden. He had on one of those bags people strap around their middle.


    When he reached level with where I was hiding I leaped. And took him down easily. I was excited and eager, but not for his life, not on this hunt. I was hunting for something else, money. I shape shifted back to human just enough so I had hands with talons to easily remove the bag around his middle.


    I was swift in what I did.


    The human was so surprised he didn't even yell until I had his little bag in my mouth and was fleeing away across the park with my prize.


    I doubled back in Human Form to the field and opened the bag. Among a few other things I found a wallet with a nice amount of cash.




   I tossed the bag into a deep mud puddle in the field and watched it sink.




   I hurried back to where I left my son. My senses had been on full alert the whole time I was hunting my first victim so I knew my son was not nor had been in any danger during that brief time.


    I stuffed the cash in my leather bag and shape shifted into My Wolf Form to go hunting again.


    This was exciting, I thought! I could grow to love this! Hunting humans, even if it was only for their money!


    In a few minutes I had a woman's purse in my jaws. She screamed but she was wasting her time. I was out of sight in seconds with my second prize! Once emptied I found another nice chunk of cash. I found another deep rut in the field filled with water. I tossed her purse, wide open, into it. It landed with a splash and quickly sank out of sight.


    A third round of hunting and I had another chunk of lovely green backs!


    Back at the spot where Armand and our things waited I counted the results of my hunting efforts. I had nearly five hundred dollars!




    I had enough to rent a room at a motel for a few days and buy us some supplies.


    I was done here. I put Armand back in his baby carrier, slung it onto my shoulder and picked up my leather bag.


    I would never get caught for what I had just done here. It had been a wolfish creature that had attacked those humans, not a young woman! Who could point a finger at me?


    Maybe a legend had been born here. The dog attacking and robbing people in the park in broad daylight. For that's what I was sure they'd say. They were attacked by a husky dog.


    I easily found a motel and rented us a room for a week. A nearby corner store provided enough food for now. I'd need to find a grocery store that had fresh meat and much better choices of other things.


    Back at the motel room I showered and put on a clean nightshirt. Then I bathed Armand and put fresh clean clothes on him.


    Then I crawled into bed with my son. I made a comfortable spot for him right next to me for him to sleep.


   I had done it! Our first night in the Human World! I had made it here with my son, gotten us money for shelter and food.


    It would only get better.


    I snuggled in bed with Armand. He was hungry so I nursed him. Once he was full I settled down to sleep, Armand content beside me.


    I had done it! I was at last free of the Wolf People and their world!



© 2009 Tina Kline

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Wow! Louise had a wonderful plan for getting the money they needed. I think she can take care of herself and Armand, at least for a while. Mr. Black will be looking for her, however, I've no doubt. He's not going to give her or his Wolf Son up that easily.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


awesome! i thought she wouldn't make it this far, but i don't think it will last long. another great chapter!!! i look forward to reading more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! Louise had a wonderful plan for getting the money they needed. I think she can take care of herself and Armand, at least for a while. Mr. Black will be looking for her, however, I've no doubt. He's not going to give her or his Wolf Son up that easily.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! Louise escaped into the Human World. And she was so clever too. Perhaps she can take care of herself and her Wolf Son. Hope so.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I didn't think she would make it. What a nice surprise to see that she did. Wonder where it will go from here. Another awesome chapter.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I enjoyed this chapter here, This is one well written chpater the imagery was just plain wonderful and the
detail. Very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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