Ch. 29: Big Sister

Ch. 29: Big Sister

A Chapter by Tina Bee

Myra feels that she's finally found happiness, but the darkness in her life seems to constantly loom in the background.


All day Monday I floated around on a cloud. I was more chatty with everyone and mom wanted to know if David had called me.


"Nope," I replied cheerfully while I watched TV downstairs..


"That's too bad he was such a nice guy," she said as she passed me holding her tennis racket.


"Going out to play?" I asked mom since it'd been awhile since I'd seen her with a racket..


"Yes," Mom gushed as she headed for the front door, "with Arthur."


"Have fun," I said as I turned my body around to watch her walk to the door.


"Yes and please don't leave the house. I'll be back late tonight," Mom said as she walked out.


That whole day my brothers were in and out. Since the fiasco none of their friends wanted to come over, but slowly and surely some were returning. They all seemed scared of me, but others let their contempt for me be known. Right before dinner Monday night I experienced another round of hatred.


"You know what I hate?" Becky Strauss who was Kevin's newest girlfriend said aloud one night.


"What?" Kevin asked her as they sat on this same couch together and I was in the kitchen making myself dinner.


"I hate little liars who ruin peoples lives," Becky said loudly and I knew she wanted me to hear.


She and Kevin burst into laughter. I had half the mind to run into the living room with a cooking pot and just hitting her in the head, but I stopped myself. That would've been another court case I'd have to deal with and I truly didn't think mom could handle it. I quickly cooked my dinner, a big plate of Ravioli, and went into the garage to eat.


The house we lived in had a double car garage with some extra room added to it for entertainment purposes. During the summer the boys would pull out the pool table and have matches with their friends. There was also a dining room table with chairs in there. Since I could pass by Kevin and Becky I sat in there mindlessly chewing on my food. The sun was just going down, but the heat was still intense. I opened up the garage for air.


No protesters were present. Some people still came by to tell mom what they thought of her parenting skills, but mom had a way of calming even the most irate person down. All the neighbors around us were very annoyed by all the attention. As I stared out the door I could see our neighbor across the street who I only knew as Mrs. Parker unpacking groceries from her black Mercedes Benz with her little girl.


I saw the way she whipped around as the garage door opened and I knew she was going to come over here and say something. I tried to eat hurriedly, but as her daughter headed inside with what looked like the last bag Mrs. Parker started coming toward the house. I could've been rude and just closed the door in her face, but I was in the mood for a little neighborly bitching.


"Is your mother here?" Mrs. Parker asked coming all the way inside the garage where I was eating.


"No," I answered her without looking up.


"I need to talk to her," she said to me like I cared.


"Ok," I told her as I took my cell phone out and began messing with it.


"Those people were here in front of your house again this morning," she told me and I could hear her exasperation as she hopped from one foot to another.


"What people?" I asked knowing this would infuriate a fuss pot like Mrs. Parker.


"Those demonstrators," Mrs. Parker said pointedly and I finally looked at her.


Mrs. Parker was at least five years younger than mom, but her daughter was almost ten. She was a stout woman who had flat honey chest nut colored hair with lusterless brown eyes. She was in desperate need of an eyebrow wax and tummy tuck. Mom had said that more than once.


"Oh," I told her hoping this would make her go away.


"You know, what you did was wrong," Mrs. Parker told me emphatically as if she were a judge with a gown on, but the only thing that covered her monstrous body was a shapeless aqua tinted dress.


"And who are you to tell me that?" I asked her as I pushed my plate away with my free hand.


"I'm someone who's old enough to be your big sister!" Mrs. Parker said and I knew she was losing control of her anger.


I wanted to tell her she wished, but that was unnecessary. Mrs. Parker was playing into my hand quite nicely.


"I don't need a big sister," I told her and sat back to watch as she scanned the garage and lawn.


"Well you need something," she said and I knew she was backing off.


"So do you," I quipped and she whipped her head around to me in shock.


"With an attitude like that it's no wonder you're in the predicament you're in. I watch the news every night with my Tori and even she thinks you were wrong," Mrs. Parker said raising her arms in the air like that was proving something.


"Look my mom's not here so if you come back later..." I said, but she interrupted me.


