Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Tina Kline

Louise continues to struggle with her life as a Wolf Person.


   So I wept in Mr. Black's arms. A moment of weakness, of desperation and a moment of feeling very afraid and alone.


    By the next morning I was back at my new bitter self. But maybe not so new now.


    Going outside in the cold, dark morning for a bit of fresh air I told myself, but really it was for the illusion of freedom, but who did I encounter right near my front porch?


    Red Eyes and Silver Eyes.


    I knew their real names but liked using these names I made up for them. Nicknames. That helped me keep them in the realm of enemy.


    "Jeez!" I said in a loud voice from my porch. "Guess someone left something nasty here last night. Couldn't make it to the bathroom!" Now, that was a childish statement to make but it was the first insult to pop into my mind.


    Seeing the angry looks come to life on Red Eyes and Silver Eyes faces told me no matter how childish it was, my insult worked. I chuckled lightly with glee. Points for impact for me.


    "Watch it...Louise." Said Red Eyes. "Don't make things worse for yourself!"


    "You won't have that Wolf Child in your belly forever as protection." Silver Eyes said.


    "Still gonna kill me?" I taunted.


   They both laughed. "Of course. And Dawn will be there for the fatal bite." Silver Eyes said.


    I knew now Silver Eyes was Dawn's older sister. No doubt revenge would be on the top of her to do list.


    "Well, I hope she enjoys. Then she can have Mr. Black over my dead body. Literally. It will be her mating gift to him, handing over to him my dead, torn body. I'm sure he'll really love her after that!"


    Both Red Eyes and Silver Eyes growled, a high pitch angry growl.


    "Don't worry Louise. You'll get what you're asking for!" Snarled Silver Eyes.


    I chuckled.


    Then Mr. Stalker and Pine were there. I didn't notice their arrival.


    "What's going on?" Mr. Stalker asked, his silver eyes even more radiant with his anger.


    Pine's off white eyes were equally radiant with her anger.


    I knew they both had heard our conversation, our not so nice one.


    But did I care? Did I feel relief someone else knew Red Eyes and Silver Eyes were plotting to make me dead?




    These two, Pine and Mr. Stalker, who I had believed to be my friends in this village, had left me alone with no explanations. When I needed it most they were not there for me, neither was Miss Snow. As for Mr. Black, he had acted indifferent.


    All this coldness, betrayal and abandonment was because I got pregnant? It was tradition? And no one explained this to me? What could I expect in the future?


    There was no library here where I could check out books to read and learn about Wolf People biology, social history, ancient and modern history, no books on Wolf People psychology, sociology or behavior, nothing. There was no college or university where I could learn either.


    And no one had been willing to be a teacher. And this knowledge I needed I didn't get when I was turned, became a Wolf Person. It was not innate.


    I resented this, no one telling me anything. And that situation really hadn't changed.


    "You two better get away from here." Warned Pine.


    "Going to inform the Pack Leader?" Sneered Silver Eyes.


    Mr. Stalker laughed. "It's obvious you want to end up like your sister. Exiled. Threatening Louise. Mr. Black has every right to see you both exiled."


    Red Eyes and Silver Eyes laughed. They started to walk away.


   Everyone was laughing but it was not with humor. More like hate.


    I laughed again, turning to go back inside my house. The air was freezing. At any moment I expected snow to start falling. The sky overhead was clear right now, the moon huge and silver blue, shining a frosty blue light on the land. The stars shimmered and shook, as if they were chilled as well.


   Pine and Mr. Stalker hurried up the steps as I opened the door to go back into my house.


    Once inside the door I turned to face them, preventing them from entering. They didn't seem to notice at first.


    "How long has that been going on?" Mr. Stalker asked.


    "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. I did know very well what he was talking about.


    "Come now Louise." Said Pine. "Those two threatening you."


    "Oh that." I said, waving my hand in dismissal, as if it were no big deal. "I'm not sure."


    "How long has what been going on?" Mr. Black asked, coming into the front room.


    I turned to face him. "Nothing."


    Pine and Mr. Stalker took the opportunity then and slipped into the house and Mr. Stalker shut the door behind them.


    "It's not nothing." Said Pine "Miss Ivy and Morning were threatening Louise."


    "We came upon them in action." Mr. Stalker said.


    Miss Ivy is who I call Red Eyes and Morning is who I call Silver Eyes.


   Mr. Black growled a low deep yet terrible growl.


    "How long has this been going on Louise?"  He asked me.


   I tried to keep my laugh from erupting out of me. It made answering hard. I managed after taking a couple deep desperate breaths. "I don't know. I'm not sure."


    "They'll be dealt with." He snarled.


