![]() Personal ExpeditionsA Chapter by JoeO![]() Sailing the seas with my newfound zeal and sense of exploration![]() 10/15/16: The End of the Beginning Although I’ve been trolling around
pretty heavily for the past few days on FB, I’m going to start keeping a close
watch on the watches/watchers now. I’ve noticed how much time I spend on one
particular aspect or topic has a direct correlation to what pops up in my
NewsFeed. For example, if I spend a lot of time talking about politics-which is
difficult to avoid given our coming election-I get more political related
issues and topics in my feed. Also, there seems to be a presence lurking on my
account. I believe the Anonymous Hacktivist Group has taken a certain interest
in my goings-on of late. Last night I was spammed hard by an Anon group in my
feed; every post was from one of their groups. I went down about 30 different
posts on my feed; every last one of them was theirs. I like to think I know
what they were up to. They were saying to me, “you’ve piqued our interest, now
let us pique yours.” Needless to say, it frightened me a little. I know these
guys have powerful people in almost every nook and cranny in world affairs. I
remember a warning from a friend of my mothers: she said, “your son better
watch out.” Nothing specific, an empty warning was all. I didn’t heed her
advice then, but now, I’m starting to think about what she said a little more.
I made a post about the importance of humans having the liberty to surf around,
to take in the whole milieu. The posts by the Anon’s backed way down, but
today, they’re back. Now, I don’t think many of these guys see me as anything
significant. I ascribe a lot of their values-at least the values that they
discuss in length on videos and in rare instances, individuals who represent
their interests stepping forward and having candid discussions with me. So,
they were probably sending me a reminder; don’t f**k with us in a bad way. I
wouldn’t. They know that too. I think a lot of the more powerful ones behind
the masks get worried that their movement is going to get a black eye if
someone like me slips; says something antithetical to their aims to the wrong
people. All I can do is prove through my words and actions that such a fear is
absurd and nonsensical. Make whoever gets scared feel like a moron. As for
today, I need to get my bearings, recognize the bigger picture of my life in
context to what I’ve said or written & be prepared for the next shift in
barometric pressure. If that’s a bit too metaphorical, let’s put it another
way; I’m going to act decent, live decent, have fun, take breaks when necessary
(this writing session is one of those little reprieves) & keep the various
engines that are running my life moving forward. [21] Wrapping up the day.
Posted a snippet about this book. Some mild reactions, but as I suspected, most
people don’t want or need a clue. They also don’t like thinking in terms beyond
their persona and it’s perceptions. You can post the oddest, most terrifying
stuff and you’ll be lucky if you elicit half the reaction you’d expect. Only
people who seem to pay mind stay hidden. Not impressed. I’m going to pop in one
more time, see if anything is happening, then I’m wrapping it up, calling it a
day. Get the impression that time is one of the biggest factors in drawing
unwanted attention from security organizations. They don’t like people on the
internet in general. Wastes their time watching your every move. Groups are
where most of the action is. I tend to get a lot of likes and notifications if
I post an appropriate item. Attention isn’t what I want though. I want to see
if I can find genuine people. There are…but they seem reluctant to let their hair
hang & be themselves. Like most of them have had the jolt I’ve had in
varying degrees. Alright, one last look.
Dead as a dodo. It is important to note one thing: I believe the algorithms (or
worse, the watchers) are meant to allude to some greater sense of danger. Nudge
you toward believing that you’re in jeopardy, but only in the vaguest sense. If
you tease that vague sense, make it obvious you know what’s being pulled, it’ll
either vanish or show up with far less subtlety. 10/16/16: The Percival Touch [11]
Started out in usual fashion: Trolling and spamming my wall with my particular
brand of insanity, i.e. making snide remarks and posting absurd yet poignant
video comments, but then, an attractive young lady caught my eye. I sent her a
message asking, “can I stalk you?” I then moved on, pleasure as usual. I felt a
twinge of regret over this vulgar remark. Women get enough trouble online. I
redacted, saying it was a joke, but I told her she was cute. She messaged me
back, saying her boyfriend thought so too. We sparred over this for a second.
First, I said I declined the challenge of winning her over; she got
tempermental, insisting she wasn’t a trophy or object. I retorted with the fact
that I’m a challenge-seeker, then went on the offensive. I said she used her
boyfriend as an object to repulse any possible advances. Before I could finish,
she called a draw, saying we should start over, with introductions. I
agreed-but not without putting my remark down on the message screen. Things
went great from that point forward. We are in a writing group & mostly
talked shop. She mentioned mental illness, several times. Hers, not mine. I
tried to ignore it, but her blog, which consisted of musings, touched heavily
and repeatedly on the topic. I brought my opinion in, saying my beliefs about
mental illness are skewed, out of whack. She seemed intrigued, but I didn’t
offer much beyond that. It’s not easy telling someone that they’re in a
farcical game. Anyway, I’m waiting to hear back from her. I sent a couple snippets
of work, hoping she enjoys them. [22] She never got back to me. Got into a
major family-related dilemma. Used FB messages, but only because this family
member, my sister, was aggressively using her phone as a weapon. Not going into
any major detail about something relatively unrelated to social media, but I
bring it up because it has left my day sour. I stare at my newsfeed and I’m
disgusted with it all. Can’t comment, can’t laugh, won’t let anyone or anything reach into this abyss. It’s a touchy
subject that has left me questioning my familial relationships…yet again.
Social media has a way of aggrandizing smaller problems. Blowing them into
catastrophes; I’m going to stay off, play some stupid a*s video games, hope
things turn out for the better tomorrow. The girl? I’m worried about her too.
She fell off the radar completely. I’ll send a quick message; see if she’s got
a pulse. Other than that, I better stick to my creature comforts and call it a
night. Addendum: Got some positive news. She responded. Talked about spending
time with her weapon er, boyfriend. I told her I was in the dumps, said
goodbye. A really cool girl who owns a Tarot business threw a comment my way.
