Planescape Torment REBORN - PART 5: The Mortuary (Crematorium)A Story by Tommy BukowskiThe 3rd Floor of the Mortuary houses the crematorium, where corpses of people who have not signed a Death Contract are incinerated instead of being raised. There should be a hefty amount of useful ite Leaving the embalming room, you head to the stairway that
you discovered earlier in the chamber you found the embalming fluid. “Seen
anything interesting going on?” You jokingly ask the zombie worker number 821
as you walk past it. As you
address the zombie, it blinks in surprise. “Eh? Wut?” “Zombie
can talk now?” You halt, look at the corpse in front of you, and turn to look
at Morte. “He’s not a zombie, chief.” Morte
has the same disbelief on his face. The ‘zombie’ tries to respond
behind his stitched lips; he has a peculiar half-frightened, half-angry
expression. “Hoo YU? Wut yu wunt?” “Tell me who you are right now or I
call the guards.” You threaten the talking corpse. The zombie doesn’t seem to follow
your threat. He looks you up and down for a few moments, then frowns. “Wut yu
do heer?” His eyes narrow suspiciously. “Yu spy on Duhstees?” “I’m asking the questions, tell me
what YOU’RE doing here before I call the guards.” You put on an angry frown. There must be something in your eye
that makes the zombie’s expression crumble. “nuh-nuh-no! dun’t cull th’ gards!”
He looks even more frightened. “muh-muh-me spy un Duhstees, say wut i see.
Nuh-nuthin’ more.” “Spy? For who?” The zombie falls into a frightened
silence. He seems unwilling to talk anymore. “Talk!” It’s too late now for you
to stop your threatening demeanor. “Hold on...” Morte sounds
surprised. “This berg must be an Anarchist. Heh. Posing as a zombie’s got to be
a first for those addled sods.” “Anarchist?” “That one faction that wastes their
time peeping on authority figures and looking for ways to tear down anything
that stinks of order or control, chief.” Morte snorts. “The Anarchists think
every berk across the planes’ll be free and happy to seek out their own ‘truth’
once the establishment is burned to the ground. They want to establish a new
order - no order at all.” “Interesting... the nature of this
mindset riddles with contradictions however, you know that?” You turn to look
at the zombie again. The zombie watches you both
fearfully. He is still silent... but something in his expression tells you
Morte’s guess was right on the mark. “The Anarchists, huh? Is that who
you’re watching this place for?” To your surprise, the zombie turns
away from you... he is starting to glance around fearfully. But you know that in
his disguise, he’s not pacing his way out of here through whoever it is that
are guarding this place. “Look at me! Hey! What have you
seen the Dustmen do?” You dress your tone with the assertiveness of an
authority figure. And it works. “Nuthin’. They do nuthin’. Can’t
find nuthin’. Dead, dead, just dead people, Duhstees do nuthin’.” His eyes
narrow in conviction. “Still I watch.” He’s not lying. And so far, you
came up with the same conclusion, too. “How do you come in and out of
here?” The zombie grunts. “Yu kin escape
through portalz.” He waves his hands. “Phoof.” You turn to Morte at the mention of
the word. “Which one?... I mean... where is
it?” The zombie waves around the area.
“They’re evereewheeer.” “show me!” He is silent for a moment, then
nods slightly, as if in understanding. “why shud i hulp yu?” “Because if you don’t, I’m getting
your little disguised a*s exposed.” He looks you up and down as if
wondering if he can take you on, stares at your scars, then decides against it.
“i wunt yu t’git me a key in return.” He seems hesitant with his negotiation. “the key to unlock the stairway
leading down?” Morte jumps in. “nah, the key of the embalming
room.” the zombie points to the chamber from where you just left. “The dusstie
chit hazzit.” He points at his eyes. “She haz yuhllo eyez...” He then makes a
motion with his hands that reminds you of a pair of cutting shears. “Bladezz on
fingerzz.” “I’ll be back with the key.” You
signal at him to stay put. The zombie squints at you. “If
yu’re cught, dun’t say nothin’ about me, or me gut yu in yur sleep.” “I’ll get your damned key... but
you had best watch your mouth.” The zombie’s pupils fixate slightly
out of panic. You get back to Ei-vene and she’s
still on duty with the corpse. She frowns in annoyance as you tap her for
attention. “Dum zomfies. You done. All stich
up. Go-go-go.” “Wait.” You make the motion of a
key turning with your hand. “I need the key to this room. Do you have?” She leans forward, looks at your
hand motions, then sniffs. Her hand darts into her robe, then emerges, a key
hanging from her wickedly sharp index finger. She flicks it into your hand.
