I am the leviathan�"
devouring my peace,
I am the god and satan,
where one creates,
the other destroys,
like a contradiction�"
something I cannot grip,
a weight I cannot hold.
Is it a he? Is it she?
Or is it the collision�"
the push and pull,
the break of one against the other,
tearing apart the seams of self?
Is it all a riddle
we were trained to solve in difference,
as if the question demands
only one answer?
I crave the fluidity,
the flow between realms�"
but I am torn,
torn between these sharp edges,
between light and dark,
truth and lie,
hope and despair.
I wish we were taught�"
taught that god is satan,
that in the same breath,
we could be both
light and dark,
both creator and destroyer.
To crave multitudes,
to breathe in every shade�"
is to live with freedom.
A freedom that is never whole,
but infinite,
and ever changing.