Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Tina Kline

Louise has her moment of freedom and enjoys it while it lasts.


    I thought of all that I had learned of the Wolf People. Some I had written down. I couldn't read the Wolf People's written language. I sighed. It was so much it made my head feel too full. It hurt my brain.


    I stood in front of the bedroom window and gazed out. I watched the huge snowflakes slowly spinning earthward horizontally. They were so thick, delicate and intricate. It was a heavy snowstorm right now.


  And the snow on the ground was at least a couple feet deep, not counting snow gathered high in drifts.


   I turned away from the window and sat on the bed looking down at my big belly. I had no idea if nine months was near or if less time had gone by. But my belly was getting big! And that scared me!


   Miss Rose, Miss Snow and Pine had talked to me in great length about birthing, Wolf People style. It was a simple process and not dangerous to werewolf females. And there was little pain. I was thankful there wouldn't be any drugs used, especially the drugs that made the birthing process even more painful for human women.


    Mr. Black came to sit beside me on the bed. He looked down at me.


    "Don't worry Louise. Everything will be fine. Females of the Wolf People never die giving birth like human women so often do. And there is little pain. I know you've discussed this with your friends. I'm just adding my voice to theirs. There is no danger to you." He pulled me close.


    I believed him. I believed what Miss Snow, Pine and Miss Rose taught me. But still I was scared.


    I forced a smile as I watched a large snowflake drift down right outside the bedroom window.


    "How many other Wolf People packs are there?" I asked.




    "Are there lone wolves?" I asked, thinking of the wild wolves back in the human world.


    "They are very rare. They eventually find another Pack to take them in."


    I thought of Dawn and hoped no Pack had taken her in. Why hadn't she been killed instead of just exiled? I didn't think that was so unkind of me to think when her friend and her sister repeatedly threatened to take my life.


    "Are we really immortal? Like, we can't be killed?" I asked. I knew Wolf People could be killed but how was what I wanted to know.


    "My sweet Louise. Only decapitation can kill us for sure. Fire can sometimes kill us but not always. Otherwise we are immortal. That's why we have so few births. We’d really overpopulate otherwise. That would not be good."


    "Hmm." I said absently, thinking of all that I had learned so far about the Wolf People. "Wolf People have always been here and there are no creation myths or stories." I stated.


    "No. We do not believe a god or higher being created us. Humans have those beliefs. Wolf People feel no need to explain our origins. We are just content to be here. The how or why is not important." Mr. Black said. "And the human concern about souls we Wolf People do not suffer from. We are because we are. We do not spend huge amounts of time worrying about such matters."


    I laughed softly. No churches or Great Cathedrals around here. No priests or pastors creating horrible and painful guilt trips in the Wolf People's minds and hearts.


    I bet that was a relief for them. But then, they didn't know any different. They didn't have religion to harm them, Christian style, Pagan style or any other style.


    "Let's eat, my sweet." Mr. Black stood up, taking me by the hand and helping me up.


    Hand in hand we walked to the kitchen. I glanced at Mr. Black as he got our meals ready. I wondered what he felt for me.


    We had never declared love for each other. He chose me as his mate. It had been better than having him kill me for discovering his existence.


    Did he like me? Did I like him? Did it matter?




    Later, I slipped outside. I held my arms around my belly, hugging my unborn Wolf Child.


    I hadn't craved human flesh for a while but the thought of hunting humans had not faded away.


    I stared up at the cold inky dark night sky. The clouds were parting. Silver blue moonlight shone down in patches upon the snow-draped village and dark forest around it.


    I shivered. But not from cold.


    I wanted to shape shift and race through the snowy forest as Wolf. I wanted to sing to the stars and moon.


    I thought of returning to the Human World and making a life for myself there. I'd be powerful. Never a victim.


    I looked into the dark forest. I caught the flash of red eyes. Then white eyes. Several Wolf People in Wolf Form prowled the forest.


    I knew groups of Wolf People went hunting in packs and brought their kills back to the village and stored the meat in a cold house. This meat was for anyone who could not hunt for any reason.


    No one suffered here in the village of hunger. Everyone was well taken care of.


    The Pack Members cared about each other. But I was not one of the ones so cared for by all. I knew I had enemies.


    I hoped Red Eyes and Silver Eyes made a move on me that got them death as punishment.  Exiling them would only result in them returning to get revenge. With Dawn as the Murder Squad Leader.


    I walked through the snow to the edge of the forest. In the dark Douglas Fir trees an owl called. Another owl answered nearby. Then another owl called out even further away.


    I shivered again. I so wanted to shape shift and become Wolf. The desire was so painful it was all I could do to resist.


    A coyote started singing near the village.


    I cried out! I could not stand it any longer! I gave into my desire!


    I shape shifted into my Wolf Form! It was glorious! It was intense! It was exhilarating!


    I leaped forward with a wild happy cry and lunged into the snowy forest.


    I heard a voice behind me. I heard my name being called! But I was Wolf! I didn't care! I knew instinctively that no harm would come to my unborn Wolf Child. I knew that as truth in my heart and soul.


    My wolf paws spread out like snowshoes and I ran along the snow's surface, just slightly breaking the crusty surface as I ran.


    The forest beyond me and all around me had no barriers, no boundaries, it was limitless. I could run for eternity. The clouds were evaporating from the night sky; the moon's silver blue splash upon the forest was radiant.


    I gave a small, happy cry as I ran. This was wonderful! My soul felt such freedom, such release.


    I smelled a mule deer close by.  I wanted to go after it, kill it, eat its warm, steamy bloody flesh while it was still alive.