“Bring back when done. Go-go.” She just wants you to leave her alone. You return to the zombie worker
‘821’ and he seems surprised since you came back so fast. “here’s the key.” The zombie’s eyes widen, and he
snatched the key from your hand. He turns it over, nodding all the while.
“Gud... gud.” He then turns back to you with a smirk. “Yu wunt out, go tuh arch
on firzzt fluur, nurthwezzt ruum... yuh need fungur-bone, shape of crook...” He
holds up his index finger and bends it into a crook. “When yuh have key, guh to
arch, jump ta sucret cryp and ken escape frum here. Secret escape route.” He
nods eagerly. “Yuh can REST there.” “an arch on the first floor...
northwest room... crooked finger bone...” You mumble as you note them down on
your journal parchments. “That woman Dhall told us about is
somewhere in these rooms in the northwest too, Morte.” You show the skull what
you wrote down on the parchment and he nods. You turn back to the man in
disguise. “The makeup is pretty impressive.” “Me gud at duh-guise. Me also gut
scars. Me wuhr lots of embalming fluid. Me make GUD zumbie.” The zombie giggles
through his stitched lips, then tap his head. “Duhstees stuh-pud.” “Yeah, *they’re* the stupid ones
all right.” Morte tries to sound sarcastic. But
the sarcasm is evidently lost on the zombie, who nods eagerly. “Stuh-pud
Duhstees. Me make GUD zumbie.” “Doesn’t that hurt?” You look at
his scars. He looks at your scars. “I ask yu
same question. Me, it not hurt much.” Clasps his chest. “Me TUFF.” “Alright. I’m leaving now. Let’s
go, Morte.” The zombie doesn’t seem to care. You leave the Anarchist to his
spying and head up to the floor above you. The long stairway leading up is now
slowly getting you out of the sluggish flume beneath your feet. The wall around
you is solid, it feels like parts of this structure are built into tough
minerals. The amount of solids in between works great as a pressure control
system, canceling noise from both - outside and between sectors, all the while minimizing
the airflow. As you slowly approach the sound of
stone slabs being moved around on mechanical tracks, you notice there’s something
hot up above. Whatever creature is radiating such heat is big and angry. It
also sounds like it breathes fire. “This is not the way out chief.” Morte
sounds like he’s been letting you go the wrong way the whole time and the skull
expects you to realize that on your own. “To get out of a building, you go
down. Not up.” … “Unless you want to do the Dusties
a favor by throwing yourself in the crematorium for them.” ‘Crematorium’ you think. It makes
sense to you now. You’re willing to meet the caretakers here and there should
also be more belongings for you to go over in the area where they get rid of
the corpses. “You can like… punch the door, you know.
Till it bends…” ... “...or maybe you just haven’t looked
hard enough. There could be a key like… under a gimmick rock you were standing
on when you were inspecting the lock.” ... “Or punch it AND kick it. That’ll
definitely break the door wide open…” Morte is bored. He doesn’t sound
like he is worried about what you might find in the crematorium. He JUST wants
to get out of the place as soon as possible. You arrive in a spacious room. it’s
flickering shades of ember. There are rolls of cabinets placed next to the
arcing walls. The intense heat introduces you to an entirely foreign range of
intensity that is nothing like the timeless realization of your lifeless skin
lying on stone slabs. So different that they almost feel like the same coat of
penetrating needles all over the receptors in your brain. Before heading for the cabinets,
you peek through the two doorways on both sides of the room that are placed
where the internal wall and the bigger outer wall intersect. In just under a
minute, you listed three other rooms just like the one you’re in located in four
corners of this enormous circle floor. The arc-around is much like the lower
floor but this one is a bit smaller. Makes sense since you’re heading up. Slabs
with corpses on them being casually inspected by robed men, six in total,
before being pushed into the mouth of the fire mechanical beast of a furnace
next to the room you’re currently in. The air roaring from the mouth of this
beast is incredible. Walking even a few steps into the beast’s mouth would
certainly cause your hair and flesh to burst into flame. Shambling around the place are more
zombie workers, they’re perfectly made for pushing these heavy blocks of stone
with corpses on them around. Skeletons holding big clubs patrol the place. They
won't do anything instinctual unless the caretakers assign them with tasks, it
seems. In the middle of the room is still
that endless hollow pit. It’s not continuing to grow upwards anymore though,
and the shape of the ceiling tells you that from the outside the top part of
the building looks like an onion. You open your journal and flip to
the last page. ‘a key’, it reminds you. For the stairway leading downwards that
is. You’re going through the cabinets in the first room now. The first thing that caught your eye
from the very start was a big leather pouch, which can be worn over your
shoulder. Inside of it, big leather pockets are meticulously sewn onto the
side. You can carry at least 20 kilos of stuff in it. You pull out from the
satchel of your loincloth the bandages, the needles, the threads, and the
scalpel, then put them into one of the compartments inside the pouch. You might
need them now for emergency but you should probably get rid of them when you’re
out of here. It’s not very charming carrying the smell of death. The triangle
ring goes in the compartment next to the first one, and for the collection of junk,
you bundle them up in the far side of the bag. They seem pretty useless to you right
now. Next to the pouch is a piece of
charcoal. Charred bone of some sort of creature it looks like, perhaps a finger
bone, or a talon. Various symbols have been scratched onto its surface… the
scratching is so faint you almost missed them. It’s clearly a charm. But you don’t
know how to activate it. You put it in the pouch, someone might find it
valuable. There’s nothing of use left as you look
through the rest of the cabinets, so you head out to the second room. That also
means you’re gonna get into the sight of the dustmen inspectors. You could try
to sneak up on one, knock him senseless and take the robe to disguise yourself,
but something tells you that the intimidation from the scars will get you less
questioned. The immense flame from the furnace would also work great as a distraction.
