Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Tina Kline

Louise experiences her first hunt as a werewolf.


        My life as a werewolf wasn't so bad so far. I found shape shifting easy and rather a pleasant experience. It was EASY, simple and no pain involved at all.  There was no agonizing pain, no popping of bones as they changed shape, no hair sprouting shockingly all over my bubbling, changing body. No. No. None of that.


    The change was rapid, swift and without incident.


    I got along fine with Mr. Black, living with him in his house in the strange little village of Wolf People, as his mate.


    I was accepted by most of the Wolf People.  But the friends of Dawn kept their distance.  They knew what she had done was wrong, but they still were not at all pleased at her exile. No, they did not kill her as I had hoped.


    I kinda wished they had killed her.  Then I wouldn't have to worry about her coming back to haunt me.


    To get revenge.  Maybe her friends and family were waiting just for that. Waiting, knowing or hoping for her to come back and get revenge on me.


    But I didn't dwell on that. I had made a few friends in this village of Wolf People.  They took me under their wing, or paw, to help me adjust to being a werewolf.


    And I had fun shape shifting into my Wolf form and running through the Douglas Fir and Broad Leaf Maple forest around the village.


   It was always warm.  The night sky was always filled with sparkling stars and the moon was always full and silver blue. And the moon shadows were always fun to be out exploring in.


    This night I headed out of the house. Mr. Black following right behind me. He was tall with long dark hair and his eyes were off white and radiant.  He took hold of my upper arms and drew me back to him. "Where are you off to this night Louise?"


    "Hunting." I answered.


    "With Miss Snow, Pine and Mr. Stalker?"


    They were the names of my werewolf friends I spent most of my free time with.


    "Yes. They are going to teach me the art of stalking and killing." I grinned, itching to shape shift into my Wolf form.


    I felt the tug to stay home with Mr. Black and give into my physical desires. He had a powerful influence over me that way being my mate and the one who turned me into a werewolf. Or Wolf Person.


    "Can I go?" I asked, torn with wanting to go and wanting to be with him.


   "As always, my sweet plaything, you can go. Be back soon. I look forward to our time in bed together." His off white eyes shone with his anticipation.


    I could tell how much he looked forward to our being in bed together, his arousal being obvious despite the black jeans he wore.


    "I do too." I said, my voice a little husky.


    "Go on Louise. Enjoy yourself." Mr. Black said. "Go. Before I change my mind." His grin showed his canine teeth.


    I made a small high sound and rushed out the door.


    Miss Snow, Pine and Mr. Stalker were waiting for me.


    Miss Snow was tall with white hair and black eyes. Her Wolf form was silvery white. Pine had long brown hair with radiant pure white eyes and her Wolf form was grizzly in color. Mr. Stalker had iron grey hair but he wasn't no where near being elderly and his eyes were silver in color. His Wolf form was silver grey.


    "Hey Louise." They all sort of sang as I ran up to them.


    "Let's go hunting!" I said. "I'm ready to learn!"


    "As the humans say, 'school time!'" Said Miss Snow.


    We all shape shifted. I noticed Mr. Black standing near our house watching us, me, as I became a Wolf.


    We had a short howling session together then we raced off into the dark shadowy Douglas Fir forest. The moon shadows created a unique beauty I found enchanting and breath taking.


   The Douglas Fir and Broadleaf Maple forest was alive with sounds, sights and scents. The three S's. The sweet smells of mice, rabbits, rats, squirrels and birds was thick on the night air. Most were sleeping but still smelling tasty. Raccoons, opossums, foxes, coyotes and real wolves' scents filled the forest as well as their voices. And bear. We'd be keeping clear of those.


    The wind through the trees, the sounds of distant waters, the sounds of owls and bats flying through the night sky, the voices of coyotes and wolves, the sounds of millions of heart beats was like a musical back drop to the forest.


    But it was the smell and sounds of deer, white tail and mule, that called to us this night. That made our mouths water with hunger.


    There were elks and moose in the forest but they were big and we weren't in a risky mood. I was out to learn to kill. Elk and moose were a challenge for far more skilled hunters than I was.


    This way! I heard Mr. Stalker in my mind.


    Let's get this one! Said Miss Snow.


    This mind talking really startled me even after I'd been doing it for a while.


    The hot scent of the deer made me feel a little crazy with blood lust.


    We raced through the Douglas Fir forest, silent and lethal.


    The deer was grazing. A lovely white tail doe. She was in a grassy clearing, grazing  peacefully on long lush green grass, flicking her tail.


    As we approached I saw her raise her head and glance around.  She didn't sense us. She failed to detect four killers about to reach her.


    We glided out of the forest into the deer's grassy clearing. We had her surrounded before she knew we were there.


    She cried out then we were on her. Mr. Stalker grabbed her throat. Miss Snow went for her belly, slicing it open with her fangs. Pine moved in to hamstring her. And I went for her other hind leg to hamstring her as well.


