![]() ElshorA Story by Timothy Rawlings![]() An ancient book with the powers to control the elements of the world, even life and death, has been found. Daniel must find a way to destroy it or whoever has it before it can be used to destroy the lands of Elshor![]()
Prologue Over one hundred thousand years ago there existed a race that had discovered the ability to control the forces of the world around them. They had powers that equaled the gods from which they were descended from. They could control the oceans, the skies, they could harness the powers of fire, water, and electricity some even believed they had the power to control the dead. It was decided that they would put all their knowledge into a single book that became known as The Book of Bane. They hid the book deep within their desert palace in hopes that it would be accessible to only them. Things did not go as planned for they were betrayed by a man who called himself The Dark King, and as the book was in transport he killed those who guarded it and escaped into the east and slowly built up his armies as well as any followers who would give their life to him. He returned to the city gates and in one terrible night destroyed all existence of this ancient race. The power of the book spread like a disease turning the lands dark and empty. When there was no one left to destroy he turned on those that trusted and helped him. One he was the only one left he returned to his castle in the east and there he went insane constantly rambling on in the night about a plot to overtake him, even though there was no one left. The book began to speak to him driving him madder and madder until it finally destroyed what soul he had left and in the depths of the dark castle the mad king slit his throat. Years went on and the book lay hidden within the castle waiting for its next victim, but none came. The seas rose and the deserts expanded and all traces of the book and the ancient race disappeared forever. That was until by some great act of fate a weary traveler stumbled up the ancient ruins of the ancient castle and heard the call of the book, come, come to me, I have been waiting for you.
Chapter One Michael Halcomb slowly reached into the leather bag slung across his shoulder and pulled out a bottle of clear water. He unscrewed the cap and slowly drank down the liquid inside. He had been traveling this desert for what seemed like years now and now he got the feeling that his journey was almost at an end. The sun beat down upon his sun burnt face and sweat stung the corners of his eyes. It was said that somewhere out in this vastness lay the ruins of an ancient civilization that may have very well been the first beings on this planet and he had promised himself that he was going to be the first one to find it. That was over three years ago. His journey took him from the highest peaks of Elshor to its darkest jungles and emptiest plains. Now as he stood watching the heat rise from the endless sea of dunes before him he noticed a curious looking mound about a mile away. This is it, he though and began speed walking towards his destiny. As he approached the dune a feeling of dread rushed over him. All at once he felt cold inside and that was when the voice began to call to him. Slowly it called him forward and he obeyed. It was as if he no longer was in control of his body but instead was led by some divine force or by instinct. Come, the voice said. Then the mound of sand slowly began to crumble into itself, in a matter of seconds what used to be nearly as tall as Michael himself was now as flat as most of the land he had crossed to get here. It continued to sink flatter, flatter, until it seemed to be collapsing into itself finally revealing an ancient looking set of stairs the descended into the earth itself. Michael just stared into the darkness, took a deep breath and slowly put his foot on the first step. As he made his way down the stairs the air became more and more stale, he thought to himself how long it must have been since anyone had taking the steps and he was became nervous as to what might be waiting for him at the bottom. As he reached the bottom of the stairs torches appeared and to his surprise they were still at full flame. The corridor split off into two directions one heading east and the other continuing straight. Without even thinking Michael turned and took the east path. The walls were covered with hieroglyphics depicting what looked to be the discovery of their powers. The hallway continued east for several feet and then emptied into a giant room filled with all sorts of amazing artifacts. Michael's eyes widened, in one corner was an armor of pure gold, lions facing each other on the breast plate. Two coffins were angled towards each other on either side of the armor, both made out of gold as well. The walls were all covered in pictures that depicted what appeared to be some bloody battle. One of the more gruesome ones, showing a man kneeling down on his knees, two men on either side appeared to be ripping his arms apart while a third was in front preparing to stab a knife through his chest. "I'm going to make a fortune," he whispered to himself. Michael continued along the wall and came to another picture depicting a book lying on the ground next to a man with a slit throat the blooding trailing down the wall all the way to the floor. He traced the blood, it looks so real, he thought, to a small crack in the floor and when he put his hand upon a surge of pain rushed through