A cage of crystal.
Glamarous, sparkling.
Dazzling the eyes to blindness.
In intense reflections,
The captive loses self to the rays.
But its a desired captivity.
A cherishable blindness.
A blindness that can only see the rays.
But the rays often burn the skin.
Penetrating deep down to the cells,
And dodging them to nothingness.
Intolerable pain.
The beautiful blindness or the pain?
The captive toggles.
Its easy to escape from both.
Its easy to break a crystal rod.
And it would be a free life.
Maybe, a true freedom of mind?
Its a tough choice.
Pure happiness or pure freedom?
Or do they lead to each other?
In the fascinating Crystal Cage of Love,
A captive mind awaits justice.
Justice to be done by its own soul.