Ten: Risk

Ten: Risk

A Chapter by Tina Bee

"So where are you looking for work at?" Greg asked me as we passed by run down gas stations and twenty four hour liquor stores.


"You remember that bridal shop you picked me up from last year," I said, "they're looking for a model and I'm going to apply."


"What? You embarrassed me in front of my family just so you could go try for a pipe dream?" Greg asked me incredulously.


"Basically," I answered looking forward at the cracked sidewalks that pedestrians were striding on.


"This is bullshit!" Greg screamed, slamming his hands on the steering wheel at the same time.


"That's your opinion, but I have to do whatever it takes to provide for my son and I," I said, "it's not like you're going to help."


"Here you go with this again," Greg said making a sharp right and pulling along side a curb and turning the car off.


"What are you doing?" I asked looking around at the greasy men staring into the car from in front of the pawn shop to my right.


"Myra, I'm married," Greg said calmly staring forward.


"I know," I answered trying hard not to make eye contact with the guys peering into the car.


"I've moved on with my life," Greg continued, "what we had before is over and done with. I love Cadence, if I didn't love her I wouldn't have married her."


"You just wanted an excuse to get away from me," I fired back at him.


"Ok, I'll give you that one, but you have to understand I'm not in love with you," Greg said gently.


"Good!" I yelled as I picked my purse up from between my feet, "you'll be hearing from my lawyer in a few days about paternity testing. Enjoy your life!"


I opened up my door in one quick swoop. I walked quickly away from the now interested men who had been watching me in the car. I could barely think before I found myself down a desolate street with little to no foot or car traffic. The sun reigned down on me and I tried to control my breathing.


"Are you ok?" a voice from behind asked.


"Huh?" I asked turning around to see three of the five men from in front of the pawn shop standing before me.


"We saw you fighting with that white boy," another one informed me.


"I was and now I'm fine," I said wanting to get away from them as quickly as possible.


"So who is he to you?" the third man, who had to be at least six seven asked.


"None of your business," I answered back.


They all chuckled and moved closer.


"You know what I think?" the first man asked aloud.


"What's is it, Jay?" the third man asked.


"I think this little b***h just got into a fight with her pimp," the first man, who was closest to me, spoke.


"Sure looked that way to me," the second man jumped in.


"Sounds like she's got a mouth on her," the third man said, "let's put it to good use."


"Stay away from me you grimy pervert!" I screamed as loudly as I could.


"No one's going to hear you over here, princess, with all them fancy clothes on, I bet you'll look better without them," the third man who was now licking his lips said.


"Grab the b***h," the second man called out to the first one.


I turned to run, but he caught my arm. The harder I pulled the tighter he held on.


"Here, get her over here," the third man said pointing toward an alley way.


"Let go of me, get your hands off of me!" I continued to scream.


"Too late, b***h," the first man said pulling me closer.


He smelled like whiskey and as I locked eyes with him I knew he had to be high on some drug also. I tried to get a good look at him so that the police would know who to look for when this was all over.


'I'm going to be raped,' I thought, 'this time for real rape.'


The other two men raced ahead of us to make whatever preparations were needed to continue this assault.


Tears flowed out of my eyes as I screamed for help. I felt like the last person on Earth who was being carried to the slaughterhouse by sub-humanoids.


Just when I thought all hope was lost a car whipped around the corner. I looked to see Greg heading straight toward me and my would be captor. The man, who was finally showing his true cowardness, let go of my arm just as Greg smack right into his left leg. There was a resounding crack as metal met man.


"Get in the car," Greg said to me as the two uninjured men were coming out of the alley to see what was taking so long.


I didn't hesitate to open up the back passenger side door and dive in.


Greg backed the car up and did a movie style type U-turn. He gunned it just as the two other men were aiding their newly disabled friend.


My tears didn't let up as I laid down while Greg drove in silence. I was bawling when we came to a halt and I sat up to see where we were.


"I can't go in there like this," I said wiping my face.


"Just go in and get it over with," Greg said in a slight monotone.


I searched my purse for the little handheld mirror I kept. My eyes were red and I had no Visine to cover them up. I reapplied my lip gloss and stepped out of the car. That's when I saw the purple hand print on the arm that the man had gripped. I was bruised and I knew it wasn't doing to heal anytime soon.


I didn't want to cause anymore aggravation to Greg so I proceeded into the bridal shop battered and beaten. Not just physically, but emotionally too.


I walked into the shop to see two women, one whom I recognized, sitting at a table in the middle of the room chatting it up.


All around them hung beautiful white gowns and against the beige carpeted floors the feeling was surreal.


"Hello there," the woman I recognized sang out.


"Hi, I'm hear about your ad in the newspaper," I said trying to my best to stand tall.


"Yes, yes, come in," the woman called and I did so.


The second woman squinted her eyes at me in a hostile manner. I bet I looked a mess, but I did my best to ignore her.


"My name is Myra Huntington," I said stretching my good hand out to be shook.


"Hi, I'm Pearl and this is my daughter-in-law Wendy," Pearl said politely.


"So do you have any modeling experience?" Wendy asked gruffly.


"No, but I'm photogenic," I said smiling.


"Anyone can be photogenic, but it takes a certain je ne se qua to be a model," Wendy replied rudely.


