A liar
A sinner
A pure dove
A angel in the mist of devils
She sat there silently holding her ground
In all her travels her angels never left her side
Her angels always kept her safe
Her angels, her loves
They laughed with her when she was happy
They smiled when she smiled
They cried when she cried
When she went mad they went mad
Their cries could be heard in the storms
The storms that pounded down on this sickening earth
The crows cried louder each time they cried with her
They cried for her and with her
She was a light that had been dimmed
Her wings so fragile yet strong
Helped her escape their taunts, mockery, lies, and hurtful misunderstandings
Children points at her, “Mommy that's an angel.”
In her cocoon she went
Bearing the winds and rains
Healing from them that tormented her
She endured the scorching of the sun
Slowly she emerges from the shell around her
For years she wanted those she loved to see her
To see the real her
She sat there while they moved about
Thinking they were going somewhere on their rat wheel
She sat there and watched them
As they lied on her
Made fun of her
Thought they were better than her
She sat there and did as she was told
She watched them, She observed them
Now she slowly emerges from her cocoon of silver and myrrh
She slowly shows herself
They stand in awe
Here she comes...
She's been waiting
She is slowly being set free
Watch her as she runs
With the wind her hair
The sun on her skin
Her bones are strong
She is coming into this world
They are not ready
For the fire she is sent to scorch up the defects