![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by TheartofSilence “Listen,
I don’t need your s**t. I’ve got plenty of my own, so skedaddle!” she almost
yelled at him, glaring so intensely that it seemed she would probably be
popping something soon. He didn’t bother to even reply, maybe even listen, and
continued pulling out the chair next to her.
“Must make it quite awkward in the bathroom then. No wonder you spend
such a long time in there.” Oh, my god,
she thought, I’M GOING TO KILL THIS GUY!
She chose instead to ignore that little comment, focusing her attention
instead on the door, which she wished she could kick his damn a*s out. Bad idea, it turned out, when the
newlyweds stepped in. The world couldn’t seem to spare her of anything.
She smiled slightly at how happy he looked…holding the hand of his
spouse, who could have been her, but
wasn’t. It was the girl who decided to ruin her life the moment she laid eyes
on her, Jeanie Parker. Beautiful, blonde,
curvy, blonde, blue-eyed, blonde, and with a perfect head of hair.
Fran looked at her with distaste, even to the end Jeanie had to make her
miserable. Fran had cried enough after Jake, Jeanie’s newfound husband, had
told her that he wanted to break up with her. She cried even more when Jeanie called a few days later
declaring her marriage to Jake and that Fran was invited to their wedding. Of
course, Jeanie apologized and asked if Fran was still bitter about the new
coupling…in a voice that made it seemed like she couldn’t care less, which she
couldn’t. Fran, after hearing this couldn’t stop herself from telling Jeanie
how very much it didn’t bother her and that she would see
her at the wedding. She never thought it would be this hard.
She averted her gaze to the cloth of the large round table she was
seated at, fiddling with the neatly folded napkin. “The people who folded those
wouldn’t take it kindly to see you messing up their work,” a voice to her right
spoke up. She turned her head towards him, glare already intact and menacing.
“What are you even doing here, Alex?” her eyes narrowed further, if that
was possible, “Seeing as how Jeanie was originally your fiance, I don’t really see why you would come.”
His eyes hardened at her and he had to hold himself from grinding his
teeth as he spat out, “I could say the same to you. My brother left you for her, what the hell are you doing here?”
She silenced at that, staring down at her lap. She’d worn her finest
dress for the evening, partly to show that she wasn’t at all affected still
by Jake’s betrayal and partly because she didn’t really have anything finer.
She picked out her black cocktail dress, loving how it hugged her slender body
and ruined the color arrangement to no abandon. She noticed that Alex decided
to do the same thing, wearing a black tux in a crowd of white. She looked at
him with approval before turning her gaze back to her lap and muttering,
He spared her a glance, feeling quite a large amount of sympathy from
how piteous she looked. Afterall, if he didn’t show it, he felt very similar to
how she looked. Looking more closely he could see that she chose to wear black
also, smiling, he told her, “It’s fine.”
She straightened and looked right into his eyes as she argued, “No. No,
it isn’t. I was harsh.”
He cracked a smile, “Was I any better?” she didn’t respond, but smiled
in answer. “Looking at them makes me sick.”
She nodded in agreement. Getting through the exchanging of vows was hard
enough, now she had to sit through(literally) Jake trying to drag off Jeanie’s garter
with his teeth. One day, she would
make Jeanie regret all the things that she did to her, she told herself. One
day, she’ll make Jake regret choosing Jeanie
instead of her, she told herself
also. Today was sadly not any of those days.
Halfway through the sickening show of seeing Jake’s head buried under
Jeanie’s enormous dress(you already have one
wedding cake, you don’t need another…) Alex stood up, taking Fran with him
as he excused himself. Fran was glad, she couldn’t stand the way that Jeanie
looked at her as Jake continually failed at finding the garter. No kidding, she thought, who would with that huge dress of her’s.
But Jeanie made it all the worse by smiling tauntingly at Fran and once even
licking her lips and laughing as she looked at the remaining part of Jake that wasn’t swallowed by her dress. Damn her, damn her to hell, she thought.
“You shouldn’t be cursing, we’re in a church,” Alex casually said as he
pulled her around the corner, not noticing that she didn’t mean for it to have
left her mind and out her mouth.
For a moment, she was startled to silence, then her cheeks grew hot and
she muttered, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he drawled out, “I would be saying the same thing if I
didn’t still have feelings for her. Jake’s another matter, but I can’t curse
him out or hit him unless I want mom to say that I’m the black sheep of the family.”