Barring the path to the next room are two zombies busying pushing their slabs. You
can’t help but giving them a quick inspection as you casually walk them past. The numbers ‘613’ are cut deeply
into this plodding corpse’s forehead, but an inch of shredded, leathery skin separates
the “1” and the “3”. Looking closely, you can barely make out a ‘2’ carved
there. The zombie follows your movement as you move along. The skin of this next female corpse
is heavily tattooed with intricate patterns. The skin of her brow has been
peeled back so that the number ‘1148’ could be chiseled into the skull beneath.
Her mouth has been sealed shut with thick, rough stitching. Both of the zombies don’t seem to
be bothered by your presence. As you’re about to enter the next
room, you were sure for a split second you met the gaze of a robed figure
across the floor. The distance must have made him a bit hesitant to raise any
alarm. Inside the next room, you meet with
two zombies and a skeleton standing in a small corner. Someone set them there
and they’re now waiting for their upcoming tasks. Next to the creatures are
some more cabinets. You approach to inspect the two zombies and the skeleton first
just in case. This animated skeleton smells
horrible, as if it had been only freshly stripped and prepared. Its jaw and
major joints are tightly bound with leather straps, the straps are woven around
the body in such a pattern that they resemble muscles and tendons, and a rough
smock has been thrown over it. Metal bolts punched into the skeleton’s joints
secure the wrapping. The number ‘1221’ has been chiseled into his forehead. This
skeleton looks like it has seen a great deal of service; many of its bones are
chipped and its numerous fractures are bound with sealant and foul-smelling
glues. You want to pry out the skeleton’s joint bolts. If the skeleton becomes
malfunction, it would be a funny prank. “whoa, chief. That’s vandalism. Those
bolts are probably the only thing holding that bag of bones together.
Necromancy only goes so far with these old fellas, y’know?” Morte doesn’t seem
to like the idea of pranking the dustmen. “so?” you’re not having a second thought. “oh… nothing.” Morte does a strange
bobbing motion, it looks like a shrug to you. “just wasn’t sure if you knew
that or not. By all mean, go head.” Then he wanders off. He’s not interested in
the animated workers and the skeletons must’ve made him feel rather awkward. ... “Hey, chief! you might want this.” Morte
is almost too excited and you kinda jumped since you were focusing on trying to
remove the bolts. The scalpel is too fragile for the job so you’ll need something
firm. Such object would also solve the locked-drawers issue. As you peer into the cabinet Morte
shouted at. You see a pry bar and it’s perfect. “I was going to look here next.”
Translates roughly into something along the line of: ‘nice find, skull.’ “You like it don’tchu.” Morte seems
proud of his development as the freshly recruited member of the party. You pick up the prybar. It feels
sturdy in your hands. You’re definitely seeing it forcing open doors, chests,
and even the occasional reluctant rib cage. It also makes a good bludgeoning
weapon when there’s no time for subtlety. Underneath the prybar, you spot a
scrap of dry parchment, some kind of request it seems. On it says: “Contact The
Necromancer responsible for raising contractual worker 42. I know he’s examined
the skeleton before, but I am certain the initial raising of the body was
warped. The worker still responds to commands, but when it has completed a task,
it resumes pacing in the same circular pattern as it did before. Dhall recently
informed me that worker 42 exhibited that same walking pattern when it was a
zombie decades ago. There may be a soul echo in the marrow or the skeleton’s
age may have caused the magic animating him to decay. One of the initiates
suggested it may be following an order issued by a higher-ranking dustman in
the past, but I have found no records of such an order. Whatever the reason for
its behavior, the matter is to be resolved or the worker replaced.” ‘42’ was the number written on the
forehead of that corpse you saw when you recall the memory of the motions of
Ei-vene’s taloned fingers. So it’s a skeleton now, according to the parchment,
and it must be nearby. There’s a container next to the
cabinet you found the prybar in and it’s locked. You gladly put your latest
tool to the test. This might be one of easier tasks for the prybar in your hand,
and you can’t wait for it to be challenged. Inside the container you just
bashed, 33 copper commons are found, along with two glistening blood drops. These droplets are hard and smooth
like pearls. It has a perfect candy bite size so you curiously pop one in your
mouth. The blood drop instantly dissolves and spreads through your bloodstream.