"God can see the things you've been doing, Myra. He watches over all of us and he knows when we're truly sorry. The way you sound it's painfully obvious that you don't care. I feel sorry for you," Mrs. Parker said.


"I feel sorry for you too," I told her as I put my phone down and looked at her.


The way she was staring at me made me uncomfortable.


"My husband and I have been discussing your antics and he thinks it's a good idea for your mother to send you away to boarding school," Mrs. Parker told me and I was actually impressed with the fact that Mr. Parker, one of the better looking older men on the block, had taken an interest in me.


"I don't care!" I screamed at her.


"Well your mother has let me know that she's seriously considering it," Mrs. Parker said and it felt like a ton of bricks had fallen on me.


"I'm not going anywhere," I told her with defiance saturated my tone.


"Oh kids these days. They always think they can tell us grown ups what they're going to do. Don't you understand that none of this is your decision?" Mrs. Parker asked me and I looked away from her.


"I understand that none of this is any of your business," I said hoping that Kevin would walk in here to find out what was going on.


"Oh, but on the contrary. It takes a village to raise a child. Your mother already has her hands full with three boys she doesn't need a daughter who's going to abuse her body in order to bring others down," Mrs. Parker said and she struck a nerve deep down inside of me.


"You don't know what your talking about," I said getting up and walking closer to her.


"Mrs. Greene told me about that whole Gregory Finster fiasco so I believe I know what I'm talking about" Mrs. Parker rebutted.


"We're just friends," I told her and she didn't move away from me as I approached her.


"Right and what exactly were you two doing in a stolen car alone together for several hours?" Mrs. Parker asked and I could feel my cheeks turning crimson.


"You're disgusting," I said stopping by the second garage door switch located on my left side.


"Honey, I wasn't born yesterday," she said and I agreed with her full heartedly.


"This conversation is over," I told her as I put my hand on the switch.


"That poor Langston Miles had a bright future ahead of him and it was ruined," Mrs. Parker said as she headed back out the garage.


"If you want to discuss Langston call my lawyer!" I told her as I flipped the switch and the garage door closed slowly.


"Please let your mother know I stopped by," Mrs. Parker said and her voice was soon lost under the noise of the door.


I turned off all the lights and headed back into the kitchen. I washed my plate out and headed for my bedroom. Kevin and Becky sat watching TV. I didn't say anything to them.


Once in my room I went into my closet. Mom had given me the laptop back and now I took it out. I flipped it on and immediately went to MySpace and set up an account. I added some recent pictures to my page and then made my profile private. I then took my phone out and sent a text with my name and information to Jimmy. He responded right away.


"Thanks, I'm on my computer now," Jimmy texted back.


I then went into my bathroom and threw up my dinner. I was feeling ill. When I got back only the laptop I saw Jimmy had sent me a friends request and I added him and we began instant messaging. Soon enough Eliza sent me a friend invite and that was followed my Cameron, Dom, Nick, Amber, Scott, Violetta, and then Crystal and Robbie who had one page for the both of them.


Everyone was online at once chatting with me. They all asked if I was coming to the park tonight, but I let them know it wasn't a good idea for me to leave tonight. Eliza asked me for my number and we began texting on the phone when she had to log off.


I decided to call it a night at around ten PM and logged off myself so I could shower and dress for bed.


As soon as I hopped into bed Eliza sent me a text saying she was headed to the park to meet the others and that she hoped my court date went well. I thanked her and turned my ringer off. Sleep came almost immediately, but I woke up near four AM to the voice of Mrs. Parker still fresh in my mind.


I tossed and turned for another hour and finally fell back to sleep. When I awoke it was eight PM and I jumped out of bed. My hearing was at ten and I wanted to make sure mom was here. When I looked out I saw her car and the knot it my stomach calmed for now. Sonny's car was parked on the side of the street, but Kevin's was gone. That was strange.


No one can truly prepare you for going front of a judge like a lawyer can. Mines spoke softly to me outside the courtroom as he briefed me on how things would go down. Today I wore a knee length grey skirt with a white ruffle dress shirt and some mini heels. I had my hair in a bun with some lip gloss on.


