Love, What it truly means?A Poem by JDI wrote this poem after watching people for years and years and getting answers like these from peopleLove, What does it truly mean, is it just a word uttered
on the lips of every man and woman, Love is no longer an emotion, a
feeling lost in the hearts of everybody. Love comes in many shapes and forms, but can only be
muttered in a sentence of three words, "I Love You." but what meaning
do these words have in the heart of all those that utter them. Many question and many wonder but all are afraid to ask
what do these three words mean, I rack my brain day after day and finally my
answer slips through my rushing mind and my answer I shall slip into
the minds of all those that do not know. I love you in today's society means I want to have sex
with you or I want you to stay with me cause I am gonna kill you if you
don't or it means goodbye, I love you no longer shows love it shows anger
and pain. These three simple words should speak a story one of a
future spent together forever, a vow of strength and a vow of eternity
spent together no matter what life throws our way, love should mean love. I love you, I shall cherish the life with you forever and
always, through thick and thin I shall be there, I open my heart to you
to promise to never let our feelings fade away. I LOVE YOU forever and
always. Love should mean love, it is not a word to be used
lightly, love is an emotion not a word, welcome to fantasy a life where love
means exactly that. © 2011 JD
Added on June 20, 2011 Last Updated on June 20, 2011 |