It concerned the difficulties of living in a place where you don’t feel your work
is appreciated-this concerns Tarot, one of my many interests. It was nice to
hear from her. Somewhat brightened my mood, gave me hope for tomorrow. 10/17/16: A leap Forward [13] After some usual activity, I had an epiphany. Well, I had finally
crystallized a concept into a succinct, workable idea: FB uses the Joseph
Campbell monomyth as a pillar for their newsfeed algorithms. I can sense the
change in the current flow of my work by understanding this. If I can only
express it eloquently, in differing ways, for everyone I know braving the Tides
as I am, then we can undertake the journey together. Hijack it as well. Show
humanity we need more than formulas and algorithms to really grow. We need the
human touch back in administration of FB. I want to be a part of it. Maybe
they’ll start listening with turned up hearing aids now. I don’t worry too much
about my fellow sailors at this point. I need to reach out to the Giants. The players
who are already hip to this concept. Some may be individuals, but I think most
people are adrift. People…unless they’re clandestine. Surreptitiously working
the system within. I need to adjust my sights. Start looking at and through the
Game. I’m renewed, refreshed in my journey. I feel a shift in the winds. Maybe
I’ll find portage yet. [14] So much for smooth sailing. Between the shallow
character of most & my family life creeping me out, everything today is
pointing to holding anchor. I’m running around my little boat, trying to mend
everything; the elements of heated tempers, poor discussion, lack of intrigue,
overwhelming & exhausted support systems are testing my abilities as
captain. Ok, enough of the metaphor for a second. Time to get real. People are
being dicks, plain and simple. My mom is tired, my sister & her family are
pissed off at me, I’m a little testy. I got into a verbal battle in a Satanists
discussion group. There were two people in the group who were looking for a
fight for fighting sake. I gave them what they wanted. I was kicked out. I’m glad.
Nothing decent or respectable came from what was titled a philosophical
discussion group. It was primarily the fault of an admin. She was a c**t,
period. Slammed my post about FB and the mystic algorithm. I brought back my
own dish: she was a poser. She knew it. So, she kicked me. I’m a little heated,
but all in all I won the day. Moving forward is the motto. Keep mending the
sails. Yes, and back to the metaphor! [16] About ready to join a discussion
about taking my Tarot reading to the “next level”. Not sure if there is a next
level; only attention and money. Anyhoo, feeling strange. Lightheaded. Spent a
fair amount of time humping the keyboard today. Between posts and writing, I’ve
got a bit of computer afterburn going here. Something else is happening though.
I started getting pretty deep into Lucifer discussion via a group. Now I feel
like a lightbulb is turned on in my brain. Makes one feel kind of stupid
frankly. Like you’re on top of the world, but in an empty sense. Like nothing
outside the body matters. That’s dangerous territory. I’ve been here before, I
know. Best thing to do is stay busy. Focus on the projects and goals one wants
to achieve. Don’t live too deep in the mind. Might also be all the caffeine,
but either way, I know that diligence, sensitivity and focus will pull me
through. To put it in the language of the Tidal Storm, I’ve hit a hot, dry
wind. Best work on staying calm. Staying the course. 10/18/16: Lights Ablaze [12] One of
the groups I entered, A Lucifer-themed group, has been an excellent base camp
for my occult ideas and opinions. Compared to the Satanist/LHP group, they are
worlds apart. The Satanist group was a joke compared to the people I’ve
discovered in this group. I already have been supported and encouraged to keep
putting down everything I can. Not only that, a new experiment has come to
mind. I’ll leave out the details as such, since this isn’t about other work. I
want to keep my focus centered on the FB experience here. I’ve found an island.
Now, I can’t keep anchor for long, for there is more to explore, but I think
I’ve found a remedy to the feeling of being adrift. Newsfeed is too chaotic.
It’s not a place for grounding or centering topical, deep discussion or
thought. You can easily be deceived into thinking it is, esp. since there are a
lot of amazing posts by the Giants (and your friends who copy and paste from
said Giants) which makes you think your posts will elicit the same provocation,
but they won’t. You’re shouting into a Tidal Storm. So, I think in my
synopsis/stratagems, groups and the topical nature of those groups will be a
key to surviving, even enjoying the seas. [17] Haven’t spent much time online.
Been running around, helping mend the wounds from family affairs. Not
particularly in the mood for FB or social media right now anyway. Getting ready
for dinner; more errands in a couple hrs. 10/19/16 Slow, Steady [14] I’ve begun to feel that there is very little for me to
glean from my fellow group members. Most of them seem to need my advice and
help more than I need theirs. I began by bringing a couple new topics up. I
quickly realized most people don’t want to live in solutions; they want a
soapbox to complain from. This soapbox-complaining usually leads to more
frustration and complaining. Everyone then agrees on how great it is that their
support…[23] Whoa: going through a lot of emotional turmoil tonight. One of my
favorite guys, Dr. Wayne Dyer, passed away a year ago(ish). I only found this
out tonight. For some reason, it made me burst into tears. I’ve barely read his
work, only loosely know what he did for the world, but for some reason, it hit
me like a ton of bricks. Bawled. Still incredibly moved by it. There was a lot
else I was doing (questioning my identity, my reason for living) but then…I
found this out. It’s hard to write at the moment. I’m going to bed. I need to
process some feels. There’s this mixed up vortex in me and I feel a little
nauseous. Bliss, sadness, hope, shame…it’s all colliding. Not sure what it’s
doing to my will or my psyche, but I’ve got to stay on track with my other
priorities. Got a busy day tomorrow. Lot of running around. Tired. Done for the
evening. 10/20/16: Old Wounds Close [10] Still
reeling from the unexpected outburst of emotion I had last night. It has
spurned me to recognize that there are many layers to the self. We may
recognize, affiliate with one-the ego is a restless reassurance of
singularity-but when in the midst of the Storm, one has to recognize that
unexpected emotions are going to well up from the ocean of feelings passively
resting within. I’m going to allow myself to endure the contradiction of anger,
love, fear, joy. In it I think is the opportunity for real growth &
development of this thing I’m trying to identify as the soul. For now, I have
my group in ten minutes, so I have to keep focused on the world outside of the
web and social media. Keep a mellow temperament. I don’t think many people
delve as deep into their storm as I do. They, the outside people, would
probably call me crazy for my ideas. Nah. They’d think I was unstable, but
certainly not crazy. Alright. Time to go. 10/21/16: Not Ready [11] My posts this morning were on the offensive. I started pointing out
my views on a range of topics: breastfeeding, witchcraft, Setianism. I got a
healthy dose of anger from my readers. In the long run, I’m trying to see the
greater victory to be had in resentful people. It shows that I’m getting
through on some level. That my views are necessary for their growth. What is it
doing to mine however? I think I’m learning to be more resilient to emotional
outbursts by dissidents. I’m passionate about my views; most people take that
and turn it into outright hostility and disgust. That’s their problem, not
mine. I need to let my opinions settle for a little while. I’ve begun to
examine my time spent on social media in a more scrupulous light. I’m picking
battles that are best left unfought. Most people are going to have to learn the
hard way. I had to, numerous times. So, why am I trying to save others who
don’t want to be saved? Who don’t know they need to watch carefully the road
they’re heading down? I have a damn good life; why muck it up by embracing
their s**t? I have another long day ahead of me. No point in getting twisted
into others bullshit. I wish I could simply walk away right now. I can. I must.