"This should go quickly. They'll say your name and you answer present. The judge reads the charges and then he'll ask you how you plead and you'll say?" he waited for my answer.


"Not guilty," I said confidently.


"Good," he told me.


Mr. Litfield was way old. He had salt and pepper colored hair with one of the biggest and pointiest noses I'd ever seen.


"Who's going to be in there?" Mom asked and she twisted a tissue paper in her hands.


"Could be anybody, but more than likely the victim's parents," he told mom and her faced looked severely pained.


My stomach flipped.


"Alright let's go in. Myra you and I will sit on the front left side and you, Clara, can sit in the bench right behind us," he ordered and mom took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


I nodded and my legs moved before I could. The room was actually pretty spacey with lush carpeting and good lighting. I kept my head forward as I could clearly see the right side of the room filled. All the heads turned to me as I walked. Soft murmurs started as I passed.


The left side of the room was sparse, but to my shock and delight David was sitting in the third row from the front. When I saw him I tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it. This caused even more murmuring and some loud whispering.


In the row behind David sat Mike and LaTanya hand in hand. I didn't even know they were dating. In the row just behind where I was going to be sat Arthur. He didn't look back like everyone else and I was grateful for that.


My lawyer and I took our seats as I turned to my right. Sitting there were two lawyers along with Kimmi and Daisy who sat side by side. Just as we were settling in there was another gasp and I turned around. Walking in and taking their seats on the left side in the back were Jimmy, Eliza, Violetta, Scott, Nick, Cameron, Amber, Robbie and Crystal. I couldn't believe it. This caused even more whispering, but it all stopped as the judge came in.


"All rise," the bailiff said and we did, "your honorable Judge Phyliss DeWalt presiding."


A short woman with golden brown hair walked in. I couldn't believe that she was the judge. She looked very young.


We went through the usual court procedures. I was read my charges and then asked what I plead. When I said not guilty everyone gasped. The judge wanted order in the court. Daisy and Kimmi had separate attorneys who had decided to work the case together.


"Usually at this point in the proceedings the defendant is taken back into custody, but since said defendant is being charged as an adult and has paid her bail she will remain at home during the court proceedings which will commence on December twentieth of this year," the judge said and then slammed her gavel down.


Everyone stood as the judge exited and then they began filing out on the right side first. I was itching to talk to David, but I knew that I had to thank the crew for showing up.


However when we got out and back into the hallways those same people who had been sitting on the right side were waiting.


"What's going on?" I asked mom, but she didn't answer me.


I went to Mike and LaTanya who seemed to know exactly what was happening.


"Do you two know what's going on?" I asked them and LaTanya, who was so very beautiful, turned to me.


"You don't know?" LaTanya asked me with her brown eyes growing big.


"No," I said watching as the people filed in slowly.


"Today is Langston's first court hearing too," LaTanya answered me and everything began to spin.


As I looked back the people from my court case were all filing into the courtroom room down the hall.


"It's set to start in the next fifteen minutes" Mike told me.


"Ok thanks" I said and I left them and went back to my lawyer.


He and mom were talking and as I approached they turned to me.


"You don't have to go in today," Mom said as she put her hand on my shoulder.


"Myra, we're not mandated to be in court until his trial starts," Mr. Litfield told me as if that were supposed to bring me relief.


"Why would I have to go period?" I asked while sweat built it's way up my brow.


"Because your mother decided to press charges," Mr. Litfield pointed out and I glared at him.


As I was looking down the hall I saw Kevin and Becky walking hand in hand into the courtroom that was designated for Langston Miles' hearing.


Not much was said about Langston nowadays on the news except for he had posted bail a week after he'd been arrested. Since he was going down for rape and child pornography charges he was put on an ankle monitor and he wasn't allowed to leave the house.


Some influential person had talked Channel 11 FDRT news station into doing a biography on the life of Langston Miles a few nights ago. While I was flipping through channels I caught the beginning of it and was immediately hooked. Langston didn't actually live anywhere near Pinewood Acres and because of that he was an inter district transfer student. At the end of the story the camera went to a reporter who was standing outside of a car dealership and people I recognized from around the neighborhood and from school were washing cars.


