Problem Analysis & Solution Experimentation

Problem Analysis & Solution Experimentation

A Chapter by JoeO

Discussing objectives and circumstances


Problem Analysis & Solution Experimentation:

            The first problem, the most glaring problem, is monumental. We’re talking about a very serious, broad, even universal problem inherent to civilization. The macrocosm has become the microcosm: we’ve let our desire build a prison around us. We’ve let rules & policies, profit & procedure become more valued than the ideals they naturally espouse will comfort & ease our lives. I’ve seen firsthand people not help each other or feed each other when another was starving because the rules say, “no way Jose”, both on, & offline. So this one problem, if it can be brought to some solution, may begin to unravel every other single issue or dilemma of my Facebook Tidal Storm; then, maybe once again, the microcosm will expand into many of the issues/dilemmas with our lives beyond the Tidal Storm.

            I know that politeness has an important place on FB; without it, many relationships, pages, posts, accounts could quickly fall into shambles. Often what we say on social media is a knee-jerk reaction; something we say without considering the medium & it’s implications. This is why the comment section is often referred to as the “trollbox”. Unless you’re one of the Giants (celebrity, organization, government, corporation), It is where the most interesting interactions of the post end up. As far as the Giants go, 90% of the comments get thrown to the ghostly nether regions; buried in a sea of blasé responses. I’ve seen keen perspectives-perspectives more shocking & poignant than the original post-untouched (save may haps by me & the commentator’s alone) by the endless swarms of social media sailors. Why? Probably because of the format-content foremost i.e. because it wasn’t delivered in a rapid-fire presentation that the newsfeed becomes. Beyond the Giants, most people live for & within the trollbox. Comment-trains become creatures in & of their own, spurring up a slew of potential new topics. The dark side of the equation is that it becomes a cyber pissing contest, a battleground for many as well; a place where they can prove who’s right, who’s smartest, toughest, most insulting etc. My personal experience with comment-sparring is to glean the best for you, your situation, & the overall relevance to the post. Leave the war; it’s already fought & won in the heads of those who insist on fighting the fight. Very few people ever bow down, ever accept they’ve been defeated. No, it becomes this divergent “look over here! I’ll win in this category” straw-man/red-herring puppet show that loses all relevance or resemblance of a fluid conversation. It’s also a sure way to get lost, sunk, even killed (it really is that serious for some people) in the Tidal Storm. You may end up exhausted, depressed…possibly suicidal as well. For you see, as shocking as it may be, there are individuals who take pleasure in doing harm in any way they can muster, even in the strictly monitored world of online social media. Such individuals usually don’t stay on long; at least in an honest or upfront way. They get lost in their own seas, their own Tidal Storm. Hopefully one or two may read & even heed my next words: beware becoming some fantasy, some tempestuous louse that nobody wants to or can relate to. Don’t become the all-seeing, all-spewing Sauron. It’s a lot easier to do than you think. I’ve lost close, even lifelong friends, because we started to see the color & definition of our stripes a little differently. Perhaps another problem which needs to be addressed: How to identify when you’ve become S**t-heel numero uno. But for now, we’ve got a full plate.

Let’s review: We want our social media authentic, colorful, & aware of the myriad facets that lurk around every obvious corner. We want to know when & how to fight, to love, to lift up & to put down. We want our digital life to accurately reflect the person we are & the person we want to be. In other words, we want to learn & have fun. That sums up the first dilemma. The second dilemma is a little more nebulous; we want our voice to matter & for it to reach people. In fact, the second problem is a major reason I’m writing this book. I feel like there’s some invisible, algorithmic noose over my social media voice. Despite my posts being public, I notice very few likes or views. Now, I am aware of the ghosts i.e. security interests that lurk about. They can & do read my work & I don’t know how much of it is saved in some area-51-esque digital storehouse to be used in favor for or against me @ some point in the future. In fact, my paranoia has become so real that I have little doubt my keystrokes are even recorded, including this book, as I write it. I doubt I’m the only one who shares this concern. But these people aren’t the ONLY ones I think need to hear my voice (I think the ever-watchful eye does to an extent. I wouldn’t remain on a computer if I didn’t think they needed to hear my voice); I need my few intimate relationships in the outside world to see & hear this side of me way more than I need the Giants to. Leave the infantile squabbling alone; seek what brought you to social media in the first place.

© 2017 JoeO

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Added on March 12, 2017
Last Updated on March 12, 2017



Boise, ID

Been writing seriocomically for the last couple years. Feels like I'm starting to find my voice. Working on a couple novels (little here and there), but am basically writing anything and everything th.. more..

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