For the integrity of this work and for my personal health and safety, I need to
let sleeping dogs lie. 10/22/16: Resilience Amidst Distractions [13]
Yesterday was a rollercoaster. I was in a myriad of moods: Romantic, venomous,
loving, sarcastic, lustful, sardonic. I had the full palette working. I’m
drained. I feel like I depleted my engines, now I’m on wind-currents, my own
muscles oaring. I think today is going to be a little more limited in depth
& scope. Experiencing some water on the barge, i.e. I’m exhausted; I wrote
a lot on my profile, posted a ton of memes and videos. Now, I am going to limit
my reactions in this log. I need to start gathering up the best of my posts,
putting it into an organized, coherent structure, for this book. That should be
my project for the day. I’ll glean the best/worst since embarking on the stormy
seas. Maybe include my other profiles; at the very least describe why I created
other profiles & what purpose they served. For now, I need to rest, eat
something. I’m on about 4 hours sleep…s**t, I’m abbreviating. It’s time to get
offline for a while. 10/25/16: Harken To Port [6] I’ve
been limiting my time on FB. Something is telling me that all my thrashing,
milling about is both insignificant and counterproductive to the larger scheme
of my life. Even writing this book seems like an exercise in meaningless
futility. I want this work to reach a particular breed of individual, but
something tells me that no matter how much honesty, how much poignancy I
deliver the message, they’re not going to pick up this book. Is this even a
book anymore? I told myself the “captain’s log” was going to be experimental in
nature; it hasn’t been much more than a journal of reflections. I think I’m
afraid to experiment in any rigorous way. Why? Because the
security/psychological operations taking place on social media. It’s visible,
palpable. People are stunningly aware of it. I’ve even seen YouTube videos that
allude strongly to it. Nobody is directly talking about it, as expected, but
the two breeds of people I traffic in-the ones I sense are genuine versus the
fake internet trolls-aren’t showing much interest in anything I say or do, no
matter how provocatively delivered. I’ve been fucked with, for sure. I’ve had
the storms threaten my tiny bandwidth ship, but it’s been minor compared to the
hurricanes I remember before my level of self-awareness increased. Also,
something very different seems to trouble the waters: the occult and esoteric
stuff I used to be more heavily involved in has altogether vanished from the
scene. I don’t see any more prominent fan pages dealing with these topics
popping up on my newsfeed. I also don’t see the level of extreme activism
politically that I used to. I’ve searched around for both. The former has
deleted a lot of their tracks while the latter has quit being an interest to
me, so it’s algorithm-driven stirrings are dwindling. I think today I’m going
to instigate a little more than usual; for the former, I’m going to blatantly
bring up the dilemma. Where have all the esoteric and occult pages gone? Why
aren’t they showing up anymore? For the latter, I’m going to leave well enough
alone. I know there’s plenty of political garbage and hoopla. I don’t want any
part of it. I know it’s intertwined with the occult, but it doesn’t have to be.
[10] Yeah, something has changed. I got quite a few likes, but nobody could
offer a decent explanation. Looks like whatever work the powers that be were
doing a few years back has drastically slowed down. I’m uploading videos on
YouTube, hoping they get someone to notice them. We’ll see what that does. My
attitude towards YouTube is equally disturbed as FB. However, due to the
one-way interaction that it mostly consists of, it may be exactly what I need.
I’m sick of feeling like my thrashing about on FB is getting me nowhere.
Hopefully someone sees my work on YouTube. Nobody f*****g reads anymore. I
don’t. I did in prison, but out here, I rely on sources of entertainment from
other sources. FB is for government trolls. Fucked off. 10/27/16: New Waters [13] Today isn’t about FB. I’ve been talking to a close friend. In two
ways she has directed me to alter the course of my ship: I need to help her
with an article/blog about medicinal mushrooms, homeopathy, natural care. In
other words, help her advertise for her line of work. She has also discussed
with me the tone or messages I’ve been relaying on my wall. I have been
adventurous, bold, but she’s concerned. When I hear her, I listen. I’ve been
down the FB tempest too often, often with her jumping on board my vessel,
trying to advise me. I’m behaving very differently with her. I used to throw
her advice in with the rest of the self-help hoopla I get. Now, not so much.
She’s been a hard-working, extremely successful woman amidst her own personal
Tidal Storm. I would do well to take advice from her when it is given. I also
gave her a Tarot card reading. It basically confirmed that her request was a
move in the right direction, for both of us. I also got a signal that she needs
to beware; someone or something is attempting to sabotage her vessel. Not sure
if it’s an outright mutineer or if it’s the nature of the seas we sail, but
there was something telling me to warn her. I know she listened to my reading
with respect and attentive focus, because she said she loves me. Not in a
sexual or even romantic way-she quickly added that one-but simply “pure love”.