"Now because Langston is on house arrest and is no allowed back on campus any hope for a scholarship that would've paid for his college degree and hopefully putting him in the front running to become an NFL player have been dashed. Miles' mother, Donna Miles, is a single parent who works a part time minimum wage job. Besides Langston, Mrs. Miles has three small children to support. The cost of the court fees and attorneys are way too much for this mother to bear alone so community leaders and members have come together and are thrown a car wash to raise money toward Langston's defense team" the reporter concluded.


After watching that story I couldn't sleep that night. For the first time ever I turned to Tylenol PM that I kept in my bathroom cabinet to cuddle me to sleep. Luckily sleep had come easier the following nights, but I still felt like this was just the beginning of something new and dreadful.


"I don't want to testify" I said.


"Come on let's go" Mom said trying to head quickly to the exit.


"Didn't you hear me? If they make me go in there at any point I'm going to lie and say nothing happened!" I said a little louder.


"She can't talk about that hear with all these witnesses" my attorney spoke harshly to mom.


"Let's go!" Mom said pulling my arm, but I resisted.


"I won't. I refuse to!" I said as something unfamiliar washed over me.


"Michael please help me get your sister out of here," mom said almost screeching.


By now some of the people still waiting to get into the courtroom were stopping to look at the commotion. I no longer desired to talk to any of the crew or even David. All I wanted to do was go interrupt the hearing and protest Langston's innocence even though deep down inside I knew he was guilty of much more than he was being charged with.


Mike left LaTanya's side and took both my hands and lead me to the parking lot. Everyone from inside disappeared under the hot June sky and my thoughts became jumbled up as my anger neared explosion.


"I'm not testifying against no one!" I was screaming.


Mom was coming out with Mr. Litfield who looked like he was about to burst an artery.


"She can't do that in there! I put my reputation on the line to defend her, but..." Mr. Litfield went on as mom tried to calm him.


We were nearing the car when Mike stopped because of the camera crews who seemed to be waiting for us to exit.


"Myra, Myra, how did you plead?" a reporter asked as he shoved a microphone in my face.


"What?" was all I managed to get out.


"She can't answer any of your questions" Mr. Litfield told them and pushed them out of his way as best as he could.


"Is she going to testify against Langston Hughes?" another asked me and I made eye contact with him.


"No!" I screamed as Mr. Litfield was clearing the way to mom's car.


Mike began to pull me toward mom's car, but I was resisting. Out of the corner of my eye I saw David standing next to his car watching me. There was no way I would go home with mom. They would follow us and it would be another few weeks of hiding out until the press died down.


The cameras gathering around me grew to be too much. In the confusion I broke away from Mike's grip and was able to duck and dodge my way toward David. When he saw me approaching he got inside his car. My heart sank and I stood there shocked. I could hear the steps of reporters coming from behind me and I felt trapped. I could hardly breathed, but then David started motioning for me to come on.


I quickly ran toward the passenger's side of his car and got in. We were out of there before I even had my seatbelt on. My purse was on the floor and where my cell phone was already going off. I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just left it.


We were headed to the freeway. This side of the city was bustling and we were quickly lost in traffic.


It felt like all the heat in my body had rushed to my face and the urge to vomit became so intense that I made David pull over.


Once we were back in the car and on the road David spoke:


"So what was that about?" David asked as he slightly turned his head toward me.


"What was what?" I asked meeting his stare.


"That out there," David said pointing to the road behind us.


"Nothing, I'm just sick," I responded as a laid my head against the seat rest.


"Maybe we should get you something to eat," David said looking back at the freeway.


"Please, no I can't eat anything," I told him as I rubbed my forehead with my palm.


"You don't look good at all and it's almost time for me to go to work," David said as he tapped on the car's clock.


"Can I go with you?" I asked sitting straight up.


"No, but there's somewhere you can go to rest while I'm gone," David said smiling to himself.


"Where?" I asked looking at the street signs and seeing that we were close to the area that he lived in.


"My place," David said as he pressed down on the accelerator.


David lived on the south side of town. Every store front had bars on the windows and doors and people were constantly walking up to cars that were unfortunate enough to be waiting for a red light to turn green.