She smiled a little at the thought of Alex, a rebel all his life, to be
reprimanded by his mother. He was all
ripling muscle and bad-a*s, but Mama Wendall was a force to behold. She liked
Fran enough, but Fran was still frightened of the old woman’s might. More than once had Jake cowered
in front of his mother as she complained about how she was getting old and didn’t even
have grandkids yet. Not to mention her rant on how he could at least visit
now and then before she died, but when he said he would she snapped, “I couldn’t care less about you, bring
Franchessca here next time with a ring on her hand and I’ll be happy.” God
did that woman scare her, but she was very loyal and quite a nice person to
chat with over tea. Fran laughed when she heard that the woman had not taken
well to hearing Jeanie was her new daughter-in-law. In fact, she had frowned at
Jeanie before looking down her nose at her and saying dryly, “You chose this over Franchessca?”
Fran was snapped out of her reverie as Alex dove into a room, pulling
her in after him. Gasping, she almost fell to her feet if it weren’t for Alex
catching her in his arms. “You okay there?” he asked, amusement lacing his
voice as he looked down at her. However, he caught himself staring at her face,
she really was quite a beauty with her long dark hair and
light blue eyes. He was suddenly filled with the desire to trace the curve of
her lips. But before he could process why
he would want to, she jerked away from him.
She felt like her face couldn’t get any hotter than it was right now.
She turned away and silently freaked out. She found it very disconcerting how warm and comfortable it felt in the circle
of those big muscled arms. Like being
hugged by a big teddy bear, she mused. The silence stayed for a while
before Alex awkwardly said, “Sorry for dragging you here.”
She turned around, smile in place when she saw how ridiculous he would
have been as a teddy bear. “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
He smiled back, “Ah, but you’re grateful aren’t you? The sight of those
two were going to make me barf up whatever the hell I ate during the
She lifted an eyebrow, “When did you get so considerate as to take me
with you? If you do decide to
upchuck, though, not on the shoes…or the dress. God knows that I don’t have
anything else as fancy.”
He chuckled, “You know me, I look all big and tough but inside I’m
really a big teddy bear.” At this she started laughing uncontrollably. Laughing
so hard at one point that she had to hold her stomach and stop tears from
rolling down her cheeks. He stood by, watching with uncontained amusement.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, sounding rather indignant.
“Nothing,” she choked out. “Nothing at all.” She couldn’t stop, not when
she kept picturing him as a big furry teddy bear.
He held his ground, “It must
be something! You’re close to tears!”
“No,” she straightened, willing herself to stop, “It’s nothing.”
He didn’t for a second believe her. Closing the space between them, he
held her by the shoulders with a solemn look. “I swear that I will tickle you if you don’t spit it
She stilled. “You wouldn’t dare,” she breathed.
“Try me,” he told her before his hands left her shoulders and started
tickling her stomach. He loved the way she squirmed and weazed as he brushed
his fingers stategically against her stomach. After a while, he thought of
stopping. He was getting distracted about how flat her stomach was and would have
sworn she would never tell. It was a lost cause, he told himself, but then she
screamed, “I’ll tell you!”
He immediately stopped, arms plastering to his sides as he willed
himself to not pull her against him to see exactly how flat her stomach was. “Well, don’t let me stop you.”
She gave herself a moment to catch her breath before she confessed, her
cheeks a flaming red. “I…uh…I compared you to a teddy bear,” she spoke, too
fast for him to really catch what she was saying.
“Wait, say that again. I didn’t really catch it,” he said, leaning
closer. She glared at him, but relented and breathed before murmuring, “I
compared you to a teddy bear.”
He lifted an eyebrow, her blushing state was entirely too endearing for him.
She couldn’t stop herself from ranting, even when her cheeks lighted
themselves even more afire. “It’s just that when you caught me…it felt so warm.
And comfy! And you are big! Big and
cuddly. Then you even called yourself
a teddy bear! So I…I…you know,” she was at a lost for words, so embarrassed
that all she could was cover her face with her hands and slump over defeatedly.
He thought it was all too amusing, and endearing. Infact, everything
about her seemed endearing to him. “What are you doing?” he chuckled, taking in
her defeated form.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she wailed, but the wail was muffled from between
her fingers.
He groaned in frustration. Taking her wrists, he dragged them from her
face, “Say it again. I didn’t hear"“
“You,” he breathed, stunned by the sight before him. Her whole face was
flushed pink, her eyes slightly watery, and she had been doing something with her lips because they
were slightly red and swollen. It was too much of a distraction for him.
Slowly, he leaned forward, taking forever
to get to her lips. Or so it seemed to her.
She was shocked still, but gived in as soon as his mouth pressed against
hers. She kissed him back and as soon as his tongue gently ran over her lower
lip, her own tongue darted out to meet his. He groaned and her heart went
berserk. When he let go of her hands, she shoved them into his dark hair,
eliciting another groan from the man. She smiled inside as he wrapped his
strong arms around her and kissed her even more deeply, their tongues raging
against each other. The both of them were so immersed in
their intimate transaction, that when the door opened, they didn’t notice it at
all. Not until they heard a shrill voice screaming bloody murder. © 2012 TheartofSilence |
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