I think there is hope for a more intimate relationship with her, but certainly
not now in my life. I need to focus on industry, resilience, commitment to my own
life goals before I adjust my sails. Writing is certainly something I’m
struggling with. Today however feels like a new day. I need to get to work. No more pussyfooting around my projects
or commitments. Why has it taken me so long to realize that? [15] Griped about
FB’s ludicrous treatment of individuals. Said I noticed how few of my friends’
posts I see…nobody responds 10/29/16: Currents South [11] Started
working on the mushrooms project a bit more. I get the feeling my friend is a
bit scattered in her approach. Airhead is the term that comes to mind. I don’t
doubt her intelligence, but I doubt her methods, her approach, her confidence
in me perhaps. She seems to have been disappointed by men in the past &
uses that as a reason to not get too involved in anything they’re committed to
doing or saying. Makes sense. I hope I don’t let her down. Now, to return to
the broader issues: I’m quickly learning that social media in general is
entertainment for most people. It’s a pastime, yet I’m treating it much more
seriously than that. I think it comes down to an issue of work-ethic and
character; in most people I see the lazy side of them through social media. We
live in a world shaped by ideas: one of those ideas is that human beings are
generally class driven. That there are “lazy” people and then “productive”
people. I want to blow that concept out of the water. I want people to see that
you can be both; that you don’t have to let your social conditioning determine
your outlook or behavior. You can be lazy for a while, even for a significant
period of time. Then you can decide to turn it around, be motivated,
industrious. It reminds me of a character in the movie Erin Brokovich: her
on-off again boyfriend was a construction worker. He would work himself to the
bone for half the year, then he’d take the other half and ride his motorcycle,
or spend time with Erin & her kids. He was probably the most stable and
kind character in the movie. Erin was always having to worry about putting
bread on the table for the kids. Make sure they had “stability”. Deep down
though, she wished she knew how to live like him. I want to model him. He’s an
excellent prototype for someone who defies the rigidity of society and the
roles they want us to perform. Probably why I’m writing, or want to become a
writer. Writing allows that degree of flexibility; at least in my mind it does.
I know there’s many types of writers: the “great American novel” type, the
workhorse, the behind-the-scenes, the journalist etc. Where do I see my writing
taking me? Well, one that doesn’t fit into these academic little peg-holes for
one. Why not be multiple types? 10/31/16: Jaded [9] Not
going to spend a lot of time on FB, or online today. For one, its Halloween.
Second, and more importantly, I feel like all this time and energy spent online
is a monumental waste of time. Nothing constructive is going on. Most folk seem
to be where I’m at. Shitposting, as it is famously coined, seems to permeate
everywhere. Every bit of info or entertainment seems stupider, more boring,
even more mentally exhausting than the last. As for my project with my friend,
she hasn’t even asked about it. I’m not going to do something nice for her if
she can’t even pretend to show interest. She’s got enough going on outside the
world of lames and rejects-the world of social media[JO1] . She really doesn’t need more
attention or publicity. As for the work, “helping hone my craft”, I can do that
with my projects; I don’t need another distraction, no matter how relevant or
constructive it seems. Honestly, I can’t believe how much effort and time I’ve
put into impressing a bunch of people I could really care less about. If they
all died the next day, I’d pull my sad face, then I’d move on. Nah; that isn’t
true. I’m simply not in a good head space about the whole platform right now.
So, I’m going to treat myself: play some games, enjoy my coffee, and see where
the morning leads. 11/1/16: Rhythmic Dissonance [17] Writing
slump: I’ve been juggling a lot of priorities & I need to reevaluate what’s
important, how much time I spend on FB, games, classes etc. Now that I think of
it, things aren’t going as bad as I’m making it sound. I should start setting
up more rigid times for leisure vs. working. This is work, it’s important.
Right now is an excellent time in my life. I have resources, tons of free time,
my legal problems aren’t pressing me to the point of resentment or frustration.
How does this tie into my social media Tidal Storm? Well, things online have
been tumultuous. I’ve had to block and unfriend a couple people. I get the
distinct impression that many of my fellow sailors are in much more dire
straits than I am. A lot of folks are defensive, even outright hostile, toward
anything that could require them to get out of their shell. Finding out
people’s true colors isn’t difficult; how does it affect me? Mostly disbelief
that I could let so many be friends to my online persona. I used to crave
attention. I wanted as many friends as I could get. I’ve drastically changed
that. I realize now that there are far too many unhappy, resentful people in
the world. Worse, they’ll bring me down. I think it was a savior complex I
contended with too: if I could get people to feel better, wake up to the
awesome possibilities our small lives can offer, then I’d wake up to that
notion. It wasn’t other people who woke me up to that however; it was my hard
work & determination to find the diamond in the rough. I think I’ve found
it. I need to polish it, cherish it in quiet, but open gratitude. For instance,
I’m at an amazing restaurant right now; I want to enjoy my meal, the atmosphere
of happy people. So, it’s time to relax. I’ve rode many miles on my bike today.
I need nourishment. I also want to kick back, maybe check out all these
notifications; see if anyone is finally feeling as upbeat as I am. 11/3/16
Silent Watch [7] Taking a
step back from my interactions on FB. I’ve been doing some side-reading
concerning the character of individuals who spend excessive amounts of time on
social media; I fall, or at least fell, into that category. The studies outline
two major issues: the aforementioned character of people who use social media
in excess & what social media does to people’s moods and behavior. The news
is pretty grim: for the former, most studies have proven that the people who
spend excessive time posting and commenting using FB or other social media
struggle with depression, feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, hopelessness
about where their lives are going. The latter studies were equally dismal &
foreboding: most people, when viewing their friends’ posts, aren’t inspired or
motivated. In fact, the primary emotion felt was envy. I began to think about
my self-imposed Tidal Storm: what am I doing on this expedition? Am I trying to
save something that billions of people seem unable or unwilling to change? How
will my efforts, with my tiny group of friends (I have barely 100 friends &
most of them are unknown outside the online world) make any difference in the
monstrous, algorithmic beast that is FB? Perhaps I suffer the delusion that
some Giant is watching my posts; that one of the monster-makers or, to stay
true to the character of my theme, one of the Neptunian emissaries, was
carefully altering the course of the Tidal Storm by exactly what I said &
who I said it to. I seem to no longer suffer such delusions of grandeur.