I saw young girls walking with babies in their arms next to big burly looking men. I saw old ladies pushing shopping carts filled with groceries up dirty and unkept sidewalks. I held onto my seatbelt and David laughed.


"What's so funny?" I asked looking at him.


"Your reaction to all of this. I bet you've never even been outside that mansion you live in," David said as he smirked at me.


"I've been around," I said trying to put on a strong front.


"Right," David answered as he made a sharp right hand turn to beat the light that had turned yellow.


We were going down a street that looked liked nothing I'd ever seen before. There were open fields with yellowing grass and weeds that were taller than me. Inside those fields were abandoned washers, dryers, and stoves. Animals were running free in packs through the streets as people carried laundry baskets up and down the street.


When there wasn't an opened field there were homes mixed in with apartment buildings. No one residence looked better than the other. Chipping and sun bleached paint covered ninety percent of the houses with driveways that were black from car oil. Children were everywhere. Running around in yards and some playing in the middle of the street like they didn't see our car approaching.


We drove up a few more blocks and then pulled up to a gated apartment complex. It looked a little better than the others, but a big group of children were running around in the courtyard.


"You live here?" I asked and quickly grew flushed.


"Yea, now come on I've got thirty minutes to shower and leave," David said as he turned the car off and opened his door.


I got out too. The sun was blaring down on us and I had no idea how I'd get home if things turned sour here at David's place. Suddenly I felt anxious as I rounded the front of the car quickly and joined David as he slammed his door closed. I took his hand and we walked to the gate where he inserted his key and we were let in.


We went to the third flight of stairs. Along the way the kids still played and adults on the second level of the complex shouted down to David.


"See you got a girl now!" an older woman with straggly hair shouted down.


"And she's a looker!" the older gentleman standing next to her added.


David waved to them as he led me up the steps. We stopped in front and he used his key to open the door. I followed him in.


The inside was surprisingly spacious and cozy. The carpet was a light tinted blue color with a black couch up against the wall with a brown rectangular shaped coffee table in front of it. The TV that clung to the wall was on my left and the kitchen was to my right. The refrigerator was all black and the tiles were sparkling white. The sun was shining through the windows and as I stepped in and closed the door the whir of bubbles caught my attention and I saw a tank with exotic looking fish swimming inside.


"This is nice," I said to David who whipped around and shushed me.


"My ma's asleep so keep it down," David said in a hoarse whisper.


"Oh ok sorry," I said and put my hand over my mouth.


"I'll get you something to eat, just go to my bedroom. It's the last door on the right," David said to me as he headed for the refrigerator.


The hallway was to visible as soon as you walked in. The bathroom ended the hallway and its door was wide open. As I got closer I could see it was spotless, there wasn't even a towel on the floor.


I went into David's room and my eyes widened. He had the master bedroom. Another TV was up against the wall next to the door. Across from the door stood a very large dark greenish colored head board with pictures along it. The bed was mad and the floor was also free from clothes or dirt. The bed was covered in aqua color sheets and a white blanket. The pillows were also white and nicely tucked under the covers. It reminded me of a hotel room.


I hopped onto the bed. My purse was on my right shoulder and I set it on the nightstand on the left hand side which was next to the window. The blinds were closed and so I went to it and peeked out. Suddenly I realized I was still on the south side of town and backed away and almost bumped into David.


"Sorry," I told him when he dropped the remote that he was trying to give me.


"It's ok. My mom is on pain medication and sleeps all day. Sometimes she wakes up and is confused so please keep the door locked. My brothers will be in and out all day and my sister is at work. I should be back by six PM, but if something happens it might be later," David explained to me as he moved around and gathered his work clothes.


"What if I have to use the bathroom?" I asked and he stopped and turned to me.


"Then just go, but again lock the door because anyone could burst in. My brothers know not to mess with my stuff, but they could try and come in. If that happens just stand in front of the door and they'll know someones in here," David said as he slipped off his pants and went into his uniform.


His legs were very nicely built and I couldn't help, but stare.


"Yea, ok," I murmured.


"Please don't tell anyone your here. I don't they'll try to track you since you obviously got into my car willingly. If your brother comes to my job I'll tell him I dropped you off at the bus station," David told me and he removed his shirt and slipped on a regular white tee.


