It’s interesting seeing what paths people are taking in their lives. Watching the imaginary red carpet zoom down in front of them and watch them zip away.
Some of them are prancing; others crawling; some even sobbing down the aisle.
As I grow older I take notice how many people have walked in and out of my life. I like to think how many people I will meet in a life time; I wish I can keep count.
People are like stars; too many to count and you ultimately lose track.
My friends are all getting married and moving away, others are joining religious spiritual groups and dedicating their life to that, some are moving out of the country, and others are simply standing next to me watching the fruits from our tree being plucked away.
One day will that be us?
Will that be me?
Will I be gone one day too? Zipping down the red carpet?
Will I be sobbing? Laughing? Meditating? Will I be consciously aware that the red carpet is under my feet?
Or perhaps the red carpet has already consumed me and I’ve been walking on it for a long while now.