"My mother used to model and I learned the basics about make up, hair styling, and walking from her," I answered back.


"You do float when you walk," Pearl pointed out.


"I didn't notice her walk, I was too distracted about the marks on your arm, what happened?" Wendy asked and I felt myself going back into panic mode.


"Someone just tried to mug me," I answered coolly.


"You poor dear, this isn't the best side of town," Pearl said getting up and examining my arm.


"Funny, your purse isn't ripped," Wendy said blowing off my cover story.


"I pepper sprayed them," I said trying to get her off my back.


"Them?" Wendy asked listening carefully to every word I spoke.


"There were more than one," I answered.


"I've never, in my whole life, heard of group muggings, usually it's a solo act," Wendy said trying to discount what I'd said.


"And what exactly do you know about muggings, Wendy?" Pearl asked when she finished inspecting my arm.


I saw Wendy's face redden and her lips grow taut.


"Walk for us, we need to make sure you have the right balance," Wendy barked at me.


To move this interview forward I did the walk mom had taught me when I was about five years old.


"One foot, two foot, one foot, two foot," I could hear mom, "make sure you put one right in front of the other so you don't waddle."


"Perfect," Pearl called out when I reached the receptionists desk.


"Ok, I'll admit, you've got a walk," Wendy conceded.


"You're the best girl we've seen all week," Pearl exclaimed.


"We need a model for the bridal shows that go on every weekend at the exposition building in mid town, do you have transportation?" Wendy asked.


"Yes," I answered.


"Are you comfortable with standing for extended periods of time?" Wendy asked.


"Yes," I answered.


"Do you have any prior obligations that we need to know about?" Wendy asked and I could see her eyes narrow once again.


"No," I said leaving Liam out of this.


"Good, you're hired!" Pearl announced, standing up and clapping her hands as she spoke.


"Please, mother, we'll need you to fill out an application," Wendy sneered, "since the job begins tomorrow you're guaranteed work for the weekend, but anything after that will depend on your background check."


"Background check?" I asked getting nervous.


"Yes, we can't have criminals working for us. This is a reputable business," Wendy said and I could see a sly smile stretch across her face.


"I'm no criminal," I said adamantly.


"You must be at least fifteen and a half, how old are you?" Wendy asked.


"Sixteen," I lied.


"She's perfect, Wendy, just give her the orientation packet your so painstakingly typed up for this position," Pearl said rolling her eyes at her daughter in law.


Went put her hand on a manila envelope that sat on the table between she and Pearl.


"This, is for you, now let me go and get the application," Wendy said moving away from the table and going to the back.


"Come, sit down, I can't have my model standing there like a nervous elk, tell me about yourself," Pearl said beckoning me closer.


"I'm enrolled in home school and I just completed my freshmen year in high school," I answered confidently.


"How exciting, I remember my high school days. Enjoy every minute," Pearl practically ordered.


"I will," I said.


"Here," Wendy said coming behind me.


"Wendy, there's a dress I want Myra to wear tomorrow, you know the one I'm talking about?" Pearl asked Wendy.


"No," Wendy said exasperatedly.


"The one with the new one that arrived this morning," Pearl said.


"Oh, I'll get it," Wendy said and I was already half way done with the application.


"We have to arrive at the bridal show early to set up, but we won't need you until eight a.m. Is that alright?" Pearl asked me.


"It's fine," I said.


"We go until five p.m.," Pearl said and I could feel myself tense up with realization that I had no sitter for Liam.


"Ok," I answered.


"The pay is nineteen dollars per hour, but I know Wendy neglected to let you know that with all her criticism," Pearl whispered to me.


My heart nearly skipped several beats. I quickly multiplied the numbers in my head and knew I'd be making bank.


"It's ok, I'm used to people like that," I said weakly smiling.


"How sad, do you have a boyfriend?" Pearl asked.


"No," I said remembering Greg's piercing words less than an hour ago.


"My grandson is looking for a girl, you seem perfect, he'll be at the show in the morning and I'll make sure to introduce you two," Pearl said just as I signed and dated the last line.


"I'll take that," Wendy coming from behind me with the dress in hand.


"Come in tomorrow with your hair and make up done and please be in this dress, of course we'll have you in several dresses, so this will be the first, take care of it, dear," Pearl instructed me.


"Thank you so much and I'll keep the dress safe," I said taking it from Wendy's hand.


"Hmm...you live in Pinewood Acres?" Wendy asked me in an astonished voice.


"Yes, is that a problem?" I asked Wendy who now stared at me with wide eyes.


"No," Wendy answered shaking her head feverishly.


"Enter from Lot B and remember, eight a.m.," Pearl said and I nodded my head and headed toward the door I entered from.


The job was mine.


© 2009 Tina Bee

My Review

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm happy Myra's got a job, hope she can keep it. What an awful experience she had. And will the grandson be another love interest for Myra? Excellent chapter.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Yay!! Myra's a workin' gal now! So exciting! I hope Greg feels like crap for how horrible he's been lately!! Ooh la la I wonder who the gal's grandson will be to Myra?? Can't wait to see what happend next! :-)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2009


Tina Bee
Tina Bee

Sacramento, CA

My new book, "The Brighter Side of Low" is now up for viewing. Read it today and new chapters have been added as of July 1, 2013. More chapters coming soon! I've completed my second book titled, "A.. more..

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