"He won't show up. Sonny doesn't care about me. The longer I'm gone the better, that's what they all think," I explained as I set my gaze at his toned backside.


"That's not what I saw the other night," David told me.


"What you saw was my brothers trying to make me as miserable as possible," I said to David as he reached the door knob.


"Yea, well still it got me thinking. Anyways see you tonight," David said as he turned and left.


I went to the door and made sure it was locked. On the right said of the bed was a tray of food for me. I took off my shoes and climbed into the bed and got under the covers. I ate some of the apple David had left for me and drank some of the juice. I risked turning on the TV and soon I was enthralled with the local news broadcast.


"Myra Huntington's trial is set to begin December twentieth, but in other news there was bit of a scuffle outside the courthouse this morning when Huntington hopped into the car of an unknown black male and has since disappeared" the reporter said as the camera went from him to footage of me leaving the courthouse with Mike holding my arm.


The footage kept rolling until I hopped into the car with David. I was mortified and went to my cell phone. I saw I had ten missed calls and one text message.


"Please just text me, wherever you are!" the text was from mom.


I hit dial and the phone rang and rang. I was just about to hang up when a man picked up.


"Hello, is Clara there?" I asked looking at my phone and seeing that it was mom's cell phone number.


"Yea, hold on," he said and I recognized that it was Arthur.


I waited for about a minute and then mom got onto the phone.


"Myra, what's going on?" Mom asked and her voice sounded so sad.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. Please don't have anyone looking for me," I sighed.


"No ones looking. The police said if you don't return home by tomorrow morning to report you as a runaway, but besides that they're not going to do anything because you left willingly. They have video proof," Mom explained to me and she sounded like she was going to cry.


"Well I'll be here until the morning, maybe. I want to come home, but I don't want to testify in the Langston Hughes case," I said trying to put my foot down as hard as possible.


"That little stunt you pulled has everyone talking. The phone has been ringing off the hook. Apparently it's gone National," Mom said and I could just hear the the quiet sobs.


"National?" I said to myself as I flipped the TV to a 24 hour world news broadcast station.


"Look it's best if you just stay where you are. I have your bank account information and I'll deposit some money in there so that David can get you a hotel room for the rest of the week," Mom said and I heard Arthur trying to get Buster to get off the bed.


"Ok, can you have the money in there by tonight?" I asked.


"Sure, but I have to go someone's on the other line," Mom said as she clicked over and the call ended.


I immediately turned the TV off and rolled over on the bed to close my eyes. Before I knew it I had drifted away in sleep. I didn't move until I heard the door opening and I sat straight up in bed.


"Hey," David said walking in and closing the door.


"Oh, what time is it?" I asked as I grabbed my cell phone and looked at the clock.


"It's almost seven," David said as he got undressed in front of me.


"Yea, I know now," I said as I watched him closely.


David didn't seem to be ashamed of his body and I could see why. He was perfect. There were no marks, scars, or bruises anywhere on his chocolate colored skin. I looked as he slipped out of his work pants and white tee.


"What?" David asked me as he turned in my direction.


"Nothing, it's just you look nice," I said basically foaming at mouth.


"You have seen a guy naked before, haven't you?" David asked me as he went to his drawer and grabbed a pair of gray shorts.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him as he slipped those shorts on.


"You're not a virgin," David said innocently.


"No I am not, ugh, can we please change that subject!" I almost screamed at him.


"Quiet down!" David said to me in a hoarse whisper as he moved toward the bed.


He got in right next to me and flipped the TV on. I'd left the channel on the national news station and again they were playing the footage of my story. Before he could speak I spoke.


"My mom is depositing money into my bank account for me to go stay in a hotel," I said.


"Oh, really?" David asked still watching the report.


"Yea, if you want you can stay with me," I said as I put my hand on his.


"No, I have to stay here with my mom," David told me still as he watched the news intently.


"You know none of what they're saying is the truth, you know?" I asked David he didn't respond.


Again they played the footage of me running to David's car and us speeding away.


"You know, maybe you should just go home. That way the police won't come looking over here," David said taking his hand away from mine.


"What, no, I'm going to a hotel," I demanded as he switched the TV.