his body. He pulled his hand back and then heard a low rumbling that seemed to surround him. He slowly began to walk backward just as hidden door appeared at the exact spot he was just standing. There were more stairs as well as torches that lined the walls. Without thinking Michael went down the stairs deeper, deeper, deeper, until he came a huge chamber with stacks of books and scrolls in every corner, a rotted wooden desk situated nicely in front of an ancient fireplace. He grabbed one of the torches from the wall and waved it about the room in every corner there were more and more books and then just as he got to the fireplace he saw it. Covered in a hundred thousand years of dust was a small, worn out, black book. On its cover were the symbols for fire, lighting, life, and death. As soon as he set his eyes on it the voice in his head grew louder and louder. Yes, you have found it, a long time it has been waiting for you to come and set it free, Michael once again went into a sort of trance and lost all control of what he was doing. At one moment he was at the entrance of the chamber the next thing he knew he was sitting at the desk about to open the book. He slowly inhaled, held it for a moment and then slowly let it out. His hand was shaking and sweat began to drip from his face despite the extreme coolness of the cave. He felt the cover of the book, it was rough and a little moist from being down here all these years. His fingers traced the four symbols and he could almost feel the power rising inside of him. He slowly opened the cover and before he could turn the first page a blinding light shot out from the darkness and an empty and dark laughter filled his brain. It is time, voice said. Then darkness filled the room. Chapter Two Elshor, a vast open land dotted with giant Elms and Firs, little rivers and crystal clear lakes that mirrored the cotton like clouds floating in the blue sky above. It was early spring and every tree, shrub, and flower was preparing for the coming warmth with outstretched leaves and petals. The inhabitants of this beautiful country were mostly humans, though the occasional Elf, Wizard or Cave Dwellers passed by on their route to the To the west was the residential district and was equally as beautiful as the rest of town. As soon as you crossed the bridge that connected the two your senses were attacked with the smells of fresh herbs from the garden, bread being baked in the cottages and the many varieties of flowers, Roses, Tulips, Daisies as well as the trees, Apples and Pears just to name a few, that surrounded the village. Even the warn cobblestone streets and sidewalks were beautiful with roses springing from the various cracks. It was paradise, it had to be, after all it wasn't just another city in the great
"Get up," a scared voice cried out from somewhere in the dark. "You have to get up now Danny." A small black haired boy slowly stirred in a bed near the corner of the room, "Papa," he whispered, "Papa what’s going on?" "Most of the town has already left, the sirens went off about an hour ago and they are being let into the castle for protection," John walked over to the closet adjacent to the bed his son was sleeping on and opened the doors. He began rummaging through the clothes and throwing them into a bag that was now lying on top of the bed. Danny began to let the fear show on his face as he watched his father nervously go back and forth from the bed to the closet. He turned to look at his father with large blue eyes that seemed lost and scared, "What’s going on, where are we going?" he asked. "I've called Uncle Roark and he said we could come and stay with him. We should be fine there," he paused and looked at his son sitting on the bed, "you should be fine there. John slowly walked toward the window and stared out at the cool night just beyond, a light rain had begun and with every drop the smell of the damp earth seeped in and tickled his nose. A light rain had begun and the entire world seemed to be thundering down on them. It was happening again, he thought. He had wondered when this day would come, he knew the evil that his fathers before him had fought to destroy hadn't simply faded away into oblivion. As long as the book existed evil would always find a way to get to it. He turned and looked at his son sitting on the bed. John's time was growing short he could feel it more and more each day. Tonight would be the night he would die and his son would be the one to fight and destroy this evil alone. He had seen it in his dreams more and more clearly each night, he saw his son standing in an open field and the dark castle in front of him. Dark clouds swirled ominously above the towers and the land around the base of the castle was dark, and cracked. Life did exist in its natural form here, instead, it took the shapes of creatures from the deepest depths of the earth and ancient beings not seen for over a hundred thousand years. How could he have told his son these things, he knew he had to but every time he had gained the courage to sit him down he would look into his young eyes and simply tell him that he loved him. He continued to stare at his son, his black hair tangled from sleep, his dark brown eyes full of wonder, curiosity and at the moment a little fear, these eyes had only known love and peace but soon they would darken as fear, death, and pain tried to empty his soul. John spoke softly, "Are you ready?" and a single tear streaked down his cheek sparkling in the candle lit room.