    Now I did laugh. "I'm sure your unborn Wolf Child will be protected." My laugh was not a happy one but a bitter one.


    Mr. Black looked at me, his anger fading from his face and eyes. "Is that all that you think concerns me Louise? The Wolf Child? Our Wolf Child?"




     "What about your friends? Pine and Mr. Stalker here and Snow and your new friend Miss Rose?" Mr. Black asked.


    "I don't know. I know nothing about them. I just know I was alone when I needed my friends the most!" I felt tears in my eyes; I fought to keep them secret.


    "We all care for you." Said Pine. "You, Louise. Don't forget that."


   I put my hands on my lower abdomen. It was growing bigger. The thought of escaping from here back to the Human World came into my mind again, which it did often.


    Just because I didn't make it on my first try didn't mean I wouldn't make it on my second.


   Would Mr. Black kill me like he threatened to do when we first met if I didn't come with him? Would he hunt me down and kill me, but waiting until after the Wolf Child was born? These concerns weren't enough to prevent me from wanting to try again.


    And if or when I got hungry to feed on a human or two, they'd be plenty around and no one to stop me.


    I'd be the werewolf of human nightmares!


    "Louise!" Mr. Black said loudly, drawing me back to the here and now.




    "That's over and done with. Move on!" He said.


    I went to sit down on the couch. "I can't move on. It still hurts."


    Mr. Stalker and Pine looked at each other. I thought I saw regret in their exchanged looks but I wasn't sure.


    "You're part of this Pack, my mate and you're not leaving." Said Mr. Black, standing over me.


    Towering over me, menacingly, I thought.


    "And Miss Ivy and Morning are going to be staying away from you!" Mr. Black added.


    You hope, I thought, but didn't care to voice it out loud.


    "We'll be back later to see you." Pine said. "Myself, Miss Snow and Miss Rose."


    "And me." Added Mr. Stalker.


    "We'll teach you about the Wolf People." Said Pine. "Like we should have done a lot earlier."


    "Right. A lot earlier." Agreed Mr. Stalker.


    Mr. Black sat beside me on the couch. "Everything will be fine once the Wolf Child is born."


    "Will I have my freedom again?" I asked. "Will I be allowed to care for my Wolf Child?"


    Pine made a gasp of shock at my questions. I'm sure it was the second one that shocked her, not the first.


    "Louise. You are the Wolf Child's mother! Of course you will be caring for him or her! As I will." Mr. Black said in shock himself I'd asked.


    "Just making sure." I said.


    Pine and Mr. Stalker left then. Mr. Black and I continued sitting on the couch. He kept talking about our soon to be Wolf Child but I wasn't listening. The things he said didn't interest me much lately.


    I thought of escaping to the Human World and making it this time. I thought of my own apartment, getting a job, raising my Wolf Child and all the while being a werewolf with a werewolf's bloody appetite.


   It wouldn't be like in books and movies I’d seen and read. I wasn't a werewolf controlled by the full moon who couldn't control themselves or remember what they did while in their werewolf form.


    I dreamed my dark dreams, dreams of escaping this now painful world with my Wolf Child while Mr. Black continued talking about how wonderful it was a Wolf Child was on his or her way.


    Blah! Blah! Blah!


    Yes, my little one, I thought to my unborn Wolf Child, you will be born in the Human World not here. We'll be powerful amongst the humans, not weak like we are here in the Wolf People's World.


    Mr. Black pulled me into his arms and kissed me. "You'll see." He said smiling.


    I had no idea what he was talking about. And I smiled at that fact.











© 2009 Tina Kline

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dreamed my dark dreams, dreams of escaping this now painful world" LIked this descirption alot. This is
a wonderful chapter. Please send me the rest to read if you don't mind. I'd like to read the rest you have
when you post it. I am off ot bed but I would love to read more of this tomorrow. I really am enjoying
this Book alot.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Those other Wolf People woman aren't helping any, this Dawn sure has her supporters and they are out to harm Louise. I do hope they are dealt with harshly.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can't wait to see what's in future for Louise and her Wolf baby and how Mr. Black and the others will react to her decision!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Exciting book. Louise really seems to want to escape back to the Human World.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

She seems determined to escape the wolf world I can't wait to see what happens. Especially to learn more about the wolf people I feel as clueless as Louise is. This really is a great story.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

dreamed my dark dreams, dreams of escaping this now painful world" LIked this descirption alot. This is
a wonderful chapter. Please send me the rest to read if you don't mind. I'd like to read the rest you have
when you post it. I am off ot bed but I would love to read more of this tomorrow. I really am enjoying
this Book alot.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


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