"Why go to a hotel if you could just go home?" David asked me as he set the TV to a baseball game.


"Because I don't want to go home," I said as I climbed on top of him trying to work my charm.


"You're immature," David said as he looked me in the eyes.


"Well why did you bring me here?" I asked as I playfully swiveled my hips on top of him.


"Honestly, you looked lost out there this morning," David responded and that made me frown and I got off of him.


"I'm not lost," I said as I flipped through my text messages.


"If you weren't lost you wouldn't be here," David said as he ran his hand through my hair.


"Right," I muttered as I read several text messages from the crew.


Eliza was texting me about a concert tomorrow night in Gilroy that Cameron, who had gotten his birthday gift early, was going to drive everyone to. They were leaving at nine p.m. tonight and staying at a motel out there. She wanted to know if I'd go.


"Hell yes!" I texted her back and she responded right away.


"Ok, are you at home?" Eliza asked me and I responded.


"No, but I have to go there and pick up my stuff," I typed.


"So what about that hotel room?" David asked as he turned the TV off.


"Nothing, I've decided to just go home. You're right I am lost," I said as I jumped off the bed and got my shoes on.


"Well maybe we could go tonight, you know, just for fun," David said as he reached for me from his side of the bed.


"It's ok, I'll go home and if you want please come visit me Thursday night," I said as picked up my purse and headed for the door.


"Where are you going?" David asked me.


"To the bathroom," I answered opening the door to a deserted hallways.


Once inside I did what I had to do and then washed my hands. In the mirror I reapplied my eyeliner and lip gloss. I looked at my phone and Eliza had responded to my last text:


"Ok, Cameron said he'll pick you up from the park at nine. Is that ok?" Eliza asked.


"Yea, will you be there?" I asked trying to be cautious.


"Of course. Everyone will be there except Dom, Robbie and Crystal. Robbie has court in the morning and Dom is with his other friends," Eliza texted back.


"Alright I'll be there," I typed back and then I opened the bathroom door.


"Who are you?" the girl who stood in front of me asked.


"I'm Myra," I responded quickly.


"What you doing in my house?" she asked me in a gruff voice.


"I'm visiting," I replied to her.


"Who?" she asked looking me up and down, she was about two inches shorter than me with her hair in individual braids and her skin was a darker shade than David's, they had the same eyes and nose, but her lips were a bit thinner than his.


"David," I answered just as his door opened.


"Gia, leave her alone," David said.


"What she doing up in here in my house? Didn't mama tell you not to bring no strays home!" Gia said turning back to me and glaring.


"I'm no stray," I said and even though I wanted to add that my home was bigger than hers I didn't out of respect for David.


"Could've fooled me. Get her out of here!" Gia demanded and David was staring her down.


"I was just leaving!" I said as I pushed her out the way and headed for the front door.


I heard Gia and David exchanging words, but I didn't care. I needed to get home and if David wasn't going to take me I'd walk.


Outside the sun was still shining and even more kids were outside playing. I went down the steps quickly. No one was paying me any attention and when I got to the gate it wouldn't open. I tried several times and just got so frustrated I sank to the ground and started crying. After a few moments there was a tap on my shoulder.


"You have to press the button," David said to me and I looked up to see the gate magically open.


"Thanks, but I'll take the bus home," I said walking out in front of him.


"You're going to walk alone in a neighborhood like this?" David asked me as I started down the street.


"I don't care!" I screamed at him and kept walking.


"At least let me drive you to the stop," David offered me and I could hear his keys jingle.


I turned around and saw him standing there fully dressed with a smile on his face. How could I resist?


"Ok, but instead of the bus stop can we go to the bank?" I asked him as politely as I could.


"Sure, but fix that attitude. No one acting stank can ride in my car," David said laughing to himself.


We crossed the street to his car and got in. Suddenly I felt at peace.

© 2009 Tina Bee

My Review

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Great chapter. I think Myra is lost. She doesn't know who to turn to
or where to go. She almost seems out of control. But I still
feel for her. She has no one strong enough to cling to to
help her out.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 6, 2009
Last Updated on August 10, 2009


Tina Bee
Tina Bee

Sacramento, CA

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