Chapter Three
It was dark and the only noise Daniel could hear was the slow and steady beating of his heart. His dreams always started out this way, in some endless pool of black and then the voices would slowly call to him. The first one was always his fathers, "Run Danny, run, go to Uncle Roarks and don't stop till you are safe," he could see his father lying on the ground before him his eyes slowly dimming as a masked man stood over him, blood dripping from his hands and face. The man in the mask would turn towards him and laugh, then slowly he would raise his head to the sky and howl to the heavens in crazy pleasure. Then darkness would come over him again. The next voice was one he barely knew, it was a woman's voice and she was always crying, "Not my baby boy, please god not him." The woman was beautiful, golden brown hair and bright, piercing green eyes, skin that was soft and emitted a kind of ethereal glow. She was kneeling next to a motionless body surrounded by giant evergreens. Slowly she would turn towards him and speak through the tears streaming down her pale face, "Almost home sweetie, your almost home." The darkness would come again and Daniel would wake up dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. "Just a dream," he whispers and then reaches for lamp on the nightstand next to his bed and flips it on. He looks at the silver crescent through the window, the stars glowing in the vast emptiness of space. He can feel his father and his mother he barely know watching him from atop the perch on one of those angelic orbs. It was this thought that had kept him alive, in fact it was the only reason he had made it this far in the first place and he wasn't going to fail them. Daniel got out of his bed and knelt down on the ground. He put his hands to his lips and kissed both index fingers then closed his eyes and softly began to pray, " Oh Selunia, goddess of the Moon and stars, keeper of those long gone, I ask for the strength to continue on my path and the power to destroy evil wherever it my hide. I wish to come to the He got up to his feet and began to walk to the window when a knock on the door broke the silence, "Come in," he said. "Ah, master Kaleb was ninety five years old, or young as he often reminded Daniel, his face was wrinkled and dry, resembling a dry lake bed more than a humans. Where there were no wrinkles scars were present, he had seen the many wars in his time and his deep blue eyes showed it. He could often be found staring into nothing but emptiness for hours, his eyes empty and his breathing slow and steady, you could almost hear the screams that invaded his mind and the pain that filled his heart. Daniel walked towards the old man and helped him to the desk underneath the window he had just finished praying to, " I didn't wake you did I?" he asked. "No, no, don't bother yourself with that," Kaleb sat down on the chair and not soon after a small brown and white dog jumped onto his lap, " Smokey here woke me up," he looked down into the dogs eyes and slowly stoked the top of its smooth black head (which it apparently enjoyed because his tail began to wag and thump the side of the desk adding more noise to the quiet room), "You needed to got the bathroom didn't you boy," he said in the half baby half adult voice most people thought was appropriate for talking to an animal like this. Daniel laughed and began to pet the back of the dog’s neck. He turned towards his bed and sat down facing Kaleb. Kaleb looked up at Daniel, "So I guess today is the day you will be leaving us." "Sad but true," Daniel replied, "the dreams are getting worse and worse each night and I believe it is because I am running out of time." "I understand," Kaleb said, "We will miss the company won't we boy," Smokey let out a quiet bark as if he were agreeing with Kaleb. Daniel got up and walked towards Kaleb and gave him a gentle hug, "You have been kind in taking in a lost stranger like me. I don't know how I can every thank you enough." Kaleb stopped Daniel, "It was my pleasure and I couldn't have asked for a better house guest than the one I got," he let go of Daniel and smiled at him, " the years of friendship and loyalty is all the payment I could have ever asked for." Kaleb's eyes began to glaze over as he looked and the skinny young man that stood before him, His tattered hair, clothes that were worn and almost too small, "Promise you'll come and say goodbye to Smokey and me before you set off," Daniel walked to the door and turned back towards Kaleb, "Wouldn't think of leaving without doing otherwise," he smiled and turned back towards the living room, when he reached the door Smokey let out a small yelp and then Daniel was gone.
