Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Tina Kline

With the cold and snow comes some fun moments for Louise.


    A hard freeze had settled in on the World of the Wolf People, my world for now. The ground was rock hard, what moisture there had been was frozen solid, looking like a sheet of glass coating what ever it touched.


    It was a miserable cold but I found out rather quickly that it didn't bother me like it would have if I'd still been human. Actually, the miserable part didn't last long at all. Since I was now werewolf, I adapted to this cold quite easily.


    And I was getting a pretty good education in all that is Wolf People. My friends kept their promise to teach me and Mr. Black had joined in.


    I wondered about that. He had always been so distant yet always watching me. Seeing Mr. Black actually sitting at the kitchen table taking part in my education, being very active in it kind of threw me. But I was more interested in learning than with what his motivation was, to not wonder about it too long.


    It was during the very brief moment of daylight during one of these lessons with Mr. Black, Miss Snow and Miss Rose and myself gathered around the kitchen table where these lessons always took place that my gaze wandered to the kitchen window.


    I saw something very thin, large like in 5 to 8 inches across and white, go twirling horizontally by.


    I gasped in surprise at seeing it. "What was that?" I asked.


    "What was what?" Mr. Black asked. He had some sheets of paper in front of him with Wolf People traditions written on them, as did the others.


   Miss Rose had been reading from hers and stopped when I asked my question.


   I liked her reading best. She had an enchanting voice. At least I thought so.


    "Something white went by the window." I said as everyone stared at me expectedly.


    They all looked toward the kitchen window. Another very thin roundish white object fluttered by horizontally. Then another followed right after it.


    "That's snow Louise." Said Miss Snow. "I know there's snow in the human world!"


    "That's snow!" I exclaimed. "That's monster size!"


    Miss Snow and Miss Rose chuckled.


    "Snow in the human world is very small. Here it is all different sizes." Mr. Black said. "Let's get back to studying."


    I tried but my eyes kept straying to the window watching for these giant flakes of snow to go by.


    They went by occasionally, just like the large fat drops of rain. I wondered if it was sticking.


    The darkness was already creeping over and down and around the village. I forced my attention back on my lessons. I would learn all I could about the Wolf People. It was what I had wanted. I didn't want ever to not know what was going on again.




   I curled in bed beside Mr. Black much later that night. Or was it morning? I couldn't much tell anymore. He pulled me close.


    "Tell me, my sweet plaything, are the lessons helping?"


    "Yes, they are."


    "Hmm. Good. Tell me; is your notion about fleeing losing its appeal?"


    I froze; not liking it that he asked that. "What makes you think that I'm still thinking about fleeing?"


    Mr. Black chuckled. "I know everything when it comes to you."


    I didn't unfreeze at hearing that! I had a fearful thought he could read my mind! I laughed nervously and replied. "Really. How's that?"


    "You're my mate."


    "Oh. Is that all it takes? I don't know all things regarding you!"


    He pulled me tighter against him. "Go to sleep Louise."


    I decided that was the best thing to do. I might learn something about Wolf People I wasn't ready to learn yet.


    Besides, Mr. Black couldn't stop me from fleeing back to the Human World. There had to be more places where the Human World and the Wolf People's world connected, not just the one place I knew.


    Mr. Black made a soft growling sound and pulled me even tighter against him. I wouldn't have thought that possible. I shivered a bit. I felt, perhaps at that moment, he really could read my mind!




    When I woke I quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to the bedroom window to see if there was any snow on the ground. I felt like a child! I was excited like one! Hoping to find snow on the ground.


   And there was! It was dark but there was enough light from the full silver blue moon shining down for me to see. And light from the other houses in the village spilled out into the darkness.


    I laughed, delighted! And just like a child I wanted to go out and play in the snow!


    Mr. Black had already been up and now he came walking into the bedroom. I was still standing at the window staring out. I didn't turn to face him.


    "Louise! It's good to hear you laugh! It's been a while!"


    I turned to face him. I knew there was a grin on my face. "It snowed! There's at least a foot of it on the ground!"


    "Indeed there is!" He said grinning. I could tell he was pleased at my happiness.


   Then I realized! I was actually feeling excited and delighted at the snow! How could that be? I looked out the window again.


    Had it been hormones that had made me so bitter and unhappy? Or was it the lessons I was now receiving that had improved my mood? Maybe a lot of reasons.


    Mr. Black came to me and put his arm around me. He pulled me close to him.


    "After you've eaten we'll go out in the snow together. Have fun together. How does that sound?"


   Beyond the times we had hunted together Mr. Black and I hadn't done much else together except make love.


    I glanced up at him. Mr. Black playing in the snow with me? This was a change! "Okay." I said.


    "Good. Let's go eat." Mr. Black said.


    That was another surprise. Mr. Black eating with me. Usually he'd just watch unless I complained about it, which I almost always did. Lately he had taken to eating with me.


    We ate our freshly killed raw steaming cubed meat in wooden bowls then dressed to go outside. Heavy black clothes, boots and gloves is what everyone here wore for winter wear unless they were planning on shape shifting to go out into the winter dark Douglas Fir and now bare Broadleaf Maple forest to hunt.


    In front of our house in the moon's silver and blue light Mr. Black and I made snowballs and threw them at each other. The snow was perfectly moist for this.


    He hit me more times than I hit him. He had a very graceful way of moving his body out of the way of my incoming snowballs.


