

A Poem by Falling Leaf.

Bi-lingual, but translation included.

Droplets drum on her skin
Lei immagina una tempesta di baci (She imagines a storm of kisses)

Wind glides around her hips
Si sente una dolce carezza (She feels a gentle caress)

The bellowing thunder rattles her core
Ma tutto quello che sente é voce tonante de un uomo (But all she hears is a man's booming voice)

Slivers of lightning shatter the sky
Lei li vede come la scintilla nei suoi occhi (She sees them as the sparkles in his eyes)

The storm-saturated air smells of him
L'uomo nato da anni di solitudine (The man born from years of loneliness)

She hopes that it will flood
Significa il suo amore versando in lei (It signifies his love pouring into her)

Tiny ribbons of water trail down her body
Come polpastrelli morbidi che esplorano un territorio incontaminato (Like soft fignertips exploring an untouched territory)

Beneath the thunderheads she doesn't feel so alone
Proteggono lei come le braccia farebbe (They protect her like his arms would)

The downpour hugs her tighter than any past heartbreak could
Perché solo l'immaginazione puó dare un  liete fine (Because only the immagination can give you a happy ending)

When the sun comes out she'll kiss him goodbye
E lei si prepare ad amarlo nei suoi sogni (And prepare to love him in her dreams)

                                                                    Because although her heart's battered beyond repair
                                                                                Lei sa meglio di lasciare che l'amore muore        
                                                                                       (She knows better than to let love die) 

© 2015 Falling Leaf.

Author's Note

Falling Leaf.
If you speak the language, let me know any mistakes. Please leave all feedback.

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Very good! I enjoyed reading very much!

Posted 8 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i love the idea of all the aspects of a thunderstorm being the male lover ... i think i would choose a different word than bellowing and booming in the third verse .. it seems to aggressive and insensitive for a lover .. maybe crashing thunder and his heated power ... but thats just me ;) and maybe the translation to English doesn't do justice .. i especially like the 5th verse ... that smell as the man's loneliness ...
your last three verse are show stoppers for me!
"... her heart's battered beyond repair
She knows better than to let love die" ... such passionate tension and she chooses to dwell on the side of unfailing hope in love ... great stuff ... again ... fantastic idea and your personifications make me wish i had thought of them .. enjoyed reading ... nice job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

A woman most love nature and so she becomes. Wonderful poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Good write. But I can't say much about it since the second line is in other language. But some how I can feel Its presence of these words

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very nice. I have many poetry books in original language and English. I like to see the two side by side. I liked the flow of words and thoughts. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

What language is that if I might ask? Your poems are always such a treat to read because they are so well crafted and thought out. Complete with beautiful imagery as always.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Beautiful English lines. I can't comment on the Italian phrases.

NOTES: For the visual presentation, I recommend you place the translations on a line below the Italian. Maybe set the Italian lines out even more in another color.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and b-blessed!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Cool, beautiful, and very creative! Well done :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I can't help with the language but this is beautiful, the rain and the romance mix so well to form a lovely poem of sheer bliss, just such wonderful writing Falling Leaf :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 16, 2015
Last Updated on February 16, 2015


Falling Leaf.
Falling Leaf.

In the Woods, IA

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