Perhaps a bit of back-story to why I felt this way is in order. Over the next
few days, as my voyage harkens to port, as I stay away from posting and
commenting, I will tell my tale. It may not be safe to discuss every aspect or
detail or summation, since it involves secret societies, the occult, government
security, but it is a tale that I need to tell. Even as I write the prelude a
little voice is telling me, “if you write this, your book will never be
published.” Well, I have doubts it’ll be published anyway. Print, writing,
writers, the literate scene is dying in our fast-paced, information junkie age.
People want rapid-fire content, no hundreds of pages about a single subject.
So, I figure Im writing this primarily for myself. Worse case scenario, if for
some act of the gods this does see fit in the eyes of some shark lit. agent,
then I can always omit, or alter the tale so that it’s safe for myself and
readers to publish. 11/4/16 Weapon of
Storm-Wars [13] I’ve discovered a new, potent sailing technique on FB; tagging. I’ve
decided to tag all my friends in original posts. It ensures people read my
posts. I’ve agitated quite a few individuals this way. For starters, most
people don’t know the basics of their privacy settings. This is a wonderful
opportunity to learn. It posts it on their timeline, which can be seen by those
easily offended as obtrusive, but I want to make sure they’re reading my stuff.
I’m tired of only getting 1 or 2 likes from a dwindling audience of friends.
Further, I want to encourage others to do the same. Get to know who your
friends on FB are. Show you do care by including them in your posts. I think
it’s going to drastically make people look at exactly what and how they’re
using social media. Armed with this new defense against a growing, dark tide, I
think I can brave the waters. Brave it by knowing there are others in the seas.
Others who I know want to have an authentic social media experience. This is an
amazing tool for enhancing communication. Now it’s effective too. 11/7/16: Once Again, Jaded [14] I’ve
altogether given up the Tidal Storm, even becoming a writer altogether. I’m
locked into this belief that there are simply too many other people who want it
more than I do. Perhaps it’s an eye of the Storm. Perhaps I’m in a good place
with my FB experience. Something is very different; the esoteric and occult has
altogether retreated from the scene. I feel like the last couple years were a
test; there were a lot of talks about secret societies, the occult & its
ties to the power structure of the world. Now, I can’t find anything. What few
encounters I have had recently are fringe outliers. Nobody or nothing of any
real consequence. I need to weigh the gravitas of what I’m saying…consequence.
Am I looking for a fight? Looking to join some group? No. Then why do I insist
on antagonizing? Insist on rehashing a terrible, difficult, past experience? I
think it had to do with an insecurity I once had; I used to feel disconnected,
alone. Well, I found connection alright. Now, I want mostly to be left alone. I
want to live my life free of the entaglments and entrapments of society. For
example, I’m writing thiop a plateau overlooking Boise, my hometown. I feel at
peace. I feel serene. I feel…above the bullshit that I once sought online. I’m
also out of that hell-hole: prison. So, I’m still adjusting a bit. Adjusting to
living a life of pleasure and joy. I’m not free of my legal problems, but it
won’t be long until I am. I can sense that. So the big question: do I still
want to be a writer? Do I want my rantings to reach an audience? Am I willing
to make this a craft? I have a lot of open-ended questions here. Questions that
need to be answered through action, not words. Well, maybe words too. You know
what I’m saying I hope. This started out intended to be written for an
audience, now it seems like it has become my personal log. That’s not good.
That shows I’m not putting in the right effort for the spirit of this endeavor.
I can keep a personal log; this should be about my social media theses. Alas, I
don’t think I want a lot to do with social media anymore. Its become hollow,
estranged, commercialized. People on it don’t seem to mind. How can you tell
them repeatedly how much better it could be when they’re already satisfied with
what it is? I've been trying my damndest to show people that FB shouldn’t be a
copy and paste-fest. That our walls should be about our lives, not the
artificial world. Nobody but a couple people seem to understand that. I have
one friend who does his original art: poetry and drawings mostly. He gets a
couple likes, despite having 500 or so friends. He’s nonplussed by the lack of
attention or the lack of provocation his work gets. He says that’s their
choice. Fair enough. Maybe I can adopt the same attitude. Keep showing my
stuff, even if it doesn’t get a lot of attention, it’s out there… 11/11/16: Dry Land [8] Most of
my FB time has been severely limited the last few days. I’m not entirely sure
social media is something I want to stay connected to. What troubles me most is
that I used to get a sense that I was connecting to something powerful,
something behind-the-scenes, some overseer. Now, I get the impression that
whatever that was has lost its interest in me. I’m no longer afraid of it, so
it has no more time for my histrionics. Fair enough; I never wanted to be amid
a Tidal Storm. I wanted to connect to people who were as passionate and
intriguing as I was. I wanted to learn what was going on in my world through
the eyes of great explorers of the psyche and of this world. I get the feeling
that those people aren’t on FB. They’ve jumped out of the Storm. Too many
dangers, risks to their reputation. Too much to lose, far too little to gain. I
could be wrong. I doubt I am however. One of my favorite fiction authors, Tom
Robbins, doesn’t have a FB page. My favorite voice actor/musician, Brendan
Small, also the case. I think they realized simply by glancing at what FB
offers, glancing at the temperament of the individuals who use FB, that it was
too dicey. Also too stupid. People have been finding authentic ways to connect
since the dawn of time: through work, through travel, through messages in
bottles for Christ sakes. Although it was the roots of social media, it has
sorely lost touch with that. It’s become an arena for the Giants, the
weather-makers of the storms most of us foolish, solitary sailors brave. Only
they have the power to make the changes necessary for the Storm to abate, the
seas to become bountiful. They own FB, not us. Another example of how power
finds ways to corrupt through the ancient agencies and societies. I also notice
since my dive into FB I often have a little voice in my head that randomly
chides, “No” or, “Don’t do/say/write that” I’m genuinely afraid for my
well-being. I’m overtly cautious. Part of that mind you is due to my legal
Tidal Storm, which is inextricably bound to my thirst for social media. Yet
again I think that is exploited by the powers that be. I don’t think I’m alone
in that conundrum. Not sure where this confessional segment is leading to. Yeah
I do: It’s leading to me abandoning this mission. Maybe steering it in a new
direction. I’m tired of the repetitive, banal, saccharine, terrifying Storm
that social media has inadvertently-at first it was inadvertent, but later it
became a goading, a provocation on my part to the Giants-bought into my life.
