God made his judgment,
yet I did not bow.
He knew that I would not repent
A pact of hatred, I had made my vow.
He tried to get us to heed to them
Yet we were created first.
My eyes turned to black gems
As God became my curse.
I rallied angels against His almighty Word.
I only chose the best, as I knew that I would lead the herd
One-Hundred and Thirty-Three million came along with me
And the battle took many angels, bodies as far as you could see.
In the end, we were thrown out
We took our last stand
I had grown to hate as much as I was devout.
As I was ejected into Hell, I made my plan.
I went down to the deepest layer,
where I was in control
Here, only evil stays,
Nothing survives the cold.
Locked in here, I unleashed the number six.
And when I rise once again,
Your God will be buried underneath my tricks.