Not a Story
A Story by JoeO
Have fun with this one 
- Get back to it then. No formality, no font, no “diary”. Write what screams in your blood. You got something there, don’t let it fizzle in the tundra fool. Keyboards are kind of sissy for the writing I want to do right now. F*****g commercials. S**t is everywhere. People are schmucks. There’s cracks though; cracks going down and sideways. Get smart and quick enough, you can find the proper cracks. That’s right Jack, not “right”, proper. As in property fool. You fall down witho...ut even looking hombre. Oh boy, here we go with the f*****g pep talk, dad. F**k it then. Chase your tail for a flash. You’ll be back. Why? Cuz I’m you, your conglomeration of drives, desires, every flick in your flicker homes. Jesus…oh now you’re f*****g Jesus? The f*****g nicknames. It’s cool dude. Shows your mind has walked into the clothing store. Shows you wanna try on a few outfits. I don’t know the name of the f*****g store. Slappy Pete’s. Hell yeah, I’d get a rockin’ pair of chinos at ol’ SP’s. Chinos? Ah, sounds cool; doesn’t look so cool. Gotcha tiger. You wanna post this clamoring cacophony on f*****g social media, don’t you, you little attention w***e. Let em all know just how hot the wheels spin in ol JoBro’s mind. Do it then, ya fruitcake. Give em a little more to play with. Come up with…nah, ideas ain’t like that. A really good idea is GRASPED, not spun out of air and gut nectar eh? Seems legit. Cool. Your mind still has plenty of tired and worn bullshit. I can work around, hell, with that. Alright…back to the big bazooka bubblegum mac. Thought you were gonna impress me…you’re letting me down right now. Come on…f*****g say it. Say it like JFK on inauguration day. Course you didn’t spell that right sloppy joe. Sloppy f*****g Joe, shopping for chinos at Home Depot…what happened to Slappy Pete? M**********r sold out. Packed the Venetian Lamp in the moving van, old SP did. He’s taken care of. It’s great…the s**t that spews from your mind mouth. It’s like butter on toast, ghost with the host. Spinning s**t too now, eh? Nah…that’s too played for ol JoBro. Ah, no more sloppy joes, good. M***********s are bland as cottage cheese. Now it’s ready. Share with your little bubble. The world wants to hear it. No they don’t. Well too f*****g bad. They do…and you know they do. Like you want to see what spooks out of their chicken coops. It’s funny, watching people’s minds click, cogs in the watch. It’s really cool when you see it as more than a f*****g hunk of metal too. Get your head back in the flower patch Bromio. It’s fun there. Now…NOW!
© 2017 JoeO
Added on March 10, 2017
Last Updated on March 10, 2017
JoeOBoise, ID
Been writing seriocomically for the last couple years. Feels like I'm starting to find my voice. Working on a couple novels (little here and there), but am basically writing anything and everything th.. more..