I’m ready for dry land. I’m ready to return to a life where I don’t think or
worry about what others are going to think of how I spend my time. It’s none of
their business frankly, esp. since I get none of theirs. I wil however pop in from time to time, see if
these thoughts stir up the waters a bit; see if there is still something left
in these hostile, barren seas. 11/14/16: Calling Back [9] I woke
up this morning, checked my FB-I’ve been avoiding it for several reasons, some
others, less crisis and more recreationally focused-and got a feeling: FB, who
or whatever, wants me back. Something is telling me they miss me. My wall was
surrounded by the people who’ve touched my lives the most, with the best
material I’ve seen in a long time. I also found a group of left hand
practitioners, particularly Setians. Not as excited as I was a while ago about
the whole Temple and joining. I’m flatlining spiritually. Part of that is video
games; I notice when I play them to excess my life outside of them seems to
become less important, duller even. I think I’m entreating to them because I
felt rejected by FB. Now, it’s trying to tell me I’m not rejected. Maybe, maybe
not. Am I excited to plunge my heart and soul into something that I feel has
essentially bullied me? Something that has made me fear for my well-being, more
than once? Something that has put me in touch with some of the most awesome,
mysterious teachings, most inexplicably amazing but simultaneously stupefying
feelings in my whole, small, pathetic life? Not yet: I’m hurt frankly. I’m hurt
that I’ve made myself into such a tool, for the pleasure and satisfaction of
some force on social media that I’m sure exists but refuses to make itself
known. I need a direct, open sign that I’m not only welcome, but that I’m
special d****t. I know that’s unfair to ask; but I feel like I’ve sacrificed
much for this agency or force, and to get some goddamn recognition from them
wouldn’t be asking too much in my opinion. Here goes: I’m going to jump on,
look for some sign of appeal, then either immerse myself, or entreat to my tiny
video game world. Looks like some provocative business as usual. I’m going to
have to escape the normal route to find the company I seek. I’ve got to keep
writing is what I’m being told. Can’t tell you how disgusted I get with
journaling like this. The sheer volume of feelings & interpretations makes
me think how selfish I am. Well, this work, at least this part of it, is
selfish. I’m working out and through the morale aspect of the Tidal Storm.
Keeping the crew-my own feelings, my reactions, my influence on others-in close
check. How will I ever be brave enough to try the experiential aspect of this
work if I don’t muster up the courage to process my own actions/reactions? 11/17/16: Adrift [8] Last few
days I seem to have lost total interest in social media. I think it’s the
computer game I’m playing. I seem to be in a bit of a slump with everything
because of it. Video games could be a book topic on its own. I used to be an
avid gamer, to a fault. To many faults. Video games seem to disconnect my
interest from the real world. I get wrapped up in the petty aspects of the game
as my other interests dwindle. Social media is one of the first things to go it
seems. Perhaps it has something to do with how I connect to people: why waste
time trying to impress or learn anything new when I have an entire fantasy
world I can live in? A world separate from the fickle nature of people? I also
seem to notice people around me get increasingly irritable when I get lost in
the video game world. I’m wise enough to understand that when one person finds
comfort and happiness, others want to share in that. Video games wall off the
ability to share that happiness; that is, unless you want to learn how to play
the game too. Women hate video games for this reason. They have zero interest
in the hobby, but are desperate to get the same level of care and attention
that the man is investing in their game. What does any of this have to do with
my Tidal Storm? I think I’m in a whirlpool of sorts, content to spin my little
circles, regardless of what others want to see from me. Also, regardless of any
loftier or more important goals I may have. I think this project needs to be
abandoned while I work this video game addiction out. It’s a game with endless
playability, but I will get bored of it, soon enough. I also have a couple
family-related projects in the near future; hopefully that’ll get me out of
this crosswind/whirlpool I seem stuck in. I know there is so many more valuable
things I could be doing with my time, but considering how long I’ve been away
from the simplest pleasures, I don’t feel too guilty about a bit of indulgence.