    When a huge six-inch wide thin white snowflake drifted down, spinning horizontally, I stared at it in utter rapt fascination. A quick glance up revealed several more on their way down. Clouds were moving across the night sky, blocking out the moon's glow.


   A snowball hit me on the shoulder. "You lose the battle if you don't pay attention!" Mr. Black laughed.


    "Those snowflakes are awe inspiring." I said.


    Mr. Black smiled.


    I turned to watch another and noticed Red Eyes and Silver Eyes in the distance.


    I frowned.


    Mr. Black noticed this and turned to see what I was looking at. I heard a lethal growl erupt from him. His eyes burned fiery for a second.


    Red Eyes and Silver Eyes shape shifted into their Wolf Forms and slunk into the forest. But not before I noticed the hate in their eyes directed at me.


    And I noticed another Wolf Person quickly joining them. Another Dawn Fan, no doubt.


    "They won't come close to you Louise. They know what will happen." Mr. Black told me.


   I felt our fun was over. But I didn't stay in my dark mood for long.


   And our snow fun continued. We threw more snowballs and rolled a couple into huge snowballs. I thought about making a snowman but quickly dismissed the idea. It was too human.


    Miss Rose and Miss Snow joined us for a time. After a while I grew tired of making snowballs.


    "It's good to see you smile." Said Miss Rose.


    I stared at her. "Thanks." I said and looked away.


    She laughed softly and put her hand on my shoulder. "I'll see you at our next lesson. We have more to teach!"


    I smiled, pleased. "Okay."


   "Time to go in. Eat and rest." Mr. Black said.


    Another huge snowflake drifted earthward beside him. I swore it was at least a foot across! I watched in helpless awe!


    Mr. Black punched it with his hand, shattering the thin delicate flake into a mass of little tiny pieces that continued earthward, then he laughed.


    I laughed at this too. Miss Snow and Miss Rose joined in.


    "See you later Louise. Mr. Black." Miss Snow said.


    "Yes. See you both later. Bye Louise." Said Miss Rose.


    "Bye you both." I said.


    "Bye Miss Snow. Miss Rose." Said Mr. Black.


    Mr. Black and I went back in and had another meal of raw cubed freshly killed still steaming meat in wooden bowls and glasses of cold fresh water.


    As I ate I noticed another huge snowflake go by the kitchen window. Magical! I thought.


    And I thought of all I had learned so far about the Wolf People. Most of it was educational. Some stuff I had already learned just by being here.


    I just had to commit to memory now all I had learned so far.


   One very interesting thing I learned was that there were more Packs of Wolf People living in villages like this one.


   Was that where Dawn was? Living with another Pack just waiting to come back here, thinking she was going to kill me to get Mr. Black back?


   And if Dawn and Mr. Black had been together why did he leave her for me? Wolf People mated for life.


   Was that why she wanted revenge?


   It was a question I was going to have to ask one of my friends and get a straight answer for.


    I watched another huge snowflake drift past the kitchen window. Then I glanced at Mr. Black.


   He was watching me and smiling.


    I smiled back.







© 2009 Tina Kline

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Ach, i attached Ch 8 comment to ch 7.

Ch 9
The snow flakes are weird and make us realise that despite superficial normality things are exaggerated here. The playfulness with Mr.B is really touching, yet it is also really, really, reall kinky when you think about what they are about, how they are, what killers they are. Very convincing. You cleverly make the WWs feel human!
Your reader will love this understated reference to the beast-sex also. 'Beyond the times we had hunted together. Mr.B and i hadn't done much else together except make love.' This understated sex is convincing too. Your readres will fill in the details from the clues you have given them.
Ach, those snowballs! They underscore the darkness of the story.
Red white and black are the colours. We have Black in Mr.B, we have the white of the snow. We know the red is to come.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


It sounds like he can read her mind. I'm going back and forth whether or not he can.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tina Kline

12 Years Ago

Thank you!
Ach, i attached Ch 8 comment to ch 7.

Ch 9
The snow flakes are weird and make us realise that despite superficial normality things are exaggerated here. The playfulness with Mr.B is really touching, yet it is also really, really, reall kinky when you think about what they are about, how they are, what killers they are. Very convincing. You cleverly make the WWs feel human!
Your reader will love this understated reference to the beast-sex also. 'Beyond the times we had hunted together. Mr.B and i hadn't done much else together except make love.' This understated sex is convincing too. Your readres will fill in the details from the clues you have given them.
Ach, those snowballs! They underscore the darkness of the story.
Red white and black are the colours. We have Black in Mr.B, we have the white of the snow. We know the red is to come.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

you know, snowflakes actually can get to that size, it is just extremely rare.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Am I the only one creeped out when he calls her his "Plaything"?

Good to see he's starting to be more fun, it had seemed all he did was eat and have sex, though he is a wolf...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This sounds like a beautiful magical world in winter. Louise is learning now, but those other Wolf People are still around menacing her.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! Love the snow! Hope Dawn and her friends are stopped before they cause some serious trouble for Louise.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Mr. Black finally lightened up and had some fun, love that. I love the world you created especially the snow being different from the human world, very creative. I am dying to know what happened with Dawn and what is going to happen with her. I'm loving your story.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I loved this one especailly toward the end. It started really gripping at me and pulling me in. Now I have to
stay up and read the next chapter then I will turn in. I like this it has me captivated. Very well written, Such an enjoyable read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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