Chapter Four
The town of As the sun was reaching mid-sky Daniel opened the elaborately decorated wood doors to the Sleeping Shepard's He made his way to the bar where a middle aged, balding man with a gut to rival the town’s prize winning hog was serving drinks. The man quickly glanced over in his direction, "David my boy," he shouted and a huge smile grew on his face. "Bob, How you doing today?" Daniel asked. "Can't complain, people are flocking in these days," Daniel looked glance around the bar and notice that half the tables were empty, "Well they will be later on," Bob said as he noticed David trying to hold back a chuckle. David took a seat at the bar and ordered a glass of the local brew. Bob reached underneath to table and pulled an ancient looking brown bottle of Elshor Whiskey. "Is that even safe to drink?" Daniel asked. "Of course it is," Bob replied, feeling a bit hurt, "Only the best for my customers." "Thank you, Bob," Daniel said and quickly drank the brown colored whiskey down. "Already that good of a day is it" Bob asked. "It's these dreams I keep having, every night they seem to be getting worse and worse, "he passed the empty glass back to Bob and motioned for another one. "I know I must continue on the path laid before me, it's just that I'm afraid," he looked into Bob's wrinkled eyes. "Not of dying, but of failing." Bob poured him another drink and leaned in closer to him, "How long have I known you?" he asked. "Let see," Daniel thought about it for a second. "Four years." "Four years," Bob repeated, "and do you know what I've learned in those four years?" "What?" Daniel asked. "You never quit," Daniel's face turned slightly red, "you have a strong heart and a passion for what's right." Bob paused and they both just sat and stared at each other for a moment, then Bob said, "You weren't meant to fail, I knew it the moment I met you." Another smile spread across Bob's face and Daniel drank the second drink almost as quickly as the first. "Rumor has it you’re leaving us?" Bob asked. "I'd barely decided myself this morning." Bob took the glass and put it in the sink, "We're going to miss you around here." "Is that so," Daniel said. "It's not very often we get people like you around here." "I've been hearing that a lot today," Daniel looked around the bar and suddenly his heart sank. He had grown to love this little town and regarded the townsfolk as family. He was eighteen when he first found himself staring down at the little cottages and inviting smoke billowing from their chimneys. Although the dreams he had reminded him of his loses life here had eased the pain and had given him the strength to continue on. Daniel looked at Bob and fashioned a quick smile, "I'm going to Miss this place as well," he looked at Bob and fear spread in his eyes, "I fear that if I stay any longer I'll be putting the people and places I have grown to love in the path of destruction and death. How it hasn't come already is amazing, but I fear that luck is about to run out." Bob walked around to the front of the bar and sat in the empty bar stool next to Daniel, "It's coming whether you are going to be here or not," he said, "I feel it stronger and stronger each passing day. I feel it in the change of the winds. The land is getting darker even the moon shines less bright these days." Bob placed his hand on top of Daniel's, "I know you have to leave, every time I look into your eyes they seem distant. I can see you have a desire to continue on, as well as a longing to accomplish some goal that lies deep within your heart." Bob and Daniel were once again staring at one another, the sounds of the bar had been tuned out so that only the words they spoke to each other seemed to get through. Bob continued, "If you could stay a while longer, maybe you could help us fight, help save the people and the town." "It will be better If I go," Daniel said, "Perhaps by leaving I can lead them away from this place." "If this is what you must do then I won't try to keep you any longer," Bob let go of his hands and try to hold back the tears, "I am glad to have made such a friend as you." Bob walked back to the other side of the bar and grabbed two glasses of whiskey, "To the roads ahead," he said and both of took a drink. Bob began to put the drinks away when a man came bursting through the front door. The man looked as if he had been running for days. His clothes were covered with dirt and holes exposed the skinny knees of an old man. He was dripping with sweat and what appeared to be blood on his left shoulder. He quickly made his way to the bar as all the eyes turned and followed him. "They're coming," he gasped, "Men in cloaks...about five minutes outside of town." "Whoa, slow down there Jim, just try and catch your breath," Bob said, "Who's coming?" "I don't know, there were four of them. They were riding big brown horse and wearing some black cloaks," he paused and caught his breath, "D****t Bob, they shot him...those m***********s shot him." The tone of the bar changed in an instant, what was once a noisy place full of laughter and drunken singing was now eerily quiet and still. Everyone’s attention had turned from their drinks and conversations towards try to follow ever word that was coming from Jim's mouth. Bob poured Jim a drink and grabbed a towel from the clean stack underneath the bar, "Here you go Jim," he said, "Who did they shoot?" "Paul," he said sadly, "f*****g shot him right in the head Bob, he didn't even see it coming," he paused and took a sip from the cup in front of him. "We were just riding back into town when we noticed four guys riding from the east. As they got closer we noticed the cloaks they were wearing. Paul turned to me and said, Jesus, it's got to be at least a hundred degrees out today, who in their right mind would wear something like that outside. As soon as I turned to answer him I heard a loud crack and the next thing I saw was Paul falling of his horse to the ground." Suddenly chatter broke out all around. People whispering about what Jim was speaking about or rumors they have heard about strange folk wandering the lands killing whatever they see. Bob looked at Daniel, "It seems time has run out," he said. "How did you manage to escape?" he asked Jim. "Well as soon I saw Paul go down I knew was dead, I could see the blood seeping from the hole in his forehead. I turned my horse I hurried towards town, as soon as the horse turned I heard another loud crack and a pain shot through my shoulder. I feel of the horse and hurried to get up. I looked back and noticed they hadn't started moving towards me yet so I ran as fast as I could weaving to try and through off their aim. I made it back safely and found myself heading here.