I have to closely watch that it doesn’t become a problem though; I can easily
slip. I need to start budgeting my time, to prevent over-indulgence and the
real possibility of ignoring or neglecting important matters. 12/16/16 Abandon ship!(?) [15] A lot
of changes since my last entry. My computer crashed; think the battery fried. I
hadn’t saved this work on the cloud, so I left it alone, praying my hard drive
would be intact. Thankfully, it was salvaged. Got me thinking though: is this
project a worthy cause? More importantly, am I the man who should be writing
it? I have always fancied myself a fiction writer, leaving research papers to
the English Majors and the college freshmen. Not that I didn’t do bad at it; in
fact, my English Prof. said “I think you got this better than I do”. Slam dunk
that semester. I wanted to say back, “can I have your job then?” but I held my
tongue, and took the compliment in stride. So as far as the latter question
goes, I can write nonfiction, even research-based papers. I know it’s going to
require a lot more work and commitment to gathering info via interviews, facts
about social media in relation to my Tidal Storm, articles, scholarly &
peer-reviewed sources etc. I guess the former question is the one eating at me
then. What am I trying to say? Am I doing this for money, fame, popularity? Or
am I doing it because I genuinely believe that this work could help, possibly
save people from the tempestuous currents that permeate social media? If I stay
focused, keep my mission of smooth, adventurous seas in the forefront of my
mind, don’t get swept away in simple pleasures like video games, then this book
may make it to tablet or shelf soon. As far as my sailing since my last entry,
I’d say things are very different this go around. I speak my mind, keep issues
in groups topical, relevant, and I discuss matters with sound reason, dignity,
comedy, and light-heartedness. My boat was crashed on the shores too many times
sailing the ways of the past, so I’ve retrofit my little tugger and now I am
armed with new nautical prowess. [22] Social media has taken a major sidetrack
for now. I’m noticing that the gamer circles are where most of my ilk seem to
spend their time these days. We’re being drawn into an electronic matrix; my
generation particularly seems to stand on the precipice. I was born with a
Nintendo controller in my hand. Is it a major distraction? The fall of the
empire? It certainly seems that way. This is what took the Romans down. They
became so enamored with fantasy that they didn’t care when the ground was swept
beneath their feet. I get the feeling that this is why middle America is
disappearing. I’m every bit as guilty too now. I want to devote so much of my
time playing in creations of others, paying them money that they’ve been taught
to collect…I’m trying to elevate myself by seeing the whole picture and where I
stand in it. I realize how small I really am. How…played out I am. I’m going to
have to look at my gaming with a leery eye. James, a guy I was in prison with,
was sucked in by the entertainment industry. He knew it too. He had a venom
tattoo inked, covering his entire torso, while in the slammer. Huge f*****g
loser, but in a sad, desperate for belonging kind of way. Now, by handing these
goons my time and my money, I realize how similar we really are. I may not have
done anything as stupid as that, but I did just cough up appx 5% of my gross
income on a video game. How much time I will let it consume is what really
matters now. I’m writing all this in my “social media” Tidal Storm because it
seems like FB is another video game. A game in which people construct digital
personas, collect pictures, videos, memories, “friends”…well, what’s so
sinister here? How is this related to a video game? Because, none of it is
real. Real in the sense that our flesh and blood is no longer in the picture. A
2-d image, wrapped around bits of data, is not the real thing. It is also
slowly infiltrating our overpopulated planet. It all reminds me of a culling, a
ritualistic sacrifice. Like we’re pawns in the creator’s games, who are only
pawns in another creators game, who in turn, are the pawns in our game,
digitally reconstructed by our minds and our machines. Then, if this disgusts
me so much, why do I buy it? Why do I “like” it? Because I see that we can’t
simply unplug from this thing. It’s here to stay. We must learn how to blend
the play, the fantasy world, with the real world. Is it ever possible? Pokemon
Go seems to be trying to aim that way. However, it doesn’t allow for people to
really interact with the world, to grow, to change, to leave your mark.. No…you
only walk into a place, get your stupid pokemon, and move on. We need to be
able to make our own pokemon…holy s**t! This may be something. Maybe we can get
a grassroots digital reality platform! I’m thinking we get devices that allow
us to interact with the world…for instance, a device that can scan for real
objects, tell us information about it, also digital creations, whether they be
a poem someone left there, directions to someone’s party, you name it! Joe…this
is big. 12/17/16: Sidebar [11] As far
as second drafts/revisions go, most of this isn’t going to make the topical or
relevant cut. So…why am I writing it here? For fear that I have lost interest
in social media; I’ve hit dry land. Also, I’m pretty doped up on narcotic
painkillers for the next few days, so bear with me. I bought an overpriced
video game last night. Here’s the kicker: my pc doesn’t cut the graphics card
cut, so it looks like I’m playing on Playstation 2…or worse. Also, the game
design isn’t set up well for computers so to get the most out of my crappy
game, I’d need a crappy game controller to hook up. The bigger picture? How
does this pertain to social media in any way? Well…it doesn’t not one bit. I
did post my holy-s**t million dollar idea on FB last night. The one about
digital reality meeting the objective world. Haven’t even checked for
responses. Whoa…mom’s FB notification clicked the moment I finished typing
that. We all are wifi connected to the Giants these days. It’s not anything to
be afraid of. If you feel like it’s an intrusion, an infiltration to some
sacred temple you’ve made up, then unplug, simple as that. Including my cat. I
wonder if this connection has always been there; computers only opened my eyes
to it. I think that’s true. Anyhow, I’m not in a particularly lucid or inspired
mood (thank you stupid mind rotting video games) so I think I’m going to try
and save face for my bonehead move. Try playing the game a little bit…feel like
such a tool right now. 12/31/16: Resolute Resolutions The New Year
is approaching, and in the spirit of a new beginning, I am getting firmer on my
commitments; first and foremost to my writing. I’m going to get back on track.
I’ve had enough time to lull myself with video games and TV. For this work, I’m
going to start compiling my previous posts, review and reflect, and put it in a
context that pertains to the Tidal Storm. I know its been too long: my Tidal
Storm has entered dull, shallow waters. I’m disappointed frankly. I’ve been
booted without explanation from many of the groups I was previously excited to
be in. I think the total lack of explanation is what is most insulting. How can
I fix if I don’t know what offended? I was in well over 20 groups; 10 of which
were ripe and ferment. Now, I think I’m in about 10 & none of them are
terribly appealing. Banal even. Let me hop on and take a gander at the wreckage
and see if any are worth salvaging. Hmm…I’m actually in 32 groups still,
including my own and seldom used/posting group: Onionitis. Many of them are
quite active. I don’t get a lot of their activity on my wall however. I need to
adjust my settings so I get more notifications of their activity. Several of
the groups are writing, a few remaining esoteric, a couple inspirational…I
deleted the “adult” ones I joined in my click-happy fervor. Yes, it was a
shameful act. I personally think social media can do without pornography.
There’s plenty of that trash online. Now, the female form, in a truly artistic
motif, can be a wonderful delight, but alas, these groups aren’t really
promoting that. I know a few do, and I give them a chance if I happen to
notice. For the most part, fan-sites or pages seem to be where that gem lies.
