The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
"Moving!!!" I screamed rage filling my voice
"Yes hunny, your dad got re-located. You should of expected this."
My moms voice was so soft and queit even when she was stressed out.
"So you just hit me with it right after a good day of school?? You dont even think of telling me a couple days in advanced?? Do you just expect me to move without saying good-bye?!?!" I ranted
I was so shocked at the news I forgot my dad was sleeping.
"Whats going on-Oh, sweetie im sorry it wasnt my choice."
He spoke so calm
I was looking back in forth at both of them, I couldnt believe what was happening. I ran up to my room without another word.
Making sure to slam my door so they would hear my frustration
I thought in my head, sighing as I plopped down on my bed.
I grabbed my phone texting my 3 best friends to tell them the news.
*Im moving to maine.-__-*
I was going to hate this
I have to make new friends.
and get new teachers
I was seriously going to hate it.
My friends all pretty much texted back the same ting
*Im going to miss you izzy, why do you have to go? D':*
My friends were what people would call the "emo" group
I dont believe in sterotypes, Im nice with everyone.
*My dad got re-located. >.<*
I couldnt help but get mad agian just thinking about it.
"Hunny do you want dinner?"
My mom yelled up the stairs
"No mom, im not hungry right now."
I snapped.
I didnt feel like talking to them, it would all be sappy
"Im sorry sweetie, but you will love it in Maine."
Blah blah blah.
I layed in my bed and grabbed my ipod touch.
I put in my headphones and blasted
Tears dont fall by bullet for my valentine.
I looked around my room,
The walls were blue like the ocean water and my floor was a cream colored carpet like sand.
I sat and thought about all the memories I had here in californa.
I gotta say I will miss the beachs the most.
I loved the ocean, It was where I went to get away from everything and just write. Write poetry.
Again my friends texted back
*That sucks! We will still text right boo bear?*
I smiled at my nickname.
God I was going to miss them.
*Yes(: Deffenitly!*
I couldnt help but notice the boxes in the corner of my room.
"I gotta get this done sometime or another."
I thought aloud.
Grunting at the thought of packing, I got off my bed and packed.
I packed everything except a pair of clothes, my toothbrush, my teddy bear, and a blanket.
"I will pack those tomorrow, God my room looks so bare."
I walked outside to the balcony right off of my bedroom.
I could smell the crisp clean ocean air.
It was very windy but I didnt mind, I loved the way I felt here.
"I wonder if maine will be this beauiful? I guess I will find out now wont I?"
I rolled my eys at the thought.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in
Inhaling memories like the salty ocean air.
I felt like I could just soar, up to the sky with the seguils and get away.
Away from everything.
But then I opened my eyes and I was still standing on my balacony
Hours away from leaving my life behind.