Something seems to be happening with the blood around the fresher wounds on your
body. You’re feeling as healthy as can be after what Ei-vene just did, so the
effects of the blood drop might seem mild. It should cause some interesting reactions
during combat or when you’re more injured, you think to yourself as you put the
other blood pearl into one of the compartments of the pouch. The prybar is
still in your hands and you’re going to pry out the bolts on the skeleton in
just a moment. Using your prybar, you rip the
bolts from the skeleton’s joints. The skeleton collapses, some of its bones
still twitching. “Sorry about that, bones…” On the ground now is a pile of
junks. You kick the bones to the side, pick up the leather strap and put it in your
sack. There’re also a big club and a number of rusty bolts that the skeleton
also drops. The bolts are too rusty for your liking and you’re still skeptical
about the utilization of blunt weapons. It’s also harder for you stay obscured
in the shadow with cumbrous items in your inventory. The zombies standing next to what
left of the skeleton you just vandalized don’t seem to be bothered by the
ruckus you just caused. The first one looks to be a
well-aged, even ancient, woman. Aside from the embalming fluid stink, the
stitches sealing her mouth, and the number ‘679’ stitched onto her right cheek,
it’s likely she looks only slightly different now than she did in her final
years. This next corpse’s head was clearly
severed at some point and hastily sewn back on. Several different sets of
stitching - all in various states of unraveling - seem to indicate that the
head is constantly being knock back off and reattached during the course of its
work. A number - ‘79’ - has been cut into its temple, circumscribed by a fang
circle that appears to have been branded on its forehead. The fang circle looks
like it was branded on the corpse’s forehead long ago, presumably before it
died. It might be a religious icon of some sort, or a rite of passage. You
notice that one of the recesses between the inner ‘fangs’ has a small triangle
within it, as if it has some special significance. “interesting… how did that mark get
there…” you pull out the sheet of parchment and draw a small square with the
fangs and the number ‘79’ in it. And that should be all for this
room. Blocking your path to the third
room is a shambling zombie. Down the middle there’s a dustman standing next to
a slab with a corpse on it. This figure is facing the huge hollow pit. It would
be unfortunate if he turns around as you walk him by. The reanimated corpse has had its
lips sewn together and the number ‘310’ carved into its brow; the smell of
formaldehyde permeates the area around it. It turns its lifeless eyes upon you
as you move to bar its path. This corpse seems nothing of use,
so you make your walk as casual as possible to the next stop so that if you’re spotted,
at least you’re not trying to sneak around suspiciously. Next to the doorway, outside the
third room on the right you notice a small self, and there’s a big key on it. You
peek into the room to check if there’s anyone inside and indeed there were
none, so you swiftly hop over to grab the key on the shelf. This key is heavy.
It’s a strange fusion of bone and an unidentifiable blood-red metal. The jagged
c-shaped head looks like it’s ready to clamp down on whoever holds it. The size
of the key fits the locks of the two unbreakable metal gates earlier. This third room is identical to the
first one. There’re cabinets along the arced walls and a spiral stairway that
leads you down. You’re descending downwards to see where the stairway leads to first.
The stairs go just as deep as the one on the other side, and it’s blocked by a
stone wall with a big keyhole in the middle. You fit the hole with the heavy
key you just took from the shelf, and the wall lowers to the ground. You’re
welcome to the familiar smell and sight of the chamber you woke up in. You must’ve
missed the stone wall because the main intention of the person who designed the
door is for it to be a secret passage of sort. There’re plenty more cabinets up
in the crematorium so you’re heading back up to finish your looting crave. Morte
shakes his head in defeat. As you got back to the crematorium,
a dustman was also entering the room at the same time. He sees you but Morte is
still not exposed yet. Morte notices your sudden haul, he knows that you see something
alerting and *that* something sees you too. Morte has never been more ready to
tear through the air at the speed you wouldn’t be able to imagine a floating
skull could reach. He awaits your reaction. © 2024 Tommy Bukowski
Added on August 25, 2024 Last Updated on August 25, 2024 Tags: dark, fantasy, fiction, fanfiction, death, reborn, mystery, pain, planescape, atmospheric, ambient Author