    I felt the Hunter Killer in me want to take over. I thought of my unborn Wolf Child. I knew going after the deer would put my Wolf Child in danger. A struggling deer fighting for its life might kick me in the stomach. I didn't even want to think about that happening, let alone put myself in a position where it very well could happen.


    I came to a stop in the snow. The deer's warm blood scent was heavy on the air. I could see her through the shrubs. She was watching me, her eyes dark in the shadowy Douglas Fir and leafless Broadleaf Maple forest.


    I started back.


   I sensed a Wolf approaching. I knew it was Mr. Black. I had been expecting this. He really did seem to know everything that I did.


    He came through the snowy bushes toward me, a large dark Wolf.


    The deer decided wisely two wolves so close was not a good thing and melted away into the shadows of the dark forest.


    Mr. Black stood over me. He was a much bigger Wolf than I was.


   I am not pleased with you Louise. Come home now. He said, his voice inside my head.


   All right. I’m going. I said back, my voice inside his head.


    We ran home together, shoulder to shoulder, over the snow. The forest of Douglas Fir trees and skeletal Broadleaf Maple trees was breathtaking with the silver blue moon light and star shine painting the white snow a silvery blue color.


    Then we were outside our house. We both shape shifted back into our human forms.


    "I am displeased with you Louise." Mr. Black said once we were inside our house.


    "Why? No harm done." I said.


    He glared at me. His eyes flashed red. "Do I have to chain you inside this house?"


    I was shocked. He had never been angry with me like this before. "No."


   "You disobey."


    "I'm not your slave. I'm your mate."


    "And as my mate you do as I say. You put our Wolf Child in jeopardy!" His voice rose.


    "Okay. Okay." I said. I felt that bitterness again, feeling like I was a prisoner again. I felt the darkness of unhappiness swirling just below the surface of my emotions.


    Running away from here really seemed like a good idea.  I could travel easily over the snow. And I hadn't hurt my unborn Wolf Child by shape shifting at all.


   "Get that notion out of your head Louise. If you run I will track you down and drag you back here. By force if I have to. No matter where you go I will find you and do this." Mr. Black warned, his voice cold and angry. "Just obey and life will be peaceful. For both of us and our Wolf Children." He took me by the arm. "Come to bed."


    I followed him thinking I knew why Wolf People worshipped no gods. They thought of themselves as gods, at least the males did.


    As we settled into bed I could tell Mr. Black's anger subsided. He held me close and kissed me on the tip of my nose.


    "Don't do those sort of things anymore. I don't want to lose you or our Wolf Child." He said. "Promise me you'll stay safe and do as I say."


    "I promise." I said. But it was a lie. The promise I made was to myself. To do what was best for my Wolf Child and me. To stop thinking about what I wanted to do and actually really do it!














© 2009 Tina Kline

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Ch 10.
L is very studious, a great self-improver. How can we not like her?

The dab about wolf folk not needing religion, unlike humans, made me think that they are perhaps a genetic memory, perhaps of neanderthals who were more or less done in my humans. Cld the desire to kill humans stem from some ancient memory?

Mr. B is quiet the charmer, 'Let's eat my sweet.' But does he like her, does it matter? Nor really. He is a man of actions. She is his mate. She is pregnant. Hard facts. No doubts about them.

After a gentle and thoughtful start to the chapter, L turns savage again with her urges driving her to run. This is what your readers are after, 'It was intense. It was exhilarating.' Freedom, I suppose...out in the wild, no boundaries, bo barriers, limitless. We all want that.

But then thee is lover boy Mr.B talking about chains, talking it all away. How ironic that the pack, a place of freedom from humanity, shld now itself become a wolf prison.

But then there he is, tenderly kissing her on the nose!

While she, the she wolf! is thinking of escaping! That very last line of this chapter is great. Your readers will all sign up for some of that.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Ch 10.
L is very studious, a great self-improver. How can we not like her?

The dab about wolf folk not needing religion, unlike humans, made me think that they are perhaps a genetic memory, perhaps of neanderthals who were more or less done in my humans. Cld the desire to kill humans stem from some ancient memory?

Mr. B is quiet the charmer, 'Let's eat my sweet.' But does he like her, does it matter? Nor really. He is a man of actions. She is his mate. She is pregnant. Hard facts. No doubts about them.

After a gentle and thoughtful start to the chapter, L turns savage again with her urges driving her to run. This is what your readers are after, 'It was intense. It was exhilarating.' Freedom, I suppose...out in the wild, no boundaries, bo barriers, limitless. We all want that.

But then thee is lover boy Mr.B talking about chains, talking it all away. How ironic that the pack, a place of freedom from humanity, shld now itself become a wolf prison.

But then there he is, tenderly kissing her on the nose!

While she, the she wolf! is thinking of escaping! That very last line of this chapter is great. Your readers will all sign up for some of that.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can see both sides of the story. Mr. Black does not want to lose the Wolf child or Louise. But Louise feels controlled, and trapped by him and his people. I liked this piece of work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mr. Black is concerned for their unborn Wolf Child but I think he's rather concerned for Louise. Maybe he's afraid of losing her. She seems a rebel and is not at all really happy with her life with him.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

love it,just started reading it again, it is awesome! I hope she doen't get hurt!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Louise needs her freedom. I feel frustrated for her.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I don't blame her for disobeying I would do the same thing. I sympathize with her I couldn't imagine not being able to go outside of the house and do as you please. Mr. Black seems to be back to his usual self I hope he lightens up again. LOL. Such a great read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Simply amazing chapter here. Well I got those read. Now it's off to bed. I hope to read more by you.
This is a awesome book so far. Very enjoyable to read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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A Chapter by Tina Kline

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