Daniel spoke up, "Did you manage to see where they might have been heading?" he asked. "No, sorry," he said, "as soon as I was hit I just ran and never looked back." Daniel turned to Bob and said, "S**t, I think I know where they're going," his voice started to show panic in it, "When was the last time you saw Kaleb?" he asked Bob. "Just a few hours before you, he said he had some shopping to do and then was heading home." "I've got to go see if he is alright. I'll be back as soon as I can. I don't think those men will bother you, it's me they are after. I'll take care of them and then leave as soon as possible. Daniel rushed out the door and into the sweltering heat. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust from the dark bar to blinding light outside. He ran as quickly as he could towards the cottage that he had been living in for the last four years. As he reached the front gate he noticed that the front door was wide open. He quickly ran towards it looking in all directions for any signs of the intruders or some sort of trap they may have left. When he reached the foot of the threshold he slowly poked his head and looked around, "Kaleb," he quietly spoke into the empty house. "Kaleb, are you there?" No answer. He slowly walked into the main entrance and peeked into the living room to the right. No sign of Kaleb. He continued down the hallway. The first door on the right was the study and he slowly propped open the door and whispered, "Kaleb?" still no answer. He walked towards the kitchen when he noticed a shadow just beyond the door to his room. He slowly crept towards the door and pushed himself as close to the wall as he could. He turned his next enough to get a glimpse of the room and just as he was about to step into the room when a man came up from behind him and hit in the back of the head. David fell to the ground stunned but still conscious. He turned on his back just in time to roll out of the way of a lamp that was coming for his head. Another man walked out of David’s bedroom holding a gun and pointed it at his chest. "Don't move," the man with the gun said. The second man picked Daniel up by his shirt and threw him into the empty bedroom. "Where is it?" the man asked. "Where is what, who the f**k are you guys?" Daniel screamed back. “So, your going to play stupid with us then," the man with gun said and then proceeded to whack him across the face with the butt end of his gun. "Where is the map?" David spit a mouthful of blood onto the wooden floor. "What map, I have no clue what you are talking about." "Don't lie to us, we know what you and the old man have been up to the past few years," The man with gun placed the barrel of the gun on Daniels lips. He could feel goose bumps rise up his body as the cold metal touched his lips, he could taste the metal and blood as he tried to swallow. The man with lamp walked over to the closet and flung open the doors. There sitting in the corner bound with tape and rope was Kaleb. His eyes were closed and blood was dripping from a rather large gash on his forehead. "We're going to ask you one last time," the man with the lamp said, "Where is the map?" "F**k you," Daniel said and spit at the lamp man.
As soon as the spit landed on the shirt of the second man the one with gun turned towards Kaleb and shot him once in the stomach. Kaleb's eyes burst open and a scream escaped from his tapped mouth. "No," Daniel yelled. The man with the gun turned toward David, "Where is it?" He was close enough to David now for him to try and make his move. David slowly leaned towards the man and whispered in his ear, "F**k You," and then head butted him causing him to drop his gun. In what seemed like mere seconds David rolled away from the man with the lamp just as he was bringing it down to smash his head and picked up the gun. Bang, one shot hit the man with lamp right in the forehead. He got up and aimed at the man who had shot Kaleb. The man slowly raised his arms in surrender hoping to fool Daniel. Just as his arms reached air he flung his left arm down towards his pants for the other gun he had hidden there, but before he could even reach the grip, two shots rang out. One hit him square in the chest the other, right between the eyes. Daniel dropped the gun and stared at the two lifeless corpses on the ground next to him. He had to be quick, Jim had said there were four and he had only taken care of two. He rushed to untie Kaleb being careful to not hurt the old man any more than he already was. "Kaleb, can you hear me?" he asked as tears began to run down his cheeks. “Smokey," Kaleb spoke quietly and struggled to get each word out, "Wh...Where is Sm...Smokey?" he asked. "I don't know I didn't see him when I came in. Just lie down, we need to get you some help first then I'll go look for Smokey." "I'm sorry I never told you," Kaleb said. "Never told me what?" "I'm sorry I never told you about your father, Kaleb." "You knew my father?" Kaleb