

A Story by Gabby

   We were driving down the highway when the attacks first started. 
   It was Hanna, Brie, Me and Squirrel in my new Mustang convertable. I had  Brie driving since I had gotten my liscence suspended after... The accident. We were all pretty scary drivers, but I determined Brie would be the best choice with the new car. I was rethinking my choice after a while. 
   You could be wondering about Squirrel. No, that in fact is NOT her real name, but we call her that anyways. I dont necessarily know the whole story behind how she got her nickname, but i do know we were at camp a couple years ago and we didnt really like her real name so we changed it to something... More fitting.
   The first thing we heard was what sounded like a cannon exploding right over our heads. Of course none of us expected it, but Brie was the worst. She jumped in her seat and swerved off to the right. It was around midnight, so not many cars were on the road at time, thank god. We crashed into some brambles until she found the brake. We scrambled out and looked at our surroundings as much we could. The highway was about 20 feet away and there were scattered trees for as far as we could see. Which wasnt very far. But out of what I could see, there was what seemed to be a lake or a river of some kind in the distance. 
   Then off to the left we could hear a humongoes truck starting up. Before we could wonder why it was STARTING instead of DYING, we saw the dark sillouette of the monstrous thing coming towards us. The only thing was, we soon realized it wasnt just a truck. It was a freaking snowplow. Why the heck would there be a snowplow in the middle of August? But there was enough time for asking questions later.
   "Run!!!" Squirrel yelled. 
   "Well no duh!!" Hanna yelled back. Originally I would've laughed at that, but this was not the time. I darted off to the side with the other three in hot pursuit. I couldn't see a thing because of the snowplows headlights blinding me, but I managed to stumble my way through the field. 
    At first I thought it was a mistake that it was heading towards us, maybe they were just moving the plow to storage or something. But I got over that idea soon after I started running, because it was following us. Whoever was driving that thing, they were out to kill us, and they must have been out of there mind because death by snowplow? Not the way I pictured dying. 
   Thats when I got an idea. I had always thought of me dying at an early age, by drowning. Dont ask me why, because Im an amazing swimmer, but thats just the way I pictured it. 
   Snowplows couldnt swim, right?
   I veered off to the left, the direction of the lake I thought Id seen earlier. 
   "What the heck are you doing?! We're heading straight for the lake!" Brie yelled at me. She mustve thought Id gone insane. 
   "That's the point you idiot!" I yelled back as if the answer was clear. 
   "You've gone completely insane!" What'd I tell you? 
   "Just trust me! I know what Im doing!" 
   "Gabby, you know I love you, but you cant possibly think we're going to survive this by heading straight into a lake?" I could hear the worry in her voice now.
   We were 10 feet away from the lake now, and I was getting ready to jump. I looked behind me and saw that the plow was gaining on us. 
   Then I jumped. I kicked off the side of the lake where the ground ended and launched myself into the freezing water, hoping my friends would follow. When my face hit the water I let out a suprised gasp. I knew the water would be cold, but nothing could have prepared me for this. Now I had that much less air to last on before I emerged from the water. But unfortunatley, that didnt happen before I blacked out. 

   I subconciously felt multiple warm hands grab me by the arms and pull me through the water. I could tell when I was pulled out of the water onto dry land, but it was still impossible for me to let in any air into my lungs. Then from what seemed like 50 miles away, I could hear Brie yelling something. It sounded like:
   "God d****t, Gabby! I TOLD you you were insane!" I couldnt help laugh, since she was absolutley right. I exhaled whatever was left in my lungs from the laugh, and I felt water spilling out of my mouth. I could feel the relief of air washing over my whole body. Then I laughed my head off. I dont know what it was, the exhileration of almost dying twice in an hour or the relief that I lived through both of them. Well whatever it was, my friends sure didnt understand why I was just sitting there laughing. 
   When I finally calmed down enough to actually speak, I asked the question that had been burning in my mind ever since I washed up on shore. 
   "What happened to the snowplow?" 
   "We dont know, we jumped in after you and when we came back up it was gone. Youre lucky you didnt freakin die drowning!" Squirrel explained. 
    "Well, ones thing for sure, that things gonna come at us again, and it aint stoppin till it kills us." I stated glumly. "Who do you think would wanna kill us like that? And who ever heard of death by snowplow? It just aint right." 
   "You got that right, now we'd better get you to a hospital to see if you have water in that little brain of yours." 
   "That doesnt make any sense, itd all go into my lungs wouldnt it?" I asked.
   "It was joke, now we need to get you a sense of humor transplant."
   "But..." I started.
   "Just shut up before you hurt yourself even more," Hanna interupted. 
   With that, we started walking back over to the car. 

© 2011 Gabby

Author's Note

Ignore spelling

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Its still a working progress, its kind of a first draft you could say. It isn't done, so this isn't the ending, I probably should have mentioned that...

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the story! Even thought it's kind of shorter, it's definitely intense. The ending almost seems to fall flat, but only because of the way it's so short. Maybe say more about the snowplow chase, or how they crashed to give the story a little bit more body. You've done a great job with this though! Keep it up. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 8, 2011
Last Updated on August 8, 2011



