

A Poem by The Outlaws' Song

I dedicate this to you, my priceless hero, and i wish you were here to read these words and make your way to love




Suflet rupt,ranit,ucis


Prizonier in lanturi prins


Umbra a negrului trecut


Inger trist si muribund


Suflet spart de portelan


Tablou murdar si diafan


Redescopera ce ai fost ieri


Un colt de soare si de cer


Alunga praful suferintei


Aprinde flacara credintei




Poarta-ti pe umeri lumea grea



Copil al TImpului si-al Mortii


Expozitie de cicatrici,tu sclav al Sortii


Porti pe chip mereu o dubla masca


O parte plange,cealalta vrea sa traiasca



Te multumesti cu ce primesti


Dar faci sa para ca e ce-ti doresti


Iti cauti locul ne-ncetat


Te temi de Timp si de a fi uitat



Nume de zeu creat prin truda


Icoana grea a celor ce stiu sa auda


Nu ai motiv sa-ti fie teama de uitare


Numele tau e stanca ce in veci nu moare



Dar sufletul nu e facut din faima


Nici din monezi,nici din marire oarba


El tipa necontenit dupa iubire


Traieste prin credinta,se-nalta prin fericire



Suflet ranit tu cauta iubirea


Gaseste ingerul care sa-ti dea implinirea


Cauta sufletul care sa te-ntregeasca


Si pana la sfarsitul timpului sa te iubeasca



Cauta ingerul care te vindeca cu o privire


Caruia sa i te daruiesti fara clipire


Pe cea care de tina sa te stearga


De mana ta pana la capat ca sa mearga



Caut-o pe cea care nu-ti cere compromisuri


Dar care-ti e alaturi si in visuri


Pe cea care vrea sa iti zambeasca


Cu al ei spirit la loc sa te lipeasca



Pe cea care cu vocea cristalina


Nu te-ar lasa sa porti asupra-ti nicio vina


Pe cea care de intuneric sa te ocroteasca


Si cu a ei lumina sa te incalzeasca



Caut-o pe EA-fata care sa transforme ciobul in soare


Tabloului trist si murdar sa-i dea culoare


Perechea ta, ecoul tau frumos si vesel,jumatatea ta sortita


Gaseste-o si da-i dragostea ta atata timp ramasa nerostita



Suflet rupt, ranit, ucis


Cazut acum intr-un abis


Zambesti cand plangi si taci cand tipi


Ti-e teama de la pamant sa te ridici


Dar tu nu stii suflet nefericit


E vina ta ca speranta te-a parasit


Ai incetat sa crezi si-ai inceput sa cazi


Intr-un abis dureros si nesfarsit


Unde numai lumina ingerului tau te-ar mai putea gasi.


© 2008 The Outlaws' Song

Author's Note

The Outlaws' Song
The title translates as "Soul" and right now i am working on translating the entire poem into English. To sum it up, the poem tells the story of a man who has everything but a soul mate to love him unconditionally, to love him for what he is not for what he has..

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I would love to read the english translation. " It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not" That's my thought. The beautiful girl in this picture behind me is my 23 year old daughter. She is a senior year college student majoring in journalism. I am very proud of her. I try to inspire all the young writers I can.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I can't wait to here it in English, but at the same time, am a little disappointed that I can't read it in your native tongue. Everyone I have ever met says that the Iliad and the Oddessy are far better in their native Greek than they could ever be in any other language. I speak a descent amount of French and German and I can honestly testify to this as I find that Baudelaire and Celan are far better in their native tongues than they could ever be in English.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Suflet drag nu mai esti singur pe lume.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Your poem is a masterpiece. It has been said that a man could give everything for love and never obtain it, since it is a gift. A soul mate to love uncondionally is a true earthly treasure and worth waiting for. Please send this to me when you have translated this to English. I'm sure it's not an easy task!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on February 20, 2008


The Outlaws' Song
The Outlaws' Song

Somewhere over the rainbow...Bucharest, Romania

I was born on the25th of May,1988-a sunny spring day meant to bring joy and happiness in my family. I grew up in Romania, took piano classes from the age of 7 to the age of 14. I wrote the first poem .. more..
