Alice In Wonderland - one of my favorite storys so i decided to write a poem.
I wait. And watch. For that old white rabbit, with the golden pocket watch. What i would give, just to hear him cry. "IM LATE." "IM LATE" One last time. But, as hours pass. And snow covers grass. I realise, once again. He wont be coming. I guess its ironic, how he's years too late. Even though, he is constantly running. "IM LATE." "IM LATE." Well yes, White rabbit. You are. Once again. Late. How can you forget the time. When its right THERE! Hanging around your, white fluffy neck. Oh white rabbit. Why do i still hope? My own time is running out. I can no longer keep re-windinding this old broken clock. Cant you once, just forget about them. That crazy Mad hatter, and that Cheshire cats grin. Take me back to wonderland. Just one last time. White rabbit. I beg. Before my own eyes, have no more tears To shed. Oh White rabbit. My White Rabbit Will i ever live... to see you again?
I remember well reading the story. You characterized the speaker appropriately for the poem with similar quirks and desires. I recall reading parts that were left out of the story in a magazine once which inspired me to re-read the story again. It is a great one.
This is absolutely the best poem I have read on Alice in Wonderland; I mean, how amazing is that story?? My ultimate favourite. I loved the little trip you took me on... it was magical!
Posted 11 Years Ago
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11 Years Ago
Thankyou, and i totally agree what a classic story! i havent seen a poem based on it yet so i though.. read moreThankyou, and i totally agree what a classic story! i havent seen a poem based on it yet so i thought it would be interesting to have a go.
The magical, nigh hallucinogenic trip to Wonderland; excellent fuel for a poem. Once ridden, though, the phantasmagorical ride loses some of its lustre, the luminescent spark dimming with repetition. No matter how much we love something, there is no way to perfectly recapture that initial bliss, that virgin innocence of the unexpected, unpredictable joy filling our hearts. We are always LATE to the party, after our first introduction. Fantastic poem :)
Hi :)
My name is daisy, I'm now 19 years old but I started this profile when I was 15. Studying my second year of Animation at NUA 👌🏻 This has been a great way to watch my writing pr.. more..