asked, sounding surprised Kaleb slowly got to his feet. Daniel tried to get him to stay on the ground but even with a bullet hole in the stomach and getting the s**t beaten out of him was not enough to keep him down. Kaleb walked towards the desk under the window that Daniel had prayed to only this morning. This morning, Daniel though, it seemed like years had passed since then. Kaleb opened the desk drawer and removed the backing of it to reveal a hidden compartment. Inside the compartment was a tattered looking old piece of paper. Kaleb took it out and unfolded it. On the paper was a map of Elshor. It listed everything from the Daniel took the map from Kaleb and looked at it. His eyes followed the route to the west then came upon The Dark Castle lying in the Southwestern tip of Elshor. His heart began to thump faster and faster. Kaleb spoke softly, "I know of what it is you seek. Your father and I tried to find it many times when we were younger." He coughed and a little drop of blood ran down his chin. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" he asked. Anger was beginning to rise inside of him but as he looked upon the dying man that had taken him in he calmed himself. "There is no reason why I didn't tell you. At first I thought it was of no importance but then you began having the dreams. I told myself that was all they were and hoped that in time it would pass. I was a fool." "No, no, you’re no fool Kaleb," Daniel said. "I am the fool, I should have left here a long time ago. Now I fear I have doomed the people of this village." Just then a tapping came from down the hallway. Daniel jumped up and slowly walked to the door. He grabbed the gun lying on the ground and slowly stood at the edge of the door and waited. The tapping began to grow louder and closer then it was joined with a slight panting. Just as it was reaching to door way Daniel turn and pointed the gun out in the hallway. Nothing there, as he scanned the hallway he looked to his feet and saw Smokey. Smokey was covered in dirt and had a slight limp. Blood drenched the corners of his mouth and matted his fur. Daniel bent over and patted the dog on the head. "Good boy," he said. Kaleb called from the room, "Who is it?" he asked. At the sound of his masters voice Smokey ran into the bedroom and jumped up into his lap. "Smokey," he laughed as the dog began to clean his face. "Good boy." Kaleb was growing paler by the minute and Daniel knew he would not last long. "We need to get you some help." he said. "Don't worry about me," Kaleb said. "Take the map, you were meant to have it. You are the only one who can end the coming darkness. You must find the Book and destroy it or all we be lost." Kaleb lied down on the bed and closed his eyes. "Kaleb," Daniel cried. "I'm sorry Daniel, forgive me." "You have nothing to be sorry for," and tears began to flow from Daniels eyes. "I'll make them pay for what they have done to you and to my father." Kaleb inhaled deeply and slowly spoke, "take care of Smokey for me. He is a good companion and he just may help you in times of great need." he let out a long exhale and managed one more sentence, "beware the Serpent King," and then Kaleb fell silent and motionless. Daniel took the map that was now lying on the bed, folded it and put in his pocket. He walked to the closet and took a blanket out and covered the old man. He grabbed his leather bag from the corner of the room and filled it with clothes, food, and water. He slung it across his back and walked to the front door. "Come here boy," he said to Smokey and then whistled. He opened the door and looked back at the man who had become his second father. He closed the door and with Smokey at his side headed back towards the He reached the Bob saw Daniel come in and motioned him forward. "Did you find Kaleb?" he asked. Before Daniel could reply he could see in his eyes that he had at it wasn't good. "They got to him first. I managed to take two of them out but one of them shot him in the stomach and he passed a way a few minutes ago." "I am truly sorry," Bob said and lowered his head in a moment of silence. “I believe Smokey here took care of the others but I can't be sure so just be on your guard alright." Daniel said. "What are you going to do then?" Bob asked. "Kaleb left me a map," Daniel paused a moment then continued, "I going to find those responsible and end this once and for all." "Good Luck," both Jim and Bob said. Daniel turned towards the entrance and said, "Don't let your guard down until you feel the darkness has been lifted," and walked out into the now unfamiliar world around him. © 2008 Timothy RawlingsAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 12, 2008 Author![]() Timothy RawlingsSalt Lake City, UTAboutMy name is Timothy Rawlings and I am 22 years old. I live in SLC, Utah and have recently signed a contract to have my book "Elshor," published. I love to write and create. Ever since I can remembe.. more..Writing