Now, back to the matter at hand: Am I going to brave the deeper waters in hopes
of adventure? How will I man the vessel? I think a series of experiments in my
posting, comments, and reviews are what need to be shaken up, in order for this
Storm to reach Paradise. Time to start planning for the voyage. First, I will
begin by getting more involved in the groups I remain a part of; they’ve kept
me this long, I owe it to them and myself to be more active. Then, I’m going to
try rejoining several that have kicked me. I will explain if questions arise or
defend myself if necessary. That I think is going to be the first anchor I reel
in. So what if I was kicked once? Try again, and see what happens. 2/25/17: My Ship Returns [9] I’ve been landlocked. By that I mean, I’ve been
completely off-track of almost every writing project. I caught the video game
bug pretty hard for a while there. It’s working its way out of my system, but
some major damage was done. My ship crashed on the rocks of insecurity, lack of
vision, and outright laziness. I’ve been on the complacent little island called
VideoGamma for too damn long. I even started playing World of Warcraft(!), a
game I swore I’d never get into for it’s supposed addictive playability.
Fortunately, I didn’t find the game to be all that enthralling; in fact it was
worse than many of the MUDs I used to play, back when I was a teen. Anyway, on
this Saturday Morning, my resolve is steeling again. Now, I haven’t been
completely neglectful of social media. In fact, I’ve made several startling
discoveries. I’ve been protected the last couple months. I believe a friend,
whom I met in a Luciferian group, put in a good word for me. Ever since I’ve
met him, the bullshit drama has almost completely subsided. I feel like I’m no
longer under “the eye” of the Giants. If I am, I’ve been granted a degree of
leniency that I’ve never had in my past expeditions. How do I show my thanks?
By being a coward. A lazy coward at that. I’ve only recently come to realize
how grateful I should be. There’s also a Setian-run FB I’ve been active in. I
even have had brief encounters with Don Webb, a former leader of the ToS. He’s
incredibly busy, intelligent…but I think he sees something in me. I think he
see all my weaknesses, but maybe he see something else too. It shouldn’t
matter: what do I see in myself? Again, there’s a lot of negativity I need to
shrug off if I’m sailing with my freak flag hung high. It starts today. I had
my 5 year Facebook anniversary a couple day back. I think that is a hallmark
that needs recognition in this work. Todays agenda? Find ways to show
appreciation for my newfound warder by getting back to work on this. So, how am
I going to achieve that? By pulling together an outline for this book, by
gathering my personal and scholarly research, by striking into the favorable
winds that now lap against the new, reinforced hull of my Tidal Storm ship.
[13] A small newfound sense of hope fills the sails. I suddenly realized I need
to work on visualization with regards to my fiction work (maybe may nonfiction
too…). I’ll either create or look for some good topics for short storytelling.
3/12/17: Amidst the Maelstrom [10] Well, I’ve done it again. No major
harm, but I have somehow simultaneously alienated and intrigued the highest
caliber of people I’ve ever met online. I went on this huge tirade both on my
wall and in a group, about all my whiny little insecurities, both as a writer,
and as a follower of the LHP. It was over the line, and I had to delete it. I
got little hints and cues from FB, but it ultimately came down to my decision.
I did save the documents, since as a prose project, there is some merit to
them, and who knows, maybe down the line I’ll get a kick out of reading them,
remembering what a fool I was. So much feels like it’s changed in the past
couple months. I’ve got a whole new adventure starting here, both in the
digital world, and in my life beyond. I’ve got some personal issues which may
put a constraint on my time to surf and writing looming over the mists of the
next week or two, and I guess a lot of my conniption fit revolved around my
insecurity and disdain for what I see approaching. Honestly, I know somehow,
things will find a way of working around and out. I’ve got a good feeling about
the future. Something in my head keeps telling me this writing thing is going
to pay off, if I do it with some virtue, some real passion above virtue even.
It is creeping into my bones deeper, each passing click of the keyboard of
stroke of the less-often-used pen. I am starting to believe that I’ve got
something here. My next step is staying topical; I’ve got a horrid propensity
to shift gears, and lose sight of major projects, when I’m in my fury, or
rapture. I want to write past all those jackets and veneers, I want to write
the blood song coursing through my veins. It keeps telling me if I love it,
really love it, then by all means, carry on. You’ll know when it’s time to put
the gears to the grindstone once again. What does that mean? See, I keep using
this coded talk, and it feels correct. More correct than talking normal. Gears
to the grindstone: introducing structure and format to my harkening glee. If
this work ultimately reaches an audience, I want there to be relatable wisdom,
advice, and experience using FB, and maybe other social media devices. So in
that regard, I offer this pearl: If you really want to change, if you want to
laugh, love and learn, try going beyond the newsfeed. Use it as a ground, but
not as your sole source of information and entertainment. Facebook, I’m
starting to see, is kind of like a launch-site. It gets your ideas stimulated,
gets your sense of adventure sparked, but if you sit in it, without going
beyond, it loses its luster, and you end up a whiny hypocrite. If, however, you
show the medium and yourself some respect, you can go a long way, even if it’s in
circles. There is a hidden formula, a
secret doctrine under the aegis of FB. I believe Joseph Campbell’s monomyth is
a fundamental aspect of the doctrine. What is the secret doctrine, pray tell?
It’s to live as if you wanted to be a better person. If you can do that, FB can
help. If you already know it all, and need to impress others, then it’s going
to nurture that, then swipe it out right underneath your feet, and make you
feel so small you may wish you were dead. It’s a part of the doctrine. No
matter what, it’s an instrument of creative change; everything else is merely
proxemics. Where does this leave me, in my Tidal Storm? It leaves me out in the
middle of the ocean, sextant in hand, dressing the sails for the next gust. [JO1]Is
this how I really feel about social media? Or is it more complex? Expound if
yes © 2017 JoeO |
Added on March 12, 2017 Last Updated on March 12, 2017 Author![]() JoeOBoise, IDAboutBeen writing seriocomically for the last couple years. Feels like I'm starting to find my voice. Working on a couple novels (little here and there), but am basically writing anything and everything th.. more..Writing