    With her windpipe closed off by Mr. Stalker's jaws clamped on her throat, the deer couldn't breathe and so couldn't make any more sounds.


    She went down in her own blood and spilled body juices.


   We tore her apart and ate her!


    This was my first taste of freshly killed meat and I was in Wolfie heaven! I ate and ate and ate. So did the others. We ate just about everything.


    We had a good howl when we were done!


    Time to get a good drink. Said Mr. Stalker.


   There's a nice spring nearby. Suggested Pine.


    Lead the way! I said with mind talk.


    Pine headed for the spring and as we lapped at the bubbling very cold water coming from the earth I thought: This is heavenly! The feast was heavenly! Being a werewolf is cool and fun!


    We washed the blood and gore splattered on our wolf hair in the bubbling spring as best we could.  We had had a wonderful and grand time. My first kill. Fun! Fun! Fun! It had been easier than I thought it would be.


    When we got back to our village Mr. Black was waiting for me.


    I shape shifted back to my human form, as did the others.


    "Good job Louise." Said Mr. Stalker. "Not bad at all for your first time!"


    "Yeah. You did great." Agreed Miss Snow.


    "Thanks guys." I said smiling proudly.


    "We'll go out again."  Said Mr. Stalker.


    We all went our different ways. I went to Mr. Black.


    "Fun?"  He asked.


    "Oh yes! The excitement was fantastic and the meal was...yummy!" I said.


    Mr. Black laughed and put his arm around my waist leading me into our house.


    "Since you've had dinner I think it's time for our bedroom fun!" Mr. Black said leading me willingly into the bedroom.


   "How about we have a little fun in the shower then finish it in our bed?" I asked. "I feel a little sticky after my hunt."


    "I like that idea. I like it a lot." Grinned Mr. Black, anticipation shining in his eyes. He quickly changed course and guided me toward the bathroom and our waiting fun!





© 2009 Tina Kline

My Review

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I really enjoyed this chapter. I probably shouldn't have been eating dinner while reading about them tearing apart the deer, LOL. I like how Louise and Mr. Black have a physical attraction to one another, I'm waiting for something more to develop there. I also have a feeling we haven't heard the last of Dawn. Can't wait to read more.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Hmmm, read and commented on this last night, but my comment seems not to have filed.

This is mostly what I put.

The matter-of-factness of your story makes it seem real, like going out and getting on a bus. There is no need to establish the wolf people as they are just there, they exist. Of course readers of the genre will be full on with that, so your approach is fine. You are writing for an audience that are already paid up members of Club Vulpine.

'...a little crazy with blood lust ... silent and lethal...' This is the excitement side of the whole thing coming out. Fear has been put to one side now. L is committed and is reaping the benefits of EXCITEMENT. Many readers who do not lead exciting lives will love this. And that is the point of fiction to let people escape from their dull reality into a wilder state. Also we probably were more like the forest folk thousands of years ago. So your story is also touching some deep collective memories.

Clearly the hunt excites L and makes her even more up for it with Mr.B. And he of course knows how she is and is excited by the scent of the hunt on her. So, a bit of shower action, heck, why not?! I'm up for that, thinks Mr.B, smiling inwardly to himself that he has picked exactly the right woman to be his consort.

Also, by being understated about the fun, i.e. torrid wolf sex, you pull off a good stroke because you maintain a sort of innocence to the story. Even now L seems like the quiet girl in the library ... and yet she has become a wild wolf type and is having outrageously exciting sex with the silky haired and bright eyed Mr.B of the resounding chest. Many a woman wld sign up for a little of that action!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very nice hunting scene. It's cool how they can talk to each other in their minds. Nice story building up here. Louise and Mr. Black are drawn to each other but perhaps Louise isn't ready to accept what is happening to her.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Once again, another awesome chapter, Tina! I love the way Louise and Mr. Black express their love for each other so many times! XD Great imagery as well! :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That was exciting, reading about Louise becoming a werewolf and killing that deer. Wonder what is going to happen between Mr. Black and Louise. She doesn't really want to be there, it seems.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really enjoyed this chapter. I probably shouldn't have been eating dinner while reading about them tearing apart the deer, LOL. I like how Louise and Mr. Black have a physical attraction to one another, I'm waiting for something more to develop there. I also have a feeling we haven't heard the last of Dawn. Can't wait to read more.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Awesome yet again!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I like how one of your characters is classified as Mr. stalker. I think that is wonderful. Amazing plot going
on. I like this alot. I am hooked on this book, can't wait to read more of this one. You are a very creative
person. I like how you put your all into a story. This is very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


When Venus gets too close catfish have been known to come up out of the water onto the shore, feed awhile, then go back in. It's business as usual in the Apocalypse. And business is very good right.. more..

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A Chapter by Tina Kline

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