Wow, this was hard to read for many selfish reasons... : ) The whole of the poem is adorable, deliberate for the intended message, and in this sort of "goodbye", my heart grew heavy when I read "and pulls me up to stand by his side." ....I,usually, read you before I try to slip into dream, and this poem is hard to "hear". Who do I Love?! xoxox -Your Mark
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you. It was intended for a heart to grew heavy to rethink what are you doing. I hope it didn't.. read moreThank you. It was intended for a heart to grew heavy to rethink what are you doing. I hope it didn't give you nightmare or something.
*A hug for you, when you wake up*
Wow, this was hard to read for many selfish reasons... : ) The whole of the poem is adorable, deliberate for the intended message, and in this sort of "goodbye", my heart grew heavy when I read "and pulls me up to stand by his side." ....I,usually, read you before I try to slip into dream, and this poem is hard to "hear". Who do I Love?! xoxox -Your Mark
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you. It was intended for a heart to grew heavy to rethink what are you doing. I hope it didn't.. read moreThank you. It was intended for a heart to grew heavy to rethink what are you doing. I hope it didn't give you nightmare or something.
*A hug for you, when you wake up*
I think depth is here in your words too.
"So don’t cry if someone else
comes to me, and pulls me up
to stand by his side........."
this stanza contains some powerful words i'd say. Nicely written indeed.
Posted 12 Years Ago
0 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Thank you. This was meant for someone I once loved, and he didn't really appreciate me. It was meant.. read moreThank you. This was meant for someone I once loved, and he didn't really appreciate me. It was meant as a warning what I was felling at that time.
12 Years Ago
My pleasure :-''). I think your warning was powerful for him indeed.
What to say about me? I'm a hopeless romantic, who still believes in true love, even thou world around me does everything to convince me otherwise.
My